Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Maxine Cartoon On Men

Wikileaks: oops, embarrassing - part three: Iran, Italy, etc..

Rinaldo Francesca

( here the first part )

( here the second part )

A break in the course of our thoughts at this point is mandatory: no, will not pass easily if we continue to the vague and whistling as if nothing had happened, ignoring this "eeedizione straordinariaaa" that hit the western media over the past two days.
Yes, Julian Assange has struck again: Wikileaks has downloaded tons of additional blow to the world and rumors in the form of cable communications by hundreds of U.S. embassies in many countries through their usual network called SIPRNet: communications, seen as a large mosaic, give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat kind of report card the oligarchy U.S. in recent years has been writing about homegrown oligarchs, bla-bla-bla, and many other things that you already know.
You will know also that, since about 250,000 documents, however great the Our love for you and the irrepressible desire to share much information with you (waiting to be reciprocated from time to time), it is our intention for the time to read every single document on the hunt for a scoop - an activity that a rate of one hundred documents a day, we would keep you busy for the next seven years. Let's say that you love until that point.
What follows is thus a partial and distorted summary.
These documents were delivered weeks ago to various publications here and there in Europe, to give time for publishers to publish and easy to read because they considered it appropriate to inform their readers: The New York Times, The Guardian, Der Spiegel, Le Monde e El Paìs hanno così avuto l'anteprima (no, dài: sul serio pensavate che un "quotidiano" italiano sarebbe stato preso in considerazione? Naaaaaaa; vabeh, adesso basta piagnucolare, via!), e in data lunedì, 29 novembre 2010, i suddetti giornali hanno simultaneamente riempito le loro pagine delle ultime assangeries (neologismo da noi coniato: sentitevi liberi di usarlo, non crediamo alla filosofia del copyright): il tutto è avvenuto a orologeria, come in una magnifica coreografia con Esther Williams – e se questa non è una mossa dal sapore "oligarchico", allora non ne abbiamo mai vista una.
Sia come sia, l'italico ministro degli affari esteri, nonché vanto nazionale, Frattini Franco did not want to waste time to inform us that "September 11 is the of diplomacy." [1]
Of course it is, Frattini, my joy.
I'll tell you more about this: since the term "fascist state" appears in a document published by Le Monde Wikileaks, a term made a year ago by Jean-David Levitte diplomacy against Iran, [2] the connection with the September 11 is even more remarkable for how many people know that this same term was used by illustrious predecessors, such as the incomparable pair Nixon-Kissinger - in reference to Chile's Salvador Allende - way back in 1971. [3]
Then, you know, one thing leads to, and when the words, it was decided to switch to the facts, Salvador Allende was removed in a coup weblog CIA - precisely - September 11, '73. And if the
Frattini had more reason than they believe?
But we believe that the pearls are very different from the common people to give away MAESTRO (where MAE is the Minister for Foreign Affairs, and STRO stands for ... what you prefer) in those statements in Il Giornale. Hear, hear:
"[It is] an attack against the United States [and then] we must do everything possible to help our American friends and, more generally, to protect international diplomacy," Frattini recommended - never one to pull back when it comes to those who snaps to attention with more rapidly every time the friendly hosts in a whistle blow.
And who could blame him? In one of the documents posted on Wikileaks Guardian ours is even nominated for-so-nal-men-te! [4]
This document tells of a meeting with Secretary of Defense Robert Gates in February this year, which seems also participated in our Frattini - azzardatevi not imagine it with her hands gathered, gasping , I know, with his tongue hanging out and enthusiastic barking from time to time: it is still an honorable one. Frattini was lavish in this meeting to show our obedience to the mandate, just as we had was ordered to years [5], to slaughter other Afghan young Italians - embeh? So are all children of the people who Frattini will never meet, no? Go well.
Then Gates turned to Frattini, reminding him that you had to be particularly tuned with Iran still fiendishly committed to sabotage the efforts ISAF sacrosanct.
Somebody help us - peramordiddìo - from head to drive away the image of a Frattini, prone on her white couch, legs upward in his room plastered with posters, confided to his diary: "Today the Secretary of Defense me spoken: and it was not even such things as-a-nest-sitting da'-the-leg ... or a no-no-no, serious stuff, you know? You should see me, dear diary, I've made a great impression, in the midst of all these gentlemen important ... "
Sorry, but you lose the thread here ...
short, as a partial and distorted in any self-respecting summary, should start from our assangeries favorites. is a quote from the Guardian : "Taken together, the directives [diplomatic] provide a vivid snapshot of the American perception of how external threats are intricately connected to make your head spin. Paraguayan drug traffickers were suspected of supporting Hezbollah and al-Qaida, while the Latin American cocaine lords were connected to criminal networks in the African desert state Western, which were in turn linked to Islamic terrorists in the Middle East and Asia. "[6]
How-how? Ommioddío, but then the U.S. oligarchs do not really have never stopped believing in the fairy tale of paranoid Claire Sterling, distilled in this book called The Terror Network - 1981.
As already written in these pages [7], "this book, basically a novel loosely based on real facts, trying desperately to prove that behind every terrorist attack in previous years, regardless of place and the perpetrator - the PLO, ETA, IRA, RAF, BR, etc. - Had identified the hidden hand of the USSR. "
Thirty years later, with the defunct Soviet Union, the network of terror - it seems - is still alive and is in excellent health.
Moreover, it is said that the Latins? Omnia Munda mundis ? Or, to paraphrase, omnes octopis Octopi? In short, cut short: we tend to see our fellow humans everywhere, even where there are none. If you are a terrorist network yourself, you'll find anywhere Terror Networks. There, without being pretentious!
Another gem? Well, since you insist ... Leaving aside that
dettagliuccio that has emerged, according to which the State Department, under the leadership of Hillary Clinton, have seen fit to keep UN diplomats under surveillance, following the directive known as NHCD (National HUMINT Collection Directive) and including in dossieraggio data as biometric information, phone numbers, credit card transactions, emails, travel, names of family members, etc etc ( which is absolutely not an action to "fascist state", Ah, no and no! sognatevi not even think in these terms), well, negligible in this particular part, what we have found particularly amusing was the character surprise of anxious people who repeat incessantly: "Bomb Iran! Bomb Iran !"....
Israel, you say? Mannooo, it was called "character surprise! In this case
Saudi Arabia [8] to warn against the "fascist state" of Iran. Wise advice, especially when you consider that they come from a country where s prefers to allow the 15 girls burn lives rather than allowing them to escape by a great fire without the headscarf, [9], where there is a risk 5 years in prison and a fine up to $ 800,000 if you criticize the authorities on a blog [10], and where a woman who is raped by a group of men could be sentenced to 200 lashes if judges were to decide that if had gone to the search. [11] Last
pearl? All right.
Finally I had to make a further 'corner Italia", stavolta non necessariamente sul tono gioviale ed entusiastico che contraddistingue le dichiarazioni dei nostri politici quando i loro padroni si ricordano di loro... o perlomeno, non così smaccatamente.
Marco Travaglio, ad esempio, facendo una delle cose che gli riescono meglio, riporta quanto si dice sulle assangeries riguardo a (indovinate un po') Silvio Berlusconi: "Berlusconi è visto come una macchietta, come un pagliaccio, come un personaggio ridicolo a livello internazionale e pericoloso a livello nazionale, la N. 2 dell’ambasciata americana, stiamo parlando di una signora che è stata per 4 anni di fatto la vice ambasciatrice lo definisce inetto, incapace di governare, inadatto to govern, vain, and addicted to these wild parties then steal time to rest and then during the day is a kind of punch-drunk boxers. "[12]
So far nothing new. This becomes more intriguing when Labor continues with: "In any case Hilary Clinton was right to require information on private matters which are suspected to exist between Putin and Berlusconi and I think between Berlusconi and Gaddafi.
Mmm ... more Travaglio, you have our attention.
Affairs and private however, vulnerabilities arising from the fact that Italy's Berlusconi has practically handed the tap of our energy supplies in both countries like Russia and Libya, which exposes Italy of course to any kind of [ sic] of retaliation and revenge, forcing Italy to be the servant of the Libyans and the Russians. "
You see, the rest of us - ignorant people who are nothing - we have always seen this look to the east and the Mediterranean for supplies Italy's energy as a desire to break the umbilical cord with the hegemony of the IT-Shell-Total, etc etc ...
Only with years of study and reasoning superfine can come to understand that this is actually to transform ' Italy in a "servant of the Libyans and the Russians," and that only by returning to the fold the country regain its independence and sovereignty.
Capito, children?
Okay, the huge closed parenthesis.

( here the fourth part )

[1] Wikileaks, Frattini: "E 'on 11 September of diplomacy" I am in Rome: "We assess whether there are extremes of a crime" , Il Giornale, November 29, 2010, published here:
http://www.ilgiornale.it/esteri/wikileaks_frattini_e_l11_settembre_diplomazia_i_pm_roma_valutiamo_se_ci_sono_estremi_reato/usa-politica-berlusconi-wikileaks-reato-file-11_settembre-procura/28-11-2010/articolo-id=490127 page = comments-0-1 =
[2] La Diplomatie française vue de Washington , Le Monde, 29 November 2010, available at:
http://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2010/ 11/29/paris-vu-de-washington_1446127_3210.html
[3] Peter Kornbluh: The unedited tapes of Nixon on Chile and Allende: the language of empire , reperibile your:
http://pcperuano.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article & id = 1445: petter-Kornbluh & catid = 3 & Itemid = 28 international
A versione in italiano if trova qui:
http://www.comedonchisciotte.org/site/modules.php?name=News&file = article & sid = 7422
[4] U.S. embassy cables: Gates Warns of war , The Guardian, 29 novembre 2010, pubblicato su:
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/us- embassy-cables-documents/248624
[5] See for example: Should Europe do more in Afghanistan, January 22, 2008, available at:
http://www.ambwindhoek.esteri.it/NR/rdonlyres/587D7B0C-2284-47B6-AF79-734533E4E27D / 26463/interview_bonanni_de_hoop_scheffer.pdf
can not do it for the moment to find the original, which appeared in the Republic.
[6] Robert Booth and Julian Borger: U.S. Diplomats spit on a leadership , November 28, 2010, available at:
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/nov/28/us- embassy-cables-a-spying
[7] See http://ap0ti.blogspot.com/2010/05/perche-le-correzioni-non-funzionano.html
[8] and Ian Black Simon Tisdall: Saudi Arabia Urges U.S. attack on Iran to stop nuclear program , The Guardian, 28 November 2010, available at:
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/nov/28/us -embassy-cables-iran-Saudis
[9] Saudi police 'stopped' fire rescue, available at:
[10] Saudi Arabia: Travel ban Against blogger for criticising Mr Raif Badawi religious police, posted at:
[11] Richard Pendlebury: My harrowing story, by the Teenage Girl Who Was Sentenced to 200 lashes after Being Raped in gang Saudi Arabia , The Daily Mail, 30 novembre 2007, disponibile su:
[12] Intervento reperibile qui:

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bloons On Ipod Pack 3 Level 48

All part of a large family

di Rinaldo Francesca

Questi sono giorni emozionanti amici, giorni carichi di dio-solo-sa quali strabilianti sorprese per infondere nuova linfa vitale allo spirito della nazione: si pensi solo che la prossima tappa del casting per l'Isola dei Famosi è dietro l'angolo [1] - a thrill it goes through the body - not to mention impatience lust (you can write "lust" on the internet?) Shakes us deep inside, the thought of an entire landfill of new fiction that as a wonderful and bubbly cloaca, is preparing to pour into Italian homes, through our God TV, in the coming season [2]. With all this to do, honestly, Àp0ti has some time to deal with trifles: There is, however - given that the shocks to the course of history are always in groups of three - to add a third epochal revelation, from one week to this part, runs with no chalance half from another media: step forward then, and hear-hear, because it would appear that the CIA - so tell the pages of The New York Times [3] - has knowingly and repeatedly gave refuge to Nazi war criminals in the United States, protecting and making use of their professional collaboration in the last half century. Both the depth
following to be considered dedicated to all those whose shocked reaction to the news was more or less something like: "Embee '?"
Let us explain it. We agree: The New York Times, with this news-bomb, looks sadly at a hypothetical character - eye ball and breath in the throat - dovessse reveal to the world to have proof that the Holy See would occasionally given to some Catholic Vatican citizenship. From time to time.
There is no doubt. But this is not the point.
We turn to you, American family that owns the New York Times : In the Name of the Father, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, the son, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr., and majority shareholders of Golden, Cohen, Dryfoos, and Adler [4] is So it's time - to use a hackneyed yet apt metaphor - to pull the skeletons out of the closet? Everyone, absolutely everyone?
No, because, you know, Family Full of Grace, is not this morning that the US-Nazi connection has been unmasked da fior di studiosi e reporter investigativi, e non solo la connection che collega la squadra del Fuhrer al “mondo” delle istituzioni governative americane (vedi CIA), ma soprattutto quella che unisce il Partito Nazionalsocialista al “mondo” industriale e finanziario USA (sì, inizialmente avevamo anche noi difficoltà a distinguere uno dei suddetti “mondi” dall'altro; ma nulla che non possa essere superato con una sana dose di pratica su quel giochino Individuate le Sette Differenze tra Queste Due Immagini , disponibile con la Settimana Enigmistica).
Per esempio, Sacra Famiglia, fa sempre bene ricordare per l'ennesima volta l'Operazione Paperclip che l'OSS – progenitrice CIA - he set up in 1945 to allow the escape of certain scientists of the Third Reich through network intelligence (known as ratlines), but have already talked about this stuff canines and pigs - with all due respect - and in the literature that was not even the everything related to the theme. To say, Eric Schlosser in Fast Food Nation [5] tells us, for example, the famous prof. Wernher von Braun who, after a successful career in the German army as a scientist in the missile program (business development, in the concentration camp at Dora-Nordhausen, where 20,000 prisoners worked to death) was able, thanks to the rescue of the U.S. armed forces, continue undisturbed his work in the U.S.; or Heinz Haber, who experimented on humans to study the effects of pressure at high altitude on behalf of the Luftwaffe as in the case of von Braun, the prisoners of the Dachau concentration camp, used for these experiments were routinely killed and dissected . Haber also naturally continued his career in the U.S., with the blessing of the OSS (incidentally, both of these jokers, von Braun & Haber, worked at one point for Walt Disney, on a project called Tomorrowland, based at Disneyland : penfenuti vine leaves in the laboratory of Heinz und Wernher uncles! ). It's also good to talk
, as does the NY Times article on your , the case of Albrecht Alfred Otto von Bolschwing that, right arm of Adolf Eichmann in the '30s, became a CIA agent in Austria [6].
And these new, latest revelations do not seem to make exceptions in their predictability: this time it comes to other Nazis in which the Agency guaranteed impunity and protection. The only new thing, as far as we read in the Times, Sulzberger, is that today there is greater certainty as to their identity and their past had always been the proverbial secret.
Like, duh! As they say
learnedly on your side.
not get us wrong, it all goes well, love the Holy Family, and congratulations on the publication dello “ scottante dossier ” [7] che, per dirla con le parole apparse su La Stampa “rischia di trasformarsi in una patata bollente per il presidente Barack Obama” [8].
Tuttavia, e qui arriviamo al punto, se è veramente arrivato il momento di sfrattare gli scheletri dall'armadio, non sarebbe forse il caso di cominciare da altre, più antiche rivelazioni, che da anni continuano risolutamente a non apparire sul Vostro illustre giornale, e che potrebbero rivelarsi “una patata bollente” per ben altri ex-presidenti – famiglie comprese?
Toh, tanto per fare un esempio, già sei anni orsono il giornalista americano John Buchanan discovered, after exhausting the immense research in the National Archives and Library of Congress that the U.S. financial Brown Brothers Harriman and Union Banking Corporation, before and during World War II, took care of the economic interests of German industrial magnates who, through their funding, had contributed to the rise of the Nazi party in power and still ensure the development of its war machine. A name seems to stand out among all: the steel industrialist Fritz Thyssen, the first Nazi now. So we can say that BBH and UBC were in fact agency for money laundering Nazi? Or is it rude? In short, there must be a reason why the FBI was put under sequestro queste compagnie nel '42, con l'accusa di fare affari con il nemico? Che cosa raccontiamo ai nostri àpoti lettori, Sacra Famiglia?
Beh, se dovessimo solo basarci su quanto appare sul Vostro illustre giornale, non diremmo proprio nulla, visto che nulla di questa storia sembra essere apparso sulle Vostre pagine. A meno che, naturalmente, siamo noi così pasticcioni da non aver ancora imparato a usare correttamente il vostro motorino cerca-notizie “dal 1851 a oggi”.
Né siamo riusciti a trovare menzione del fatto che la fortuna della famiglia Bush derivi proprio dall'aver intrattenuto simili cordiali rapporti d'affari con i nazisti prima e durante la guerra, visto che il rampante Prescott Bush – rispettivamente father and grandfather of former presidents Bush Buh I & II - was precisely the UBC and director of BBH!
such a story had appeared on English Guardian at the time [9], so we spent a bit 'of our time looking for an article on this intriguing story on the web site of the New York Times. None. We declare defeat.
Now, it is well known that in the U.S., if ever there is an authority that has the absolute last word when it comes to who is or is not a Nazi, this is the dreaded Anti-Defamation League. And poor you if you ever end up on his list of Bad Guys. End of your career. RIP.
We take this opportunity to cordially greet all'ADL and wish all the staff in advance happy Chanukah to all! Caring for each other, OK? Closed
However, the ADL had already ruled in 2003 in regard to the Bush family, saying that such nonsense was not to be taken into account and that, even if it were true, did not prove absolutely that Prescott Bush or his descendants were Nazi sympathizers. And then the rest of Fritz Thyssen was also in disgrace with the Nazi party. End of discussion. [10]
summary, the ADL told not to follow that track. The New York Times does not follow that track.
Each link between the two is believed to be an outrageous conspiracy theory. Point.
Message to our lawyers: how are we going so far?
Vabeh, anyway - even wanting to give up the Bush - thirty-four years have passed since the prof. Anthony Cyril Sutton published his Wall Street and The Rise of Adolf Hitler [11], where it was proved beyond doubt that some of the largest American industrial dynasties had made possible the rise of the Nazi Party: Henry Ford, for example (who received a medal of the Order of Nazi Germany in '38, as it happens, its factory in Cologne, though it was a legitimate military target, was never bombed during the war), or the General Electrics ( none of the ten factories in Germania fu mai bombardata); o la Standard Oil dei Rockefeller (che durante la guerra prestava aiuti tecnici alla tedesca I.G. Farben per sintetizzare dal carbone la benzina che faceva volare gli aerei della Luftwaffe; d'altronde c'erano persone che sedevano sia nel consiglio di amministrazione della IG Farben negli USA che in quello della Standard Oil); oppure la ITT (che finanziava le fabbriche dove si producevano gli aerei Focke-Wulf Fw 190); o la Osram; o la IBM.
Insomma, di questo e altro parlava il prof. Sutton. [12]
Frenino tuttavia il loro entusiasmo quanti si stanno apprestando in questo momento a digitare il nome del defunto professore sul motore di ricerca del NY Times “dal 1851 a oggi”. Non troverete nulla. Insomma, Sacra Famiglia, niente da fare, hey?
Nemmeno un accennino su quella storiella secondo cui la Twentieth Century Fox investì capitali per produrre una serie di film di propaganda per Hitler nel 1932 ? [13]
No, a quanto pare no.
Insomma, abbiamo capito la lezione, Sacra Famiglia. Certe dinastie vanno lasciate in pace. D'accordo.
Com'è quel detto? Una Sacra Famiglia lava l'altra?
Auf Wiedersehen. Gott mit Euch.

[1] http://www.castingisoladeifamosi.rai.it/isola/
[2] http://www.nuoveproduzioni.it/fiction-rai-mediaset-2010-2011.htm
[3] Eric Lichtblau: Nazis Were Given 'Safe Haven' in U.S., Report Says , The New York Times, November 13, 2010, published at:
[4] Ron Chernow: Who's in Charge Here , The New York Times, September 26, 1999, available (sometimes), you
http://www.nytimes.com/books/99/09/26/ reviews/990926.26chernot.html
[5] Eric Schlosser: Fast Food Nation, pp.38-9 edition Penguin Books, London 2002
[6] Kevin C. Ruffner: CIA's Support to the Nazi War Criminal Investigations , April 14, 2007, the CIA's website:
https: / / www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/csi- publications/csi-studies/studies/97unclass/naziwar.html
[7] Available here:
# p = 1 [8] Francesco Semprini: Nazis in the U.S. with the help of the CIA , La Stampa, 15 November 2010. A version of the article can be found here:
[9] Ben Aris and Duncan Campbell : How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power , The Guardian, 25 September 2004, available at:
[10] This comment appears here:
[11] Now available online:
http://reformed-theology.org/html/ books / wall_street / index.html
[12] Interview found here: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6244851259954264539 #

[13] G. Webster Tarpley: In 1932, Fox Propaganda Helped Make Films for Hitler, September 30, 2010, published here:
http://tarpley.net/2010/09/30/in-1932-fox-helped-make-propaganda-films- for-hitler /

Monday, November 15, 2010

Dermatitis And Ovarian Cancer

Moral without God

Raffaele Carcano

Much of humanity now lives in a society where there is more certainty of God's existence is not that in the old days there was evidence to the contrary, came suddenly less hours, much more simply, to fail were those laws that ensure adequate punishment for those who dared to question such an assumption. The secularization and secularization have run their course: the number of non-believers has grown exponentially with the increase of education, living standards, the recognition of freedom of expression, but also the vast majority of believers know that now trust in God means relying on someone whose existence one can only speculate. The most striking result of this situation is that any moral, whose legitimacy rests on alleged law created by a divine being whose existence is questionable, and whose interpretation is left to fallible human beings inevitably, is now devoid of any foundation.
enormity of the stakes are much more aware that the Vatican to Mecca - in part because Arab-Muslim leaders are among those whose claims are still protected with the use of coercion. Benedict XVI will probably try a little 'envy of the Muslim brothers, but must make a virtue of necessity: for this reason that the Catholic Church, after having fought a long time, has in recent years emphasized the "natural law", accompanied by the application of the "recognition of the Christian roots." Substitutes the value argument virtually nonexistent, and that it can only flourish in an environment already conducive to a priori ecclesiastical bodies.
However, someone reminds us that a moral basis already exists: it is that we share with other primates. In chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, it is possible to recognize behaviors and desires are very similar to ours: as we are able to express emotions, feelings, altruism "disinterested." The primatologist Frans De Waal, a prominent item in stock the site of the New York Times, entitled Morals Without God? (morality without God?), Highlighted this aspect very well, deepening also what follows. Our biological proximity with other primates is so obvious that it is from this fact that the debate should begin, although this will generate a stomach ache for those who still think that man is still the center of the "created", and other species have been placed at its disposal. "The acceptance of evolution may open up a moral abyss, for those who believe that morality derives from God," the reason to gloss Dutch ethologist, noting that only a creationist would pertinacious oggi negare la maggior antichità della moralità rispetto alla religione, che ha alle spalle solo poche migliaia di anni di storia. Qualcuno può ancora veramente credere, scrive ancora De Waal, «che, prima che avessero una religione, i nostri antenati mancavano di norme sociali, o non assistevano i propri simili in difficoltà?» La moralità «è costruita dentro di noi»: e la religione, piuttosto che una fonte della moralità, può invece essere ritenuta un suo mero «accessorio».
Problemi di questo tipo, tuttavia, non sono un’esclusiva dei credenti, sostiene De Waal. Anche se siamo discendenti di altri animali sociali, ritiene difficile definire uno scimpanzé, che non sembra in able to judge the adequacy of measures not involving himself, "a moral being." The specificity of human morality would be the willingness to move "toward universal standards combined with an elaborate system of justification, control and punishment." Religions have proven extraordinarily adequate to satisfy this impulse: a morality without God is able, De Waal calls it, to do the same? Another difficulty: it is "impossible to know what they look like our morality" if we were not behind millennia of religion. Necessary to find a human culture that has never encountered religion. Impossible. Moreover, as argued Telmo Pievani and others in the wake of Pascal Boyer, are somehow "born to believe." Although we are not going to die Christians.
criticizing the new atheists, De Waal argues that science is not able to provide a better alternative to religion. We do not need God to explain what we are now, he writes, but that does not mean that science or a naturalistic vision of the world will automatically become an inspiration to do good. Each new ideological system developed to support a certain moral framework would be designed, claims skeptically, to produce "a list of its principles, its prophets, its devoted followers," so similar as to appear very soon "to each old religion. "
recap: we have to put behind Voltaire, who argued that "if God did not exist, have to be invented," since the invention of God did not help that much about the human species from the moral point of view. And we forget Dostoyevsky, who believed that "without God anything goes", because with or without God morality of homo sapiens is still based in its most important characteristics, on a moral 'animal' which dates back to at least ten million years ago. But since there is no evidence that morality can evolve into something very different, even non-religious ethics are destined for the same check. De Waal's skepticism, as you can see, it is remarkable, as to lead to a total impasse, we know that morality does not derive from God, but we also have little leeway to enjoy moral lives better than today. This
insoluble difficulties afflict so the same extent as believers and nonbelievers. But are things really so? Perhaps the difficulty is especially of believers who find themselves having to deal with a whole castle to rubble and a strong ideological habit to live by a moral pre-packaged by someone else. What's more, the poor propensity to play around with the problem is magnified by the fact that conceptions issues are considered "sacred" and therefore difficult to modify. It is therefore no coincidence that the believers are largely extraneous to the debate that has already been initiated in recent years (see, for example, the contributions shown in the bottom Primates and Philosophers by De Waal). Non-believers, depart in fact an advantage: to try to resolve an insoluble problem is considered a major challenge, perhaps even utopian, but easier to deal with by those who are not dogmatic to remove boulders, which has no moral authority to submit, and used to create your own meaning in their lives.
last chapter of Exit flock we recognized that a community of non-believers (like any human community, was also a bowling!) may experience drifts such as those feared by De Waal. I do not believe, however, seem to have better antibodies: they are more inclined to admit the believers that their group can run certain risks, and are more familiar - as most lay people, because more accustomed to reason on the basis of evidence - to listen to the arguments of others, taking the good things they can offer to further develop their own. These are qualities which are not necessarily closed to believers, of course: they are but for those who belong to faith communities in which they are absent 'simple and workable method of entry and exit internal democracy, the circulation of information, recognition of differences, space to introduce change, the opportunity to express freely their ideas even when he is critical of the leadership. "
characteristics of this type are not only useful to society: it is also useful to individuals, and not only to develop a moral. Moreover, the ultimate goal of comparisons of this kind is not the imposition of a moral one: if anything is to create companies that provide tools and spaces so that everyone can create their own, with its own conception of the good within a minimum framework of agreed rules and comply. To do this, so there is no not need long lists of dogmas, new prophets, devoted followers of old and new ideologies considered unassailable.

This article appeared on November 15, 2010 http://www.uaar.it

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

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Mark Penn: Obama has to find the "right time", as Clinton after the bombing in Oklahoma

Scott Creighton

" Penn worked for President Clinton as pollster for 6 years (by end of '94 until 2000). During this period he became one of the most important and influential advisers of the President. In 2000, the Washington Post concluded in his analysis that no survey was ever become "so deeply integrated in the formation of political agendas of presidential administration as it had been Penn "- the bombing in Oklahoma City took place in April 1995

The former campaign adviser to Hillary Clinton and president of the lobby's propaganda Burson-Marsteller, Mark Penn, aired that what Obama now needs to "reconnect" with voters and to reconstruct its consent does not exist, is another terrorist attack in Oklahoma City style. He made this statement in the live talk show Hardball with Chris Mathews and apparently Chris has not vomited on him, slapped him not, nor is gone away from the set, as some women had on the show The View .
I can not really see what Chris has done and that slimy balloon made this comment.

In a recent television appearance, the former campaign adviser to Hillary Clinton and current public relations executive Mark Penn suggested that President Obama needs another time "similar" to the tragic terrorist attack on the Federal Building Oklahoma City, to "reconnect" with voters.
"Let us remember that President Clinton was able to reconnect with Oklahoma, OK?" Penn said in appearance on Hardball on Last Thursday on MSNBC's Hardball. "And the president now seems distant. It was only after this speech [following the attack] and [Clinton] went in keeping with the Americans. Obama needs a kind of - like a ... Yes. " This Article

Mathews did not bat an eyelid when this sample of the propaganda he said these words, and even got to ask Penn if he thought if" the words would work "to save Obama by the low approval rating. Penn of course said no, unless Obama can not "find the right time." In the case of Bill Clinton, according to Mark Penn, that "when right " came at a price of 168 lives of which 19 were children . Considering that there are several clues that point to the fact that the Oklahoma bombing had been a little 'more than the usual "lone nut" with a weapon and given the close collaboration of this guy with the Clintons and the largest propaganda agency in the world, this little slip of the tongue speaks volumes for itself already. Just as the lack of response from Chris Mathews. Look
well below the fat zombie propaganda. It makes me sick just to write. Then maybe read Lessons from Oz
As the saying? "Man is the architect of his fortune?" The Raw Story article seems to reach the same conclusion, albeit in a slightly different way.

Penn's statement will certainly prick up their ears to some right-wing conspiracy theorists who insist that the federal agents helped the Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh on behalf of the Clinton administration. This is even more likely when viewed in the light of the analogy as evidenced by Bill Clinton in April, when he compared the irrational rage of the members of the Tea Party with that of the far-right movement that, according to many, would affect McVeigh. Here Article

Let's see: a false flag attack studied to rally the country behind an unpopular leader and unpopular as its program and to marginalize a growing dissident movement .... I imagine that this has never happened in human history, right?
remember that in November of 1994 Bill Clinton lost control of the House in a defeat during the mid-term elections, and that Mark Penn was there to "advise" President Clinton on back on track as his approval rating. After April 19, 1995 , only five months later, came the "right time" as the one we just talked about Mark Penn, the bombing in Oklahoma City. Bill Clinton so he could pass his unpopular anti-terrorism law - a Patriot Act ahead of its time - and according to Mark Penn increased its consent.
In fact, from '94 to 2000, Mark Penn has continued to be the adviser to President Clinton.
Hmmm. Then, we begin to see what kind of mentality this man?

The article appeared on November 6, 2010:
http://willyloman.wordpress.com/2010/11/06/mark-penn-obama-needs-to-find-that-right-moment-like -clinton-did-with-the-oklahoma-city-bombing /

Saturday, November 6, 2010

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Urge a Tea Party for Silvio

Rinaldo Francesca

Seriously, beyond renewed encouragement to disfigure the ecosystem for the enjoyment of the oil industry - with triumphal slogans à la Drill Baby Drill [1] - the wish to be taught in schools to be wary of the theory evolution (the world was made in six days, children) [2], and the delicious ethos that criticize big business for his work (including the BP for his recent exploits) is unacceptable because it " anti-American " [3], what historians will write of quell'accozzaglia crazed psychotic, known as the Tea Party?
One thing you hope does not escape to posterity - Although this seems to be elusive mystery for most of our contemporaries, the historical episode that has inspired this brand - Boston Tea Party - if my memory does not deceive us, refers to an act of sabotage perpetrated by settlers of Massachusetts disguised by Native Americans. The key word here is disguised, as we will try to clarify later.
But first, there is allowed a moment of self-celebration.
Almost a year ago (how time flies when you're having fun!) In our collection of scattered, innocent thoughts a piece dedicated to former British Foreign Secretary David Miliband and his ambition to fill the role of High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy in the European Community. In no time at all, not just those ambitions were pitifully broken three days later, but he also saw the desolate Miliband dispelling chance to realize his plan B - the leadership of his party - staying with a handful of flies [ 4]. Sigh!
subsequently appeared on these pages a term devoted to General Stanley McChrystal , former commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan and - even if on purpose - three months after McChrystal was removed from office in embarrassing circumstances [5]. Oops.
Now, think what you want of our sudden illusion of omnipotence, but here at the Headquarters of Àp0ti we are determined to see more than mere coincidence in this disturbing link between the choice of personality and we are talking about the disastrous end of their careers .
It is with the intention to try this fascinating theory that hopefully we are going to dedicate the piece that follows the most beloved Italian Prime Minister: Silvio Berlusconi.
not promise anything, OK? If roses are flowers ...
No, no, we'll talk about it, murky story of young girls, who helped to plant yet another nail in the coffin of the descent into the field of Cav. Berlusconi: there are too many ways più produttive di impiegare il tempo (toh, ad esempio, osservare le luci di un semaforo cambiare dal verde al rosso, passando per il giallo, etc etc).
No, ritorniamo piuttosto con la mente al periodo che senza dubbio i futuri cronisti della storia universale del nostro pianeta etichetteranno come Il Pre-Bunga-Bunga: poco meno di un mese fa, infatti, un preoccupato premier – con la fronte corrugata nei limiti consentiti dai facelifts – spiegava in una conferenza stampa: “ Bisogna dare alla gente un nuovo sogno. Possiamo farlo con una cosa simile ai "Tea party" americani ” [6].
Il Pensatore di Arcore – si sa - resta fedele alla sua tradizione di prendere in prestito le strategies of American politicians and transplant them in Italy, also mindful of how this other kind of "transplants" is usually a success (in fact some will remember the suspicious similarities between the concept of contract with the Italians and the Contract With America , launched by the Republicans in the U.S. seven years ago) [7].
However, let's see if we can follow the reasoning, and almost a month ago, in the unending effort to give the Italians a new dream, the premier was probably following a train of thought that we assume below:
"If only I had too a tool for the collection of new voters, such as the Tea Party in the U.S.: a sort of party-that-is-not-quite-a-party. Just like the Tea Party, should be financed by billionaires, but at the same time should be publicized so as to gather support in those sections of the population that is about to destroy. It should look like a grassroots movement , those that arise from below, cleverly disguising its nature as an instrument of financial and industrial lobbies. It took just a sacred themes verniciatina of the Italians, like not wanting to pay taxes, xenophobia, pizza, racism, beautiful women, homophobia, mother, and voila! There would be no need to rely on a pseudo-democratic, with Congress and all those menate, but rather with the foundation here and there with various club – ecco, club, questa è la parola giusta – sapientemente camuffati per farli sembrare spontanei, generati dall'indignazione – ma al tempo stesso dall'entusiasmo - del cittadino medio, bla-bla-bla...”
OK, stiamo pensando tutti la stessa cosa?
Silvio, gioia, ci ricordi un personaggio di una sitcom che dice cose come: “Se solo riuscissi a trovare il mio cappello”, fino a che qualcuno gli fa educatamente notare: “Lo stai portando in testa”.
Risate pre-registrate. In stile Antonio Ricci.
Ebbene sì, Presidente-Siamo-Con-Te: il tuo Tea Party lo hai a disposizione da sedici lunghi anni: non te n'eri accorto?
La fondazione di Forza Italy was precisely characterized by the formation of "spontaneous" club (by the way, before we get out of mind: did you know that there is still time to start one all yours in your area? Do not miss this opportunity! Hurry up http://www.club.forza-italia.it/club.htm ), to be precise - and wanting to quote the words of the Master (Take off your hat, please): " primary goal and essential condition of ' operation is the establishment of a club (Rotary nature of the heterogeneity of the components) where they are represented to the best levels, operators, business and finance, members of professions liberals, and judges and public administrators and a few selected politicians, not exceeding the number of 30 or 40 units . Got it? Then agree, things are a bit 'out of hand, but the basic concept was basically that. Besides, even the Master back in the eighties, could hope that his "apprentice bricklayer " would come to the presidency of the Council [8]. Right?
On the other hand, who are we to dissuade him? If the prime minister feels a desperate need for recycling - pardon, restyling - go ahead, no? What the heck, if you like you can not have one, but two Tea Parties - come ci ha ghiottamente preannunciato Il Giornale , parlando di “un'ipotesi concreta di una sorta di partito ombra: la creazione di un ufficio politico con quattro-cinque componenti [e] già circola qualche nome, da Lupi alla Carfagna passando per la Santanché. ” [9]
OK, al diavolo l'imparzialità, lo confessiamo: il nostro cuore va con la caparbia Mara Carfagna, e Àp0ti batte le manine dall'emozione al solo pensiero che sia a Mara che il Cavaliere metterà in mano il testimone della leadership di questo mini-Tea Party (è così che si chiama adesso: “testimone”).
La logica da sola dovrebbe suggerire questa soluzione strategica: in fondo, la candidata più popolare Tea Party of the USA is still Sarah Palin, who is not never pulled back when it came to represent his country while wearing a bikini, having Miss Alaska contest in '84. You begin to see the parallels?
And let's face it, unlike Sarah Palin [10], Mara Carfagna knows - for example - that Africa is a continent not a country, I think.
so the more you think about it, the more it becomes clear that Mara, the Knight called " woman with balls" [11], deserve full rights to the leadership of this mini-tea-party-shadow-that-is - we very much hope that the prime minister gives it, remembering that day when she showed him to have all it takes to direct the Ministry of even or odd, or something like that (and there are those who wonder if the Prime Minister on that occasion at least had the courtesy to offer a cushion for the knees).
And so on, for another exciting adventure! How do I call this new creature? Forza Silvio? Italy forward? Bunga-Bunga To Grow?
Who cares! Just continue to be present for the determination and enthusiasm as ever, that " me I load, load the Italians, living in Italy, Berlusconi alive." [12]

[1] Nico Pitney: 'Drill, Baby, Drill' Champions Silent On Gulf Oil Spill, The Huffington Post, April 29, 2010, available at:
[2] Amanda Read: vs Coons. O'Donnell: Does questioning evolution violated the U.S. Constitution? , The Washington Times, October 24, 2010, published at:
http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/not-your-average-read/2010/oct/24/coons-vs-odonnell-first-amendment -evolution /
[3] Rand Paul: Obama BP criticism 'un-American' , Associated Press, May 21, 2010, available at: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/37273085/

[4] Nicola Boden: Ed Miliband crowned Labour leader, beating into second brother David, The Daily Mail, September 26, 2010, available here:
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1315165/Labour-leadership-Ed-Miliband- David-beats-brother-job.html
[5] Toby Harnden: Obama shows McChrystal's sacking boss is , The Daily Telegraph, June 23, 2010, published here:
http://www.telegraph.co.uk / news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/barackobama/7850345/Analysis-McChrystals-sacking-shows-Obama-is-boss.html
[6] Claudio Tito: And now Berlusconi wants a tea party Republic, October 14 2010, available here:
[7] The Contract With America , disponibile su:
[8] Berlusconi: non è demerito essere piduista , Corriere della Sera, 7 marzo 2000, pubblicato su:
[9] Adalberto Signore: Berlusconi è pronto a fondare un nuovo partito , Il Giornale, 4 novembre 2010, reperibile su:
[10] Anne Barrowclough: Sarah Palin 'did not know Was a continent Africa', aides say , The Sunday Times, November 6, 2008, published at:
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol / news/world/us_and_americas/us_elections/article5095495.ece
[11] Mara Carfagna Berlusconi: "Beautiful, intelligent and with balls" , The Messenger, available here:
http://www.ilmessaggero. com / articolo_app.php? id = 27461 & section = ELEZIONI2010 & npl = & = desc_sez
[12] See here for the comic statement:
http://www.youblob.org/2009/10/07/ these-things-here-to-me-me-charge-to-the-Italian-charge /

Monday, November 1, 2010

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Never doubt!

Rinaldo Francesca

When we decide once and for all still in my head that the threat of terrorism is real and credible, and not at all a convenient bogeyman that keeps reappearing horizon whenever there is an urgent need to bring us back and meekly ammansuetirci order?
Well, we can say that the events of recent days have definitely closed the bill to a number of rude and nosy that - let's face it frankly - were beginning to relax a bit 'too much and become too arrogant. The audacity!
example? Well, it seems only yesterday when the spokesman of our wise masters explain patiently that the continuous air strikes against Pakistan, despite their hundreds of deaths among civilians in the last two years [1] were necessary because you can see, the evil enemy was plotting a attack on Europe to embarrass one in Mumbai two years ago: an attack in a big way, against our values, our traditions, our freedom, and all that stuff, you know? And it was thanks to these operations that we, the people skeptical and ignorant, is still protected from this invisible threat, as the experts did not fail to remind on time, in the aftermath of each new bombing [2].
Nothing to be done, cynicism seemed to prevail on such heartfelt arguments, even when, worse, the U.S. government warned its European protectorate to stay tuned - that evil never sleeps, you know - and to expect a imminent attack at some airport, or airliner [3], and the skeptics bold above the pereguitavano with their arrogant defiance: down Germany to say that " there was no concrete indication of an imminent attack [4], followed by some unidentified European diplomats to say " irritated that the U.S. spread such stories without first verifying their information " [5], e bla-bla-bla...
Irritati. Capite l'arroganza?
A niente era servito spingere sul palcoscenico il capo dei servizi segreti britannici John Sawers giovedì scorso, perché ci regalasse un commuovente discorso sulla realtà di attacchi presenti e futuri, e sulla necessità di non abbassare mai la guardia [6].
Niente. Si continuva a rimanere irritati.
Beh, diciamo che quanto è accaduto in questo weekend ha sicuramente dato una sonora lezione a questi irritabili signori, no?
Un bombarolo, pensate un po', che tramite posta aerea spedisce negli USA due plichi esplosivi dallo Yemen – il paese del momento per quanto riguarda il settore del terrore, con buone potenzialità di espansione sul mercato; i plichi tempestivamente intercettati in due aeroporti (ta-dah! come volevasi dimostrare), quelli di Dubai e Gran Bretagna, grazie a una soffiata – ça va sans dire – dei servizi americani.
A ben guardare, non si sarebbe potuto sperare in un episodio più clamorosamente provvidenziale di questo, a dimostrazione che questi allarmi erano ben fondati, nemmeno se lo si fosse pianificato a tavolino!
Provvidenziale è anche stato questo evento per chiudere il becco al presidente del consiglio di amminisrazione della British Airways Martin Brughton che, come ci fa notare Yvonne Ridley [7], aveva criticato le autorità aeroportuali britanniche , Just 24 hours before the foiled attack (you see the coincidence!), For being subjected to the orders of over-ocean and bring passengers to lengthy, excessive and irrelevant controls at airports [8].
Another little problem solved.
And in no time at all, the authorities responsible for ensuring our security have readily identified the mastermind of this diabolical plot - after, to tell the truth, the inevitable arrest and prompt release of a totally innocent person [9]: its name (the name of the real culprit) and Ibrahim Hassan al-Asir. Perfect!
To help us understand the BBC hurriedly made contact with several journalists and experts interviewed for us on its international service Newshour. On 30 October, for example, Lyse Doucet spoke to the journalist Mohamed Al-Qadi, a correspondent for The National newspaper of the United Emirates. Here are some excerpts from the interview:

MAQ : "[the president of Yemen, Ali bdullah] Saleh said that there is no confirmation from either Dubai or the UK, that these two parcels contain explosive materials.

What manners! How dare this so-called journalist to question what our media has revealed? Fortunately Lyse Doucet put it into a recalcitrant line al-Qadi:

LD: For chiarire, il presidente, quando ha parlato, ha detto eccome che le autorità in Gran Bretagna e Dubai avevano confermato che c'erano degli esplosivi nei pacchetti reperiti.
MaQ : Ha detto di no, che erano soltanto speculazioni, che non avevamo alcuna conferma da nessuno dei due lati che vi fossero esplosivi.

Ah, ma allora sei proprio cocciuto, Mohamed al-Qadi? Pronta a redarguirti, Lyse Doucet prosegue:

LD : Perché qui in Gran Bretagna ci sono state dichiarazioni da parte della Metropolitan Police, che ha detto di avere adesso informazioni secondo le quali c'era, come ce l'ha spiegato, una “bomba credibile”, ed era progettata to explode during flight.

Tsk, speculation. How dare you, al-Qadi? Some people can no longer invite.
Then, if you have trouble reconciling the fact that the infamous envelopes were addressed, it seems, some synagogues Chicago [10], with the fact that the "credible bombs" were planned, however, never to be delivered, but rather to explode during the flight (which would make little sense maybe the trouble to write the address on the envelopes so precise), listens well, that's your problem. Use a little 'imagination, no?
possible that we must teach them everything, 'sti ignorant? Equally interesting
Newshour is the service on October 31, where a puzzled Julian Marshall comes to terms with Professor Peter Neumann and the ease with which disassembles the credibility of the argument that this would be Ibrahim Hassan al-Asir " considered among the most fanatical adherents Al-Qaida [11], simply telling that: "[...]
if you look at the publications that have been disseminated by al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, [Ibrahim Hassan al-Asir] is not known to have published anything, or in terms of strategies, not of ideology or religious interpretations of jihad "and that its weapons" have impressed the West for their sophistication and for the explosive used, practically impossible to obtain.
Unless, of course, you have the right connection.
is not for us to name names ... These interviews are
- for a while '- available as a podcast on the BBC website / Newshour:

[1] Peter Bergen and Katherine Tiedemann: Pakistan war drone Takes a toll on militants - and Civilians, CNN, October 29, 2009, available at:
http://edition.cnn.com/2009/OPINION/ 10/29/bergen.drone.war
As for this year: Cyril Almeida: Civilian deaths in drone attacks: debate heats up, Dawn News, 9 maggio 2010, reperibile su:
[2] Richard Norton-Taylor e Owen Bowcott: Mumbai-style raids on UK and France foiled by drone attacks, The Guardian, 29 settembre 2010, pubblicato su:
[3] Nick Childs: Terror alerts sow travel confusion, BBC News, disponibile su:
[4] Ed Pilkington e Richard Norton-Taylor: UK and US alerts raise fears of al-Qaida offensive in Europe, The Gurdian, 3 ottbre 2010, available at:
[5] Richard Norton-Taylor: British intelligence Denies U.S. terror warnings sparked by new information, The Guardian, October 3, 2010, published at:
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/oct/03/europe- commando-terror-attack-us
[6] The speech John Sawers is available here:
-full-text [7] Yvonne Ridley: U.S. Intelligence Trades On Fear, available here:
[8] Peter Hutchins: Airport security checks are Completely redundant, BA chairman says, The Daily Telegraph, October 27, 2010, published at:
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/travelnews/8089096/ Airport-security-checks-are-completely-redundant-BA-chairman-says.html
[9] Sean Rayment, Patrick Hennessy and David Barrett cargo Yemen bomb plot: female student arrested, Daily Telegraph, October 31, 2010, published on:
[10] Chicago synagogues Warned to watch for suspicious packages, CNN, available at:
[11] Chris McGrel: Ibrahim Hassan al-Asir: the first suspect bombmaking, The Guardian, October 31, 2010, published at:
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/oct/31 / ibrahim-hassan-al-asir-bombmaking-suspect