Scott Creighton
" Penn worked for President Clinton as pollster for 6 years (by end of '94 until 2000). During this period he became one of the most important and influential advisers of the President. In 2000, the Washington Post concluded in his analysis that no survey was ever become "so deeply integrated in the formation of political agendas of presidential administration as it had been Penn "- the bombing in Oklahoma City took place in April 1995
The former campaign adviser to Hillary Clinton and president of the lobby's propaganda Burson-Marsteller, Mark Penn, aired that what Obama now needs to "reconnect" with voters and to reconstruct its consent does not exist, is another terrorist attack in Oklahoma City style. He made this statement in the live talk show Hardball with Chris Mathews and apparently Chris has not vomited on him, slapped him not, nor is gone away from the set, as some women had on the show The View .
I can not really see what Chris has done and that slimy balloon made this comment.
In a recent television appearance, the former campaign adviser to Hillary Clinton and current public relations executive Mark Penn suggested that President Obama needs another time "similar" to the tragic terrorist attack on the Federal Building Oklahoma City, to "reconnect" with voters.
"Let us remember that President Clinton was able to reconnect with Oklahoma, OK?" Penn said in appearance on Hardball on Last Thursday on MSNBC's Hardball. "And the president now seems distant. It was only after this speech [following the attack] and [Clinton] went in keeping with the Americans. Obama needs a kind of - like a ... Yes. " This Article
Mathews did not bat an eyelid when this sample of the propaganda he said these words, and even got to ask Penn if he thought if" the words would work "to save Obama by the low approval rating. Penn of course said no, unless Obama can not "find the right time." In the case of Bill Clinton, according to Mark Penn, that "when right " came at a price of 168 lives of which 19 were children . Considering that there are several clues that point to the fact that the Oklahoma bombing had been a little 'more than the usual "lone nut" with a weapon and given the close collaboration of this guy with the Clintons and the largest propaganda agency in the world, this little slip of the tongue speaks volumes for itself already. Just as the lack of response from Chris Mathews. Look
well below the fat zombie propaganda. It makes me sick just to write. Then maybe read Lessons from Oz
As the saying? "Man is the architect of his fortune?" The Raw Story article seems to reach the same conclusion, albeit in a slightly different way.
Penn's statement will certainly prick up their ears to some right-wing conspiracy theorists who insist that the federal agents helped the Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh on behalf of the Clinton administration. This is even more likely when viewed in the light of the analogy as evidenced by Bill Clinton in April, when he compared the irrational rage of the members of the Tea Party with that of the far-right movement that, according to many, would affect McVeigh. Here Article
Let's see: a false flag attack studied to rally the country behind an unpopular leader and unpopular as its program and to marginalize a growing dissident movement .... I imagine that this has never happened in human history, right?
remember that in November of 1994 Bill Clinton lost control of the House in a defeat during the mid-term elections, and that Mark Penn was there to "advise" President Clinton on back on track as his approval rating. After April 19, 1995 , only five months later, came the "right time" as the one we just talked about Mark Penn, the bombing in Oklahoma City. Bill Clinton so he could pass his unpopular anti-terrorism law - a Patriot Act ahead of its time - and according to Mark Penn increased its consent.
In fact, from '94 to 2000, Mark Penn has continued to be the adviser to President Clinton.
Hmmm. Then, we begin to see what kind of mentality this man?
The article appeared on November 6, 2010: -clinton-did-with-the-oklahoma-city-bombing /
The former campaign adviser to Hillary Clinton and president of the lobby's propaganda Burson-Marsteller, Mark Penn, aired that what Obama now needs to "reconnect" with voters and to reconstruct its consent does not exist, is another terrorist attack in Oklahoma City style. He made this statement in the live talk show Hardball with Chris Mathews and apparently Chris has not vomited on him, slapped him not, nor is gone away from the set, as some women had on the show The View .
I can not really see what Chris has done and that slimy balloon made this comment.
In a recent television appearance, the former campaign adviser to Hillary Clinton and current public relations executive Mark Penn suggested that President Obama needs another time "similar" to the tragic terrorist attack on the Federal Building Oklahoma City, to "reconnect" with voters.
"Let us remember that President Clinton was able to reconnect with Oklahoma, OK?" Penn said in appearance on Hardball on Last Thursday on MSNBC's Hardball. "And the president now seems distant. It was only after this speech [following the attack] and [Clinton] went in keeping with the Americans. Obama needs a kind of - like a ... Yes. " This Article
Mathews did not bat an eyelid when this sample of the propaganda he said these words, and even got to ask Penn if he thought if" the words would work "to save Obama by the low approval rating. Penn of course said no, unless Obama can not "find the right time." In the case of Bill Clinton, according to Mark Penn, that "when right " came at a price of 168 lives of which 19 were children . Considering that there are several clues that point to the fact that the Oklahoma bombing had been a little 'more than the usual "lone nut" with a weapon and given the close collaboration of this guy with the Clintons and the largest propaganda agency in the world, this little slip of the tongue speaks volumes for itself already. Just as the lack of response from Chris Mathews. Look
well below the fat zombie propaganda. It makes me sick just to write. Then maybe read Lessons from Oz
As the saying? "Man is the architect of his fortune?" The Raw Story article seems to reach the same conclusion, albeit in a slightly different way.
Penn's statement will certainly prick up their ears to some right-wing conspiracy theorists who insist that the federal agents helped the Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh on behalf of the Clinton administration. This is even more likely when viewed in the light of the analogy as evidenced by Bill Clinton in April, when he compared the irrational rage of the members of the Tea Party with that of the far-right movement that, according to many, would affect McVeigh. Here Article
Let's see: a false flag attack studied to rally the country behind an unpopular leader and unpopular as its program and to marginalize a growing dissident movement .... I imagine that this has never happened in human history, right?
remember that in November of 1994 Bill Clinton lost control of the House in a defeat during the mid-term elections, and that Mark Penn was there to "advise" President Clinton on back on track as his approval rating. After April 19, 1995 , only five months later, came the "right time" as the one we just talked about Mark Penn, the bombing in Oklahoma City. Bill Clinton so he could pass his unpopular anti-terrorism law - a Patriot Act ahead of its time - and according to Mark Penn increased its consent.
In fact, from '94 to 2000, Mark Penn has continued to be the adviser to President Clinton.
Hmmm. Then, we begin to see what kind of mentality this man?
The article appeared on November 6, 2010: -clinton-did-with-the-oklahoma-city-bombing /
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