Thursday, December 30, 2010

Extract Data From Laptop Harddrive


Rinaldo Francesca

Fear not, children of the Sudan: your safety is assured. As long as there will remain a community of conscientious and stars of Hollywood VIP watch over you, motivated by his well-known spirit of devotion, you will have nothing to fear.
not sizzle with excitement at the thought that Brad Pitt, coffee cup in hand and black eyes from a night spent watching the monitors, saying things like: "All quiet on the south-eastern quadrant, while offering a cigarette - I know - un'Angelina Jolie in high heels, just arrived fresh-fresh to detect the location?
But here we proceed too quickly: one thing at a time, please.
Southern Sudan, as you know, will vote next month in a historic referendum that will decide the fate of that region, or whether the area south of the country will remain parte del Sudan o se piuttosto si staccherà dal paese, diventando così uno stato indipendente. Il timore di molti è che, trovandosi l'ipotetico confine su alcuni dei più grandi giacimenti petroliferi del continente, le provocazioni e gli attacchi che già hanno cominciato a verificarsi contro villaggi a sud del confine possano trasformarsi in un conflitto come quello nel Darfur.
Sta dunque alla Fratellanza dei Famosi dissipare queste nostre paure, con questo loro ultimissimo endorsement nel campo della sorveglianza globale. Reggetevi forte, perché questa potrebbe essere la madre di tutte le notizie sui VIP (e adesso schiattate d'invidia Chi, Novella 2000, etc etc): ebbene sì, nientepopodimeno che George Clooney in person - with the same nonchalance with which we sbologna adorable sparkling and coffee machines - personally affixed his royal seal of approval [1] on a project called Sentinel Satellite Project, however, together with other members of his circle of global peacekeepers, including Don Cheadle, Matt Damon, Brad Pitt (we are missing at this point the breath with emotion), which circle has been given the appropriate name Not On Our Watch (which some scholars translate roughly as: As long as we do not we wake).
Well, we seem to feel full of anticipation to ask, what would be 'I'm Satellite Sentinel Project? Child patient, and all will be revealed.
The project is a kind of joint venture between the omnipresent, omniscient Google, the UN agency Operational Satellite Applications Programme and the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative , and will transmit images of the region via satellite in time real because, like a so cool George has personally said: "We want to ensure that potential perpetrators of genocide and other war crimes know that they are observing, that the world is watching them." [2]
Yes, okay, we understand your concern as we are talking of "war crimes" you fear that there is a danger that a bad day si decida di puntare questi satelliti anche sui territori occupati militarmente a Gaza e in Cisgiordania – vai a sapere - magari nell'idea che sia meglio prevenire un crimine di guerra, piuttosto che dibatterne all'ONU mesi dopo, quando è ormai un po' troppo tardi per salvare le vittime delle bombe al fosforo bianco – sempre che il mondo abbia imparato qualcosa dall'Operazione Piombo Fuso . [3]
Non preoccupatevi però: non che qui si voglia assumere il ruolo di profeti, ma una semplice occhiata alle organizzazioni che sostengono questo progetto (Harvard University in primis ) ci spinge a prevedere che un simile, perverso uso di questi satelliti non sarà mai contemplato. E sia per sempre bollato d'antisemitismo chiunque osi proporlo. Il nostro amico Izzy, lo staterello con la stella, non ha nulla da temere, a nostro parere.
Sia come sia, George Clooney ha continuato: “I criminali di guerra prosperano nell'oscurità. È molto più difficile commettere atrocità di massa alla luce dei riflettori dei media”.
Quindi, capite, sarà sufficiente passare periodicamente un comunicato nei media sudanesi – immaginiamo a ore pasti – che suoni come: “Se sei un criminale di guerra e/o hai intenzione di commettere atrocità , sappi che ci sono decine di satelliti puntati su di te”, o qualcosa del genere. Eh sì perché, come diceva Dr. Strangelove: “Lo scopo di un deterrente va a farsi benedire se non ne fai parola con nessuno”.
Ora, vi sentiamo ansiosi di sapere come funziona questo Satellite Sentinel Project. Pazientate però perché, a rischio di confondervi un po' le idee, dobbiamo adesso introdurre una nuova organizzazione – di cui peraltro avrete forse sentito già parlare: Enough Project , un'organizzazione con un occhio puntato sull'Africa, e in particolare Sudan, Uganda e Repubblica Democratica del Congo.
Sul sito di Enough potete trovare, tra le altre cose, le classifiche dei buoni e dei cattivi fra le maggiori compagnie di elettronica per quanto riguarda i minerali utilizzati, provenienti o meno da zone di conflitto (una sorta di Corporate Watch e Ethical Consumer con l'obiettivo puntato su quella regione africana). Per rovinarvi la sorpresa, sappiate da sùbito che i primi della classe sembrano essere quelli della HP, mentre i più birichini quelli della Toshiba. Il che, qualcuno potrebbe pensare, dimostrerebbe quanto lungimiranti siano state le squadre di marketing/corporate lobbying alla HP, che hanno persino pensato di piazzare le loro persone di fiducia a lisciarsi quelli della Enough. Non noi, per carità, ma qualcuno potrebbe pensarlo.
Aprendo una parentesi: chiamateci old fashioned , ma noi riteniamo rispettosamente che il modo migliore di comportarsi con queste compagnie sia di boicottarle tutte. Non vediamo ragione di acquistare un nuovo gadgets every year, or not to take ten, fifteen - by golly - twenty years. Closed in parentheses.
and an ecstasy Jonathan Hutson, communications director for the Enough project, which tells how this project to a BBC reporter [4] (which mysteriously forgets to ask what, in classsifica the good and the bad guys on the site Enough of the rating companies producing 'sti satellites): "The project's objective is to stop a war before it starts, and to do so by forming a new type of collaboration between various organizations and institutions. What we're doing, essentially, is to collect satellite images, and related analysis, e con queste immagini, che sono migliori e più veloci, miriamo a migliorare il pronto intervento [rendendolo] efficiente e più rapido nelle crisi, come crimini di guerra, e potenzialmente genocidi”. Per quanto riguarda i dati più tecnici “l'ONU ha un progetto chiamato UNOSAT a Ginevra: si tratta di un progetto di immagini satellitari, per la tutela dei diritti umani, che acquisisce immagini da vari satelliti commerciali. In ogni istante, una dozzina di satelliti potrebbe trovarsi a sorvolare un paese qualunque nel mondo – come per esempio il Sudan – e questi satelliti catturano immagini ad alta risoluzione, che sono disponibili ad essere acquistate nel mercato, da chiunque possa permetterselo”.
Sì right: you read that right.
"We are talking about costs," says Hutson "that are around two thousand U.S. dollars for a single image" aah, I do not know about you, but with this revelation, here in Àp0ti we all feel much more confident now that we know that access to those images is limited only to those who can afford to spend the figures. Much more reassured.
No one with that kind of budget can ever be animated by the best intentions for the good of humanity and the desire to make the world a better place.
Peace to all, and best wishes for a better year.
especially in Sudan.

Rinaldo Francesca

[1] George Clooney launches satellite monitoring system in Sudan, The Telegraph, 28 dicembre 2010, pubblicato qui:
[2] Faith Karimi: Clooney, U.N., Google team up to monitor Sudan using satellite, CNN , 29 dicembre 2010, reperibile su:
[3] Vedere disponibile il rapporto di Amnesty International Israel/Gaza. 'Operation Cast Lead': 22 Days of Death and Destruction, disponibile qui:
[4] The podcast that contains the interview will be downloaded to the end of January 2011:

Registering An Enclosed Trailer


Ho deciso di unirle queste due giornate semplicemente per comodità, visto che sono state due giornate molto simili. Per la calandra queste due giornate rappresentano rispettivamente le seconde quindicine di Ottobre e Settembre. Il tempo è stato abbastanza mite, with cool temperatures, especially at night and early morning, but with no wind and precipitation. There was some haze but that does not incidede significantly. So
Second half of October and the second half of September with good weather, good for marine works.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Renew Your Driver Licence Online Ohio

Rinaldo Francesca

Myth: let's talk about 'a Myth, come on, what with the "M" capitalized. The British author Salley Vickers
, interviewed by the Guardian, 3 November 2010, has given us a peek - so to speak - to his thoughts and reflections on what she believes are the elements that make a long-lived myth, keeping it handed down from century in the century.
"The myth makes explicit - in narrative form - those types of permanent fixations that belong to humans" says Salley Vickers in the video (see below) and you could say that this is more or less true over time, culture, history [that is] that there is a sort of recurrence of certain issues. Birth, of course, sex, relationships with parents or with their children, death: these are themes that continue to reappear continually in Mito. [Myth] has a kind of evolutionary survival: what I mean is that if certain myths work, is because they continue to have a fascination, continue to be taken over by artists of any kind. "

In other words, a myth has good chances of continuing Darwinian through the ages as long as it contains a number of elements fixed, if one can call, rooted in the collective psyche of mankind; and so far, nothing particularly shocking.
Then, having in mind that the longevity of a myth has nothing to do with whether or not based on fact, and - always in the mood to do more, shocking discoveries of warm water - a myth may continued for two millennia, while telling the "facts" never happened and simply made up (let's see who guesses where you want to end up) ...
Why not have X-ray Master Jesus the Good? So, just to see if the longevity of this legend is no longer due to his match all'identikit of a Legend "made-to-last", compared all'immarcescibile interpretation that constantly feel out of the mouth of the apologists of various kinds - part -time, full-time professionals and amateurs - and that is that "in short, if continues today, after two thousand years, means that there must be something true, no?"
Now, where do we start when we begin to identikit chasing this phantom? In fact, the difficulty here lies not in lack of material, and in its abundance: that it is dusty academics interested essence of the myth itself (Károly Kerényi springs to mind), or psychologists in search of a distillate to classify human emotions and behaviors (archetypes of Otto Rank, or Carl Jung), who have been, over the centuries, scholars have attempted to sift through the mythological fabric of the five continents, in search of common denominators?
In particular, addressing the plots of myths, it is remarkable that the impulse was given to this research in the synthesis of essential elements which, with appropriate changes, are found in all the plots of success, they are tragedies , comedy, films, novels, etc, this is usually done under the pressure of wanting to set up courses in creative writing (How to Become a successful novelist in 36 Practical Lessons), or create software algorithms that allow a computer to write the entire plot of a film from scratch. Usually, to tighten as much as possible the list of possible combinations - and with a wink at psychologists such as Robert Plutchik and Paul Ekman, samples of "eight primordial emotions" - the most common interpretation is that there are essentially eight basic plots, and that every story ever conceived by mankind will adapt, more or less, with contamination and "migration" of certain items from one plot to another.
who attended one of these courses for screenwriters will tell you that probably these 8 basic patterns are: 1

- Cinderella: virtue is rewarded not recognized at the beginning to the end
2 - Achilles: a weakness of character leads to tragic consequences
3 - Orpheus: what happens when an asset is removed from the hero
4 - Romeo and Juliet love story with obstacles (not necessarily end in tragedy)
5 - The hero: the hero must overcome trials and obstacles , triumphing at the end of the story
6 - Circe: the hero is attracted to his knowledge in a trap set by the "bad"
7 - Tristan: a ménage à trois
8 - Faust: a contract with an evil entity - that sooner or later will be honored

Well, I think I can say without fear of contradiction that in the case of Jesus, while admitting elements drawn from seven other plots, the number five is that focus should now.
What then are the elements that suggest how far-sighted was the marketing team behind the Gospels?
proceed: to narrow the scope of the aspects of the typical "hero who overcomes obstacles and tests" (the one made to last through the ages), I propose to confine ourselves to two schools of thought: the Campbell and Vogler Lord Raglan.
Joseph Campbell [1] is certainly a good starting point, as George Lucas would agree.
was the mythologist Campbell to devise, in 1949, the idea of \u200b\u200bnineteen necessary steps in the evolution of an archetypal hero, releasing the now classic The Hero with a Thousand Faces result of a comparative study of the grueling Western mythological heritage and hundreds of tribal legends and stories taken from various cultures and historical periods more different.
liked Campbell's book on George Lucas, to the point where he decided to adopt practices to the letter to his Star Wars (1977), as we shall see later.
Subsequently, lo sceneggiatore disneyano Christopher Vogler, costantemente alla ricerca della “ricetta segreta” per la sceneggiatura di successo, fece la conoscenza de L'Eroe dai Mille Volti e non riuscì più a scrollarselo di dosso: amore a prima vista.
Dopo aver ridotto questi diciannove punti a dodici, per amore di semplificazione, Vogler concepì nel 1985 la struttura definitiva su cui d'ora in poi si sarebbe basato ogni sceneggiatore alle dipendenze della Walt Disney; è appunto questa struttura in dodici punti che andiamo adesso a esaminare.
Allora, tenendo a mente che questi dodici punti non devono necessariamente seguire un ordine cronologico prestabilito, siamo pronti a vedere come se la caverebbe Gesù nei Become a hero in Walt Disney style? Keep popcorn on hand.

1 - Ordinary World

Here the hero is seen in its initial element, the adventure has yet to begin (preferably the hero is still a kid). And yet ... yet we can already see now that our hero is different: some kind of tension is clearly visible. In
Matrix, Neo is like a fish out of water in the life he leads during the day, clock in at a computer company, and so spends his nights trying to contact the cyber-criminal Morpheus. In
Star Wars Luke hates his life on desert planet Tatooine, and would like to join the academy to go as far as possible.
Jesus too, for its part, does not lose time, scribes and priests teaching their craft from the age of twelve, not to mention the impressive magic tricks such as transforming water into wine at weddings.

2 - The Call to adventure

That is the confirmation that the hero is much more than previously believed, or that there is an obstacle course that awaits him, or a defined goal (a reward, a kingdom , a treasure, etc) at the end of this "mission".
Thus, in the case of King Arthur, the Lady Lake over the hero's sword Excalibur, informing him that the time has come to embrace his destiny. Or maybe Rubeus Hagrid in the first Harry Potter book, the hero comes home and announces that his new life as a witch awaits.
In the Gospels, symbolically, this first step is the baptism that John manages to Jesus (see also paragraph 5). Does anyone remember that it is at this point that the voice of God tells Jesus in front of everyone present: "You are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased" (Luke 3:22).

3 - Refusal Appeal

Yes, sometimes anche se non è sempre obbligatorio, questo appello è rifiutato dall'eroe (inevitabilmente mi càpita di pensare a Bilbo Baggins, ne Lo Hobbit di JRR Tolkien, e al suo impanicato rifiuto di seguire Gandalf nella sua missione, così come a Ulisse nell'Iliade, che si finge pazzo per non andare in guerra); oppure un tentativo viene fatto da agenti esterni di sbarrare la strada all'eroe (come, in Guerre Stellari , nel caso dello zio Owen, che trattiene Luke Skywalker con sé nella fattoria dove si coltivano ortaggi blu).
Con un po' d'immaginazione si possono vedere le tre tentazioni di Gesù da parte del diavolo (nei Vangeli secondo Matteo, Marco e Luca) come un impedimento a seguire l'appello. Sono tuttavia più propenso a inserire le tentazioni al punto 7. Per il momento, accontentiamoci della celeberrima e controversa citazione “Padre mio, se è possibile, trapassi da me questo calice” (Matteo, 26:39).

4 – L'Incontro con il Maestro

Sì, naturalmente un mentore ci vuole, non può mancare. Il Maestro, è bene sapere da sùbito, onde evitare di affezionarsi, è in genere sacrificabile: diciamo che non deve a tutti i costi morire, ma insomma, se muore è meglio.
È inoltre obbligatorio il cliché dell'allievo che supera il maestro, come è consigliabile ritrarre il Maestro come una persona che ha passato la vita a preparare la strada per l'avvento dell'Eroe.
Inutile dire che, nel caso di Guerre Stellari , Obi-Wan Kenobi è il Maestro per eccellenza (muore), come nel caso dei Vangeli questo ruolo di preparatore/precursore è affidato a Giovanni Battista (che muore).
Se si vuole parlare dei miti classici, si può menzionare Chirone il centauro, che alleva Giasone. Personalmente memore di certe pacchianate hollywoodiane di fine Ottanta, vorrei però aggiungere per la cronaca che i miei mentori cinematografici preferiti restano sempre Brian Brown in Cocktail , con Tom Cruise, uscito nel 1988 (un altro mentore che muore), e la sua controparte Sam Elliot in quel film con Patrick Swayze, uscito un anno dopo (essenzialmente bouncer for a Cocktail ), the "masterpiece" Roadhouse (yes: dies Sam Elliot).

5 - 'Crossing the First Threshold

This "is the act of will by which the hero is dedicated body and soul to the company, dealing with the problem and begin to act. This step requires great courage on the part of the hero. It 's a passage from which no going back, the jump is done with faith, trusting that somehow it will fall to his feet. "Writes Stephen Roberts [1]. Think of Jonathan Harker, and take the first train from London, in his long train journey that takes him to the Castle Dracula, or Perseus, in his quest to kill Medusa, arrives in the cave of Graie as a detective in search of information. For Jesus, the equivalent is certainly represented by the forty days spent in the desert to fast and meditate in preparation for the mission (Matthew and Luke, chapter 4, Mark, Chapter 1) in Star Wars, this place is Mos Eisley, The room where we serve drinks and a greenish band plays the same song.

6 - Tests, Allies and Enemies

mandatory, we are here at the moment in which the hero is on the way the various characters are alive, some of which will prove to friends and other enemies. The first test of the hero in fact potrebbe essere proprio questa: saper distinguere da sùbito gli uni dagli altri (ma questa è una variante). Nelle leggende tradizionali, questa è la fase in cui si costituisce una squadra, che si tratti degli Argonauti di Giasone, dei Merry Men di Robin Hood, degli apostoli di Gesù, o di Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca e Obi-Wan in Guerre Stellari .

7 – L'Avvicinamento alla Caverna Più Segreta

Joseph Campbell chiamava questa fase “Il Ventre della Balena”, con riferimento metaforico al personaggio che viene inghiottito da qualcosa di molto più grande di lui – oltre a quello letterale di Giona, da Il Libro di Giona nella Bibbia e, ovviamente, Pinocchio . Sia come sia, questo è il momento in cui il protagonista si trova intrappolato da qualche parte e impossibilitato ad agire o, in varianti molto gettonate, a dover affrontare la cosa che teme di più, una sua nemesi, una prova finale che lo temprerà e preparerà per la sua missione. Di solito questa “cosa più temuta al mondo” è interpretata come una proiezione dell'inconscio o una manipolazione ad opera di un personaggio che sembra conoscere troppo bene il protagonista (La stanza 101 per Winston Smith in 1984 ; Luke Skywalker che combatte sé stesso in una caverna ne L'Impero Colpisce Ancora - una scena poi riproposta in modo simile da Terry Gilliam in Brazil ). In molti casi invece si tratta di un evento molto più prosaico, come il semplice arresto dell'eroe. Gesù, non per niente lo chiamano il Maestro, passa attraverso entrambe le versioni di questa dura prova: l'affronto dei demoni dell'inconscio (letteralmente, con le tentazioni nel deserto) e l'arresto.

8 – La Prova Suprema

Nella 'Prova Suprema' l'eroe deve morire, o sembrerà morire, per poter rinascere e ritornare cambiato, trasformato. Sì, tutta la via crucis di Gesù è una Prova Suprema, questo va da sé. Però, a ben guardare, anche Sansone nella sua fase di declino, accecato e tenuto prigioniero dai filistei, can be considered a dead hero - which of course will rise again, then died "with all the Philistines." The apparent death makes good cinema, with numerous examples, from ET to Conan the Barbarian . However, it is the resurrection that conquered the public (see paragraph 11).

9 - Award

do not die - or you deal with a passage like death - so much for sport: there must be a reward at the end of suffering. Evidently, this happens in the Gospels when Jesus is reunited with God the Father ("Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit" - Luke 23:46) and, going in heaven, gets his reward for having saved the world - better than any game can offer the X Box! The Golden Fleece, the Holy Grail, the archaeological treasures chased by Indiana Jones, these are all examples of rewards.

10 - The Path of Return

This is the return of the hero to his ordinary world - that somehow was saved, while often ungrateful or ignorant of its own choice and its sacrifices. Needless to say, "the return" is merely a fake order to fool the reader / viewer lulled into a false sense of tranquility. Those who have doubts about it has only to reread the 'Odyssey !
Unfortunately, the canonical Gospels do not document the return journey of the hero Jesus on earth, which, admittedly, is a wonderful opportunity not: imagine how much more exciting would be the Gospels with a beautiful supersonic travel - like Rocketman - through the seven heavens , the firmament - perhaps even breaking up the notorious "French windows of heaven," those that according to Genesis (7:11) and the Psalms (78:23) you open up whenever you want to rain on the earth? Perhaps ending with a good joke to Schwarzenegger, the kind that make audiences roar with laughter throughout the film, like "I'm back, sorry for the delay? But no.

11 – La Resurrezione

Aah, ecco finalmente il momento che tutti aspettavamo! La resurrezione: questa è fondamentale. Non è difficile capire da dove provenga il mito della resurrezione – pur senza andare a scomodare i vari dei pagani dell'antichità che morirono e risorsero, come Osiride, Dioniso, Ishtar, Dumuzi, Dalmoxis, etc: dopotutto assistiamo a una resurrezione ogni giorno, con il sole che tramonta puntualmente dopo essere tramontato la sera prima, per non parlare del continuo rinnovarsi del ciclo delle stagioni, e così via. Orbene, anche Gesù, per non essere da meno, risorge e appare ai suoi discepoli, consolandoli del lutto.

12 – The Return with The Elixir

As Vogler says: "It is up to each of us determine what is the Elixir - wisdom, experience, money, love, fame, or the exciting adventure of a lifetime. But good story, and a good journey, leaving us with an elixir that transforms us, makes us more aware, more alive, more human, more integrated, more in fact part of a package. The circle of the hero's journey is complete " .
Because in the end, what is the return to the ordinary world if you are not able to cure him from his bad start? So Jesus comes back and gives the world its Elixir - salvation, forgiveness, immunity, or whatever it was that for which he suffered all 'I'm ordeal.
To tell the truth, I plead ignorance on this point: the only explanation I was given some time ago reference was made to pass a clean slate of original sin - you know, that Adam and Eve contract by accepting the offer of the Snake to embrace the knowledge and realize that they were naked, thus enriching the stylists, who had prepared the solution.
Since then a sieve of Scripture, in search of some passage that explains why all the generations that were born before the advent of Jesus were not deemed worthy of such a clean slate. For now nothing, but when I find, Have faith, be the first to be informed.

Whatever it is, admit it, the curriculum of Jesus is all over, retracing the path of the hero ideal second-Campbell Vogler almost literally, with eleven out of twelve points. First round well played. And now we go to school Lord Raglan.

Major FitzRoy Richard Somerset, 4th Baron Raglan - or simply Lord Raglan, as we like to think it was written on his intercom - spent most of his life studying myths and legends, as Joseph Campbell would have done then. His work differed slightly from that of other authors in search of a spiritual and psychological journey of the archetype hero. Lord Raglan was more interested in a list of the recurring themes, not necessarily develop into some sort of moral issue. In his book The Hero: A Study of Tradition, Myth and Drama (1936), Lord Raglan distilled 22 features among the most common myths of the Indo-European heroes. [2]
Here is the famous list, with examples of other heroes of myth and reality (including historical figures whose life has been - so to speak - novel), and a dry YES or NO, depending on whether the life Jesus told in the Gospels presence or absence of the element in question.

1 - The hero's mother is a virgin of royal blood (eg Perseus): YES
2 - Her father is a king (eg, Heracles): YES
3 - Often his father is also a close relative of the mother (eg Mithridates VI of Pontus): YES
4 - Circumstances of his conception are unusual (eg, Watu Gunung): YES
5 - He is also reputed son of a deity (ie Krishna): YES
6 - At birth you try to kill him (eg Oedipus): YES
7 - The hero is moved away from danger by a supernatural (ie Jason): YES
8 - is raised by adoptive parents in a distant country (eg Romulus): NO
9 - Nothing is known of his childhood (eg Samson): NO
10 - reached adulthood, the hero comes back or for the first time in his future kingdom (eg Ulysses): YES
11 - Defeat the King and / or a giant, a dragon or a wild beast (ie Theseus): NO
12 - The hero marries a princess, often the daughter of his predecessor (eg Nyikng): NO
13 - Become the king (eg Beowulf): YES
14 - For a time he reigns without anything special to happen (ie Buddha): NO
15 - promulgates laws (eg Moses): YES
16 - After losing the favor the gods and / or its subjects (ie Krishna): YES
17 - is driven from the throne and the city (eg Oedipus): NO
18 - died in a mysterious or unusual (ie the Prophet Elijah): YES
19 - often die on top of a hill (ie Moses): YES
20 - His sons, he has not succeeded on the throne (eg, Tsar Nicholas II): YES
21 - Her body remains unburied (eg, Enoch): YES
22 - However, there are one or more places where his tomb is venerated (eg, King Arthur): YES

and the late author Alan Dundes, ex docente di folklore alla University of California, Berkley, a darci il punteggio di Gesù secondo la scala Raglan nel video The God Who Wasn't There [3]: con 19 punti, il Maestro si piazza a un rispettabile terzo posto, battuto solo da Edipo (22 punti) e da Teseo (20 punti), sgominando i vari Romolo ed Ercole (17 punti), Perseo (16 punti), Zeus e Giasone (15 punti), Robin Hood (13 punti) e Apollo (11 punti). Esiste anche uno studio pubblicato dal Monmouth College, Illinois [4], dove il punteggio assegnato a Gesù è di 18 punti. Personalmente, la mia scaletta qui sopra arriva appena a 16: siete invitati naturalmente a essere in disaccordo con me, ogni critica è accettata. Ciò che conta è che il punteggio resta comunque piuttosto altino, al punto da risultare alquanto sospetto.
Quando, più di un secolo fa, si cominciavano a condurre studi nella direzione del mito visto con occhi per la prima volta razionali – con Otto Rank fra gli antesignani – Gesù era deliberatamente lasciato fuori da queste classifiche, in quanto si preferiva fischiettare disinvoltamente e dare per scontato che quanto riportato nei Vangeli era da considerarsi letteralmente vero – parola per parola, contraddizioni e tutto. I tempi sono leggermente cambiati e, tolta anche al cristianesimo questa esenzione, le implausibilità si fanno immediatamente evidenti.
Per citare Jordan Maxwell (autore che peraltro non sempre vedo di buon occhio): "We do not want to hurt or offend anyone, the only thing we are interested in are the facts."

Pace, Francesca Rinaldo

[1] For a more detailed explanation: tales
[2] See:
[3] See: #
[4] See: Clas230/MythDocuments/HeroPattern/default.htm

Sharp Pain Below Belly Button And Urethra


Rain, lots of rain and freddo.L 'winter 2011/2012 will commence in the second half of November with just lots of rain and cold. On the day of 27 December the temperatures are lowered by at least ten degrees, although still not even at night we went down below 0 ° C. For the calendar so those fifteen days prorpio appear so gloomy and cold day with winds from the northwest also supported.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Self Made Presents For Anniversaries For Men


The December 26 is the first day of calendar or timetable for the return of Saint Lucia. This means that from this day we begin to count the second half of each month, until the day of Epiphany, which represents the second half of January.
The day of 26 December 2010, began with a burr from the north west (northwest), which cooled the air a bit, bringing daytime temperatures to around grade 9 / 10 ° night dive up to 4 ° c . It 'rained only very late in the evening with a strengthening wind always wind that reached gusts of 33 knots.
We can assume therefore that we will make a New Year's Eve in the rain and wind strong in 2011. while the remaining two weeks of December will be roughly mild but fresh. (December understood as December 2011)

I say roughly because this prediction is to be taken with the tongs. As of December 14 begins the new calendar, then the time may vary depending on the weather that day, so give. Same thing for the first fortnight of January, because we are that we are still 1 to 6 in the grille and especially on days 1 and 2 are expected during the second half of May and June, in a few words could make a hot hand forecasts for the fortnight.

An example of what could happen and that has already happened between the end last year and early this year: Thirty
proved Caldine, the thirty-one so-so but still hot, the one and two it rained. The round of 30 means August, and in fact it was quite hot in August. July 31 is back, and it was hot but with some rain, 1 did little cold and it rained and in fact the session of June was rainy, the second is rain enough and in fact the May session was really wet with the first leg of June. All this was not foreseen in the going of the month of January of the calendar related to quest'anno2010. The calendar for the year 2010 but provided only fresh winds.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Como Poner Messenger A Mi Psp

Jesus the Hero There's no respect! Why

Rinaldo Francesca

"wretched king! Miserable assembly! " wrote the famous English statesman and philosopher Edmund Burke in 1790 ," as that assembly be silently scandalized against those of its own members, who have the courage to define a like a beau jour day when the sun seems to have turned off in Heaven. " [1] These were the
erudite reflections on the early stages of the French Revolution, which Burke gave an indignant to his contemporaries, and those who found the approval in its English readers that certain events anti-monarchist across the Channel were beginning to cause uncontrollable bowel incontinence (and record): it was not without the approval of those enlightened intellectuals for whom there was nothing more sacred to the world of a king or a queen who announces from his throne to be there , to pocket the taxes of his fellow citizens, because this is the will of God an unidentified
And because every age has the brainpower it deserves, let us quote what was said on 10 December 2010 from the best response to Edmund Burke that our century has to offer - News 2000 - the recent and regrettable case of lese majesty in London: "Last night Charles and Camilla were on their way a un evento di gala quando un gruppo di studenti, che manifestavano per il rincaro delle tasse universitarie, ha preso a calci e a sassate l’auto in cui viaggiava la coppia reale. Molto spavento per i coniugi e un finestrino rotto per la loro Rolls Royce”. [2]
Così singhiozza Rossana Lacala , palesemente con il cuore in gola per l'incolumità dei reali VIP, nostri perenni idoli e fonte d'ispirazione.
Inutile negarlo, il profetico Edmund Burke aveva visto giusto: a 220 anni di distanza, il pernicioso spirito rivoluzionario, come un contagio pestilenziale, sta tentando di piantare le sue velenose radici anche in UK. Ah, in che tempi senza rispetto viviamo, Edmund, in cui gli umili membri della Sacra Famiglia Royal can not even go to the Royal Variety Performance - wearing clothes and trinkets to the value of a year's average salary of their subjects - not that their small car is shaken, with disastrous consequences for the coiffure of Camilla, a mass of students -never-happy - true tyrants of the situation! And all this why? Only because, shortly before the attack, these student-tyrants had heard that the Liberia-Conservative coalition government, remain elegantly to his word gullible voters had seen fit to enable UK universities to raise the their annual fees up to £ 9,000 - in harmonious unison with cuts to the institutions university 80%.
all? Ah, to be sure that there is no religion, hey? And at this rate we might as well bid farewell also to the humanities, architecture, design, art history, preservation of artistic heritage, English literature, foreign literature, philosophy, ancient history, medieval or contemporary ... Bye-byeee!
A few steps below with respect to intellectual Novella 2000, we find Republic on a fanciful Enrico Franceschini that gives us more, disturbing similarities with the French Revolution: "'Death to the real tagliamogli head'. So i started probably two minutes longer than Charles and Camilla. " [3]
Queste minacciose esortazioni a mettere alla ghigliottina i reali – a quanto pare – sono state udite solo da Franceschini, visto che non ve n'è traccia sui media britannici: forse, chissà, gli sono state sussurrate in gran segreto? Magari da un'invisibile Tinkerbell, ci piace pensare, seduta su una sua spalla.
Sia come sia, il momento è drammatico.
Davvero, cosa vogliono mai questi studenti, sempre lì a protestare? Gli studenti dovrebbero studiare, no?
Ah già, scusate, eravamo soprappensiero: presto non potranno più studiare, 'sti disgraziati. A meno che, naturalmente, non siano disposti a finire con 50.000 sterline di debito prima di aver concluso il loro corso di laurea. Ma dal resto, che saranno mai cinquanta grand (così si dice da queste parti: grand ; da buoni corrispondenti all'estero, ci piace calcare la mano sulla nostra snobistica conoscenza della parlata locale; siamo convinti che Franceschini approverebbe)?
Possibile che nessuno abbia informato questi cosiddetti studenti che cinquanta grand sono noccioline per coloro che hanno votato a favore della legge?
Poi vabe', se proprio noccioline non sono per lo studente medio in UK o per la sua famiglia, quello non è certo un problema del governo, no?
Lo vogliamo capire che i soldi non ci sono più? Dopo che 75 miliardi di sterline del denaro dei contribuenti è stato regalato a sacre istituzioni bancarie such as Royal Bank of Scotland, HBOS, Lloyds and Barclays - whose investment bankers have bought up an average of seventy thousand pounds in bonuses each, despite some of these banks continued to be in person until last spring [4] - the money, puff, as if by magic, there are no more. And public education, to put it cleaned, it may as well go to make love to herself. Mettetevelo that into your head, young students.
So it is useless to go to break the glass to the poor Charles Rolls, whose adorable brother Andrew, for example, you usually get airlift to sporting events, and with licotteri rented for the modest sum of five thousand pounds each time (at the expense of his subjects, of course). [5]
No, rather try to give you a cleaned up, dress, and above all a bit 'better: to listen to the lament of the man Keith Mitchell, of Oxfordshire County Councillor, in as far as we understand, who tweeted dismay at the sight of a rally of students incazzatelli in the palace of his county: "The Hall County [i] t is invaded by a herd of students ugly and badly dressed: God help us if this is the future." [6]
God help us really, Keith, though - with a heavy heart - we are forced to contradict: the future is far worse, you know? Soon these "bad students" will be dressed even worse, since, thanks to politicians like you, have barely enough money to go shopping in charity shops.
The Pearl, however, consentitecelo, we have been donated by the member of parliament David Davis, the day-outrage-mioddìo unacceptable attack accused of incompetence of the Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson : "The Police know where to find the Prince, for obvious security reasons, "explained David Davis" So because of the violent anarchists and professional agitators were allowed to approach the car? "[7] Tsk-tsk
, David- David-Davis-Davis, ci meravigli: proprio tu ti metti a fare una domanda del genere – domanda che per molti versi contiene già la sua risposta?
Proprio tu, con tutta la tua esperienza nell'arte delle Pubbliche Relazioni – ovvero la manipolazione della percezione delle masse?
Non fosti forse tu a dare le dimissioni nel giugno del 2008, in “protesta” contro la proposta di legge per estendere i giorni di detenzione senza uno straccio di prova da 28 a 42, contro l'introduzione delle carte d'identità biometriche e contro le onnipresenti telecamere di sorveglianza sul territorio britannico, riciclandoti così come Paladino per la Libertà? Per poi ripresentarti alle elezioni locali con l'appoggio dell'inquietante lobby Andrew Jackson Society, in the form of neocon politicians of the caliber of Edward Vaizy, Michael Gove, Tim Collins? Detail this disturbing when one considers that the international patron of the Andrew Jackson Society are the American neocon Richard Perle, Robert Kagan and William Kristol [8] (founded in 1997 to lobby the frightening Project for the New American Century, or PNAC ). We dare say also that the Andrew Jackson Society if they want a lot of manipulation of perception, false flag operations of agents provocateurs , etc, since they belong to R. James Woolsey, Jr. (former CIA Director), Sir Richard Dearlove (former head of British intelligence MI6) and, last but not least, Dr. Irwin M. Stelzer (which, in addition to being briefly managing director of Rothschild Inc. [9], it is also the right arm of Rupert Murdoch [10]).
And now you, David Davis, do you expect to be taken seriously doubt that your "professional anarchists" (and here the "professionals" could be a keyword that you missed) managed to get close to Charles Rolls and Camilla? You could just do some little question to your buddies at the Andrew Jackson Society, perhaps in one of several occasions when those friends are paid handsomely to speak at their events. They would be happy to explain that, when you need to portray dissent as crazy, motivated by unreasonable demands and orchestrated by criminal minds, the best way is always to make sure that the protesters go a little 'further, that made some act from which the majority part of the population opts out of horror, you know, to give the media the possibility to sing the familiar tune: "A demonstration started peacefully turned into blah-blah-blah (fill in the blanks as appropriate). It is not always easy, we admit it. That is why it requires a technique called kettling .
See, David Davis, the kettle - as you teach us - is an appliance that is used to boil water, trapped under the lid, the kettling police, however, is a technique to surround and trap in a square in a number of peaceful demonstrators, do not let them out, exacerbate well well, just bring to a boil (which happens regularly after a few hours) and then allowed to free themselves and be free to vent violently, like a mass of unthinking, in the most instinctive and savage, preferably vandalizing a bit 'of public property, which is always a certain effect. It is then that you live the cameraman (filming gloating "senseless and gratuitous violence") si fa vivo il fotografo (Click!), si fa vivo il commentatore che, trapelato e con l'obbligatoria lacrimuccia, bela nel microfono: “Sono momenti che non vorremmo mai vedere... Una manifestazione iniziata in modo pacifico si è trasformata in bla-bla-bla”.
Funziona ogni volta.
Te lo dice uno che ebbe il piacere di vedere con i propri occhi ciò che succede quando un migliaio di persone viene imbottigliato con questa tecnica, in quanto il sottoscritto faceva parte di quei pacifici dimostranti che si presentarono davanti alla Bank of England il primo aprile 2009 [11], per poi ritrovarsi “kettlato” (blindato?) per ore in un miglio quadrato, all'interno dello Stato Sovrano della Private corporation, known as the City of London . [12]
And then, at the end of this treatment, when we were given the illusion of being successfully managed to free ourselves by our own efforts, it was really surprising that some smashed bank windows around (especially the Royal Bank of Scotland, who had just pocketed twenty-five billion pounds of taxpayers [13])?
Coming back to today, David Davis, we really wonder if the car dell'ingioiellata couple was assaulted by "thousands [who] had been bottled inside for hours of Parliament Square, and unable to leave" [ 14], with the apparent complicity police, as you yourself say, "always knows where he is the Prince, for obvious security reasons"? Come
David Davis: try not to insult our intelligence.

[1] Edmund Burke: Reflections on the Revolution in France, available at:
[2] Ross Lacale: Charles and Camilla attacked by students, available here: by-student /
[3] Enrico Franceschini: Assault car of Charles and Camilla those two minutes of terror Republic, December 11, 2010, published at:
[4] Philip Aldrick: Can Lloyds and RBS as off the critical list? , The Daily Telegraph, 20 February 2010, available here:
-list.html [5] Christopher Leake: Why did Airmiles Andy helicopter hire for £ 5k 120-mile trip? So He Could wild dash back from racing for 'Vital Royal Household meeting' , The Daily Mail, May 2, 2010, reperibile su:
[6] Oxfordshire council leader tweet angers fee protesters , BBC News, 2 dicembre 2010, pubblicato qui:
[7] Criminal investigation into attack on Charles and Camilla , Channel 4 News, 10 dicembre 2010, disponibile su:
[8] Vedere:
[9] See biography by Irwin M. Stelzer, available at the lobby of another to which it belongs, the Hudson Institute:
[10] How to read the newspapers , The Observer, Sunday, November 13, 2005, published here:
[11] A story, however partial and incomplete, is located here:
[12] See EC Knuth, The Empire of "The City" available Here:
[13] Patrick Hosking and Miles Costello: RBS gets £ 25bn from Further to the taxpayer after record loss , The Sunday Times , February 26, 2009, published here:

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Find The Combination For A Garrison Lock

wars are not reported honestly?

John Pilger

The U.S. Army training manual, the American commander, Gen. David Petraeus, decrive in Afghanistan as a "war of perception ... conducted continuously using the mass media. " What's really important not so much the daily battles against the Taliban, as the way in which this adventure is sold in America, where "the media directly influence key audiences."
reading this, I am reminded of the Venezuelan general who led the coup against the democratic government in 2002. "We have a secret weapon," he boasted. "We have the media, especially TV. The media must have them! "
Never before has so much energy was used to make special that journalists collude with the architects of rapacious wars, they say the generals in tune with the media, have become" permanent. " Echoing one of the warlords more verbose the West, such as former U.S. President Dick Cheney, fans of "waterboarding", which preached "50 years of war," they are planning a state of permanent conflict, will depend entirely from being able to hold off an enemy that they are afraid to name: the public. A
Chicksands in Bedfordshire, the headquarters of the psychological warfare of the Ministry of Defence (Psyops), the masters of the media are dedicated to this task, immersed in their language of "information dominance", "asymmetric threats" and "cyberthreats. They share the building with those who taught those interrogation methods which led to a public inquiry on torture perpetrated by British soldiers in Iraq. Disinformation and the barbarity of colonial war have much in common.
course, only the jargon is new. In the opening scene of my film, The War do not see, there is a reference to a private conversation, pre-Wikileaks of December 1917 between David Lloyd George, the British prime minister during much of World War I, and CP Scott, editor Manchester Guardian. "If people really knew the truth," said the prime minister, "war would stop tomorrow. But of course they do not know and can not know. "
aftermath of this war to end all wars, "Edward Bernays, confidant of President Woodrow Wilson coined the term" public relations "as a euphemism for propaganda," which had been given a negative connotation during the war. " In his book Propaganda (1928), Bernays described the PR as "an invisible government which is the true ruling power in our country" thanks to "clever manipulation of the masses." This was obtained through "false reality" and their adoption in the media (one of the first successes of Bernays was to persuade women to smoke in public. Associating smoking with women's liberation, could be published titles praising the cigarettes as "torches of freedom").
I began to understand all this when I was a young reporter during the war in Vietnam. In the first place where I was sent, I saw the results of the bombardment of two villages and the use of Napalm B, which continues to burn under the skin, many of the victims were children, the trees were decorated with human offal. The lament that "these are the inevitable tragedies that happen during a war" did not explain why virtually the entire population of South Vietnam were at risk of attack by their stated "ally" the United States. PR terms as "pacification" and "collateral damage" became our currency. Almost no reporter used the word "invasion". "Involvement," and then "swamp" became the cornerstones of the vocabulary of the news, acknowledged that the killing of civilians just as the tragic mistakes and rarely questioned the good intentions of the invaders.
On the walls of the offices of major American news agencies were often hung in Saigon horrific photographs that were never published and which are rarely addressed because it was said that they would "sensationalized" the war shocking readers and viewers and thus were not "objective." The My Lai massacre of 1968 was not reported by Vietnam, though a good number of journalists had been aware (as of other, similar atrocities), but by a freelance in the U.S., Seymour Hersh. The cover of Newsweek magazine called it an "American tragedy", wishing to indicate that the invaders were the victims: a cathartic theme taken up enthusiastically by Hollywood in films like The Deer Hunter and Platoon. The war was tragic and wrong, but the cause was essentially noble. Plus it was "lost" because of the irresponsibility of the media hostile and without censorship.
Despite being the opposite of the truth, the false reality became the "lessons" learned by architects of the wars of today and most of the media. In return, Vietnam, the use of embedded journalists became the central practice of war on both sides of the Atlantic. With distinguished exceptions, this was a success, especially in the U.S.. In March 2003, about 700 embedded reporters and cameramen accompanied the invasion forces in Iraq. Look at their emotional services, and it seems to be back to the liberation of Europe. The Iraqis are distant, ephemeral and irrelevant pieces: John Wayne is back.
The apogee was the winning entry in Baghdad, and television images of jubilant crowds around the killing of the statue of Saddam Hussein. Behind this facade, a U.S. Psyops team had successfully managed to manipulate what a neglected service of the U.S. military describes as a "media circus [with] how many Iraqi journalists." Rageh Omaar, who was there on behalf of the BBC, reported these words on the main evening news program: "People came here to give welcome [the Americans], making the sign of V for victory. These images are repeated throughout the Iraqi capital. "In reality, those that were not reported, and that they were taking place all over Iraq, were the bloody conquest and the destruction of a society, which gradually took the foot.
War I do not see , Omaar speaks with admirable frankness. "I had done my job well," says, "I raised my hands and I was told that they could not touch the keys more painful." Describes how the propaganda of the British army was able to successfully manipulate the news of the fall of Basra, which News 24, BBC reported having fallen "17 times". This report, he says, was like being in "a huge soundproofed studio."
There was no place in the news for the immensity of the suffering of Iraqis in this massacre. Standing in front of 10 Downing Street, Andrew Marr, former BBC political editor, said: "[Tony Blair] said he would be able to take Baghdad without bloodshed and in the end Iraqis have celebrated, and on both these points is because he had quite right. " I requested an interview with Marr, but got no answer. In studies conducted by the University of Wales, Cardiff by the Media Tenor on television [Iraq], it was concluded that the BBC report reflected the enormous government line, while services to the suffering of civilians were relegated. As for taking the time to talk about the opposition to the war, Media Tenor has developed in last place among the Western media, the BBC and CBS. "I am perfectly open to the charge that we were deceived," said Jeremy Paxman, speaking of the non-existent weapons of mass destruction ground in Iraq to a group of students last year. "Obviously, we have been." From a professional speaker, paid handsomely, he forgot to explain why he was deceived.
Dan Rather, who was the announcer at the CBS news program for 24 years, was less reticent. "There was a fear in every editorial in America," he said, "a fear of losing their jobs, of being labeled as unpatriotic, or something like that." Rther says the war "has made us all stenographers" and that if journalists had questioned the deception that led to war in Iraq, rather than amplify, the invasion would not have taken place. This is a review ormai condivisa da parecchi veterani del giornalismo che ho intervistato negli USA.
In Gran Bretagna, David Rose, i cui articoli sull'Observer avevano giocato un ruolo importante nel collegare falsamente Saddam Hussain con al-Qaida e l'undici settembre, mi ha concesso una coraggiosa intervista, in cui ha detto: “Non ho scuse... Quello che è successo [in Iraq] è un crimine, un crimine su larga scala...”
“Significa questo che i giornalisti furono complici?” gli ho chiesto.
“Sì... inconsapevoli forse, ma sì”.
A che cosa servono dei giornalisti che si comportano in questo modo? La risposta ci è fornita dal grande reporter James Cameron, il cui coraggioso e illuminante reports on the bombing of North Vietnam, made with Malcolm Aird, was censured by the BBC. "If we do, we should be those whose job is to find out what they're bastards, if we do not report what we find, if not break the silence," he said, "those who fail to prevent recurrence of this bloody affair again? ".
Cameron could not you imagine a modern phenomenon as Wikileaks, but would surely have approved. In the avalanche of official documents, especially those that describe the secret machinations that lead to war - as the American obsession with Iran - the failure of journalism rarely appears. And perhaps the reason Julian Assange seems that unleash such hostility between the journalists who serve a variety of lobbying, who was once a press secretary to George Bush called "complicit enablers", is that Wikileaks and its dissemination of the truth, make them ashamed of themselves. Because the general public had to wait until there was Wikileaks to know how the great power? As revealed by a document of 2000 pages of the Ministry of Defence, journalists are considered the most effective centers of power, not as embedded, or suitable to be part of the club, but are seen as a threat. This is the threat of real democracy, whose "currency" as Thomas Jefferson said, is "the free flow of information."
In my film, I was asked to Assange like Wikileaks have led to draconian laws against the secrecy that is famous in Britain. 'Well, "she said" when we look up documents bearing the seal of the Official Secret Act, we keep in mind that it is a crime to store the information and it is a crime to destroy it, so that the only possible solution is to publish the 'information'.
These are extraordinary times.

The original article appeared on December 10, 2010:

• The War You Do not See be released in theaters and on DVD Dec. 13 and will be broadcast on ITV on December 14 at 22:35

Thursday, December 9, 2010

How To Make Skate Arches Smaller

Get Rid of Jehovah's Witnesses with 5 simple questions

Rinaldo Francesca

it never said that Àp0ti be inclined to pull back onerous but rewarding task of dispensing practical advice to everyday survival for Homo (and for Mulier) Sapiens free spirit and inquiring mind, indeed, knows that these our scattered thoughts and innocent could one day be broader in a manual of survival, maybe with an attachment - why not - a cookbook. After all, let's face it, the '10s are in desperate need of a return to post-retro-kitsch-pseudo-counter-culture, brilliantly expressed in indispensable masterpieces such as The Anarchist Cookbook , Steal This Book, and many others. So who better than Àp0ti could apply for such a gathering, a distinguished witness? Have you seen our logo? I mean, sorry, no, I tell you. Seen. Our. Logo? Said it all.
However, since one has to start somewhere, why not start with some simple straight that allows you to make trouble - and then fleeing - the hardworking employees of the Watchtower Society, by ensure that your home is on their maps tactics signaled, once and for all, with a capital NOT MAKE YOU OPEN THE DOOR?
Yes, I agree, there will be some who will argue that retaliation - like the stunt in which we applaud films like Jackass - should be left to professionals, in fact any of you have seen in the performance of worship idol of mothers Fabio Volo ( where the video shown below) a sort of wet dream, a retaliation Dante, if you will, but nothing more. Definitely not something to emulate.
Our interpretation is slightly different, however, if you will allow.
For goodness sake, the video will surely rejoice in the spontaneous comments à 'well-being-the' those who will use three and a half minutes of their lives watching Fabio Volo put on the street at seven in the morning, armed with nothing less than a crib and his persuasive human voice altar boy, which would moisten his lips with excitement even the Holy Father, with the sole purpose of, er, split the balls (if you forgive the trivial and yet apt hyperbole) to unidentified Jehovah's Witnesses, performing at their intercom and presented as 'a Catholic'.
Sure, why not, but you get the feeling that if the flight (to the registry Bonetti) had the misfortune of hitting a person in the mood for a theological debate which, seeing his bluff, he had asked to explain in detail the essence of the Trinity, perhaps for the passing TRANSUST according to Thomas Aquinas, our hero could replicate little more than a few stammering confused.
It is here that the essence of the weapon is available to anyone who opens its door to the sellers of faith: the question. After all that's wrong to want to know a little 'more about the motives that led those who believe in two soft jacket to drag their shoulder bag up to your door? Keep in mind that the only converse with people (you) that are likely to reflect on their folly Witnesses Jehovah's Witnesses doctrine can lead to "decoupling" - Or excommunication, in their world.
Well, are you ready?

1. So long as the end of the world?

Yes, for the uninitiated, that jolly fellow of Charles Taze Russell, founder of the Watchtower (Watchtower Bible and Tract Society ) based his whole system of doctrine on a single, indisputable dogma: the world was about to end. Oh, and the fact that he, Charles Taze Russell, was the only mortal in the history of mankind can correctly interpret the Bible ... for reasons which, alas, never took care not to explain, except to pour his performances in a series of studies of the Scriptures (6 volumes), the only tool to read the Bible without the risk to remain in spiritual darkness.
The end of the world, however - or Armageddon, friends - it was really his first love and forte, to the point that Russell sold his business to devote himself full time to the profession of jinx, cultivating purpose "a shaggy beard and bushy "by jinx. [1] Russell
Needless to say, as every person with those in the sphere of psychiatry are called delusional disorder, had not only been content to make predictions at random, but was also enriched with specific dates, events with biblical- paranoid are the envy another, great visionary, John the Evangelist, author of the Apocalypse.
briefly, in 1799 had begun on the End Times, in 1874 Jesus was again landed on our planet (in invisible form, mind you), and in 1914 the world would end. All dates were obviously confirmed by certain geometric measurements in the pyramids of Egypt (Where else?)
the painful disappointment to see that - and got past the 1914 - the whole human race was still alive, Russell decided to change the date and postporla to 1915 ...
Nothing. Please try again: you will be luckier.
Okay, so maybe the 1918?
Nah, no way.
Charles Taze Russell died in 1916, without even the consolation of seeing the dream come true in his life, and that is to witness the horrible and grim death and Judgement of millions of sinners who had not wanted to believe her prophecies. A real shame.
This does not mean that the spiritual heirs of Russell did this as a valuable lesson: Ah no, his successor, Joseph Franklin Rutherford such a lawyer - although it was believed to be a judge and no one could change his mind - he decided that he would pass the prophecies by his predecessor in booths, at least say that Rutherford was able to make us some money in addition, as we shall see.
Over the years, other dates were considered as possible Days Judgement: the date of Jesus' return in version Invisible Man was moved discreetly to 1914, 1925, was taken for granted as the new Armageddon (the year would also be resurrected Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to oversee what In case you were wondering) and when this did not happen, briefly, was considered the 1957 (why not? In the end it was the year of Sputnik) and then in 1975, in a famous "prophecy" made in 1966. Today, Jehovah's Witnesses prefer to quietly let us note that, according to the prophecy, the world would have ended "in 1975. You see, a verb servile changes everything. [2]

2. Dove sono gli Immortali?

Per dimostrare al mondo di essere in grado di battere persino il suo predecessore in fatto di insanità mentale, Rutheford pensò bene di profetizzare nel 1920 che milioni di persone, in vita durante il ritorno invisibile di Gesù, non sarebbero mai morte. Un concetto preso in prestito dal Vangelo secondo Matteo (24:34), che Rutheford usò come titolino leggermente sensazionalista per un suo pamphlet, atto a reclutare milioni di fedeli con una confusa profezia rivolta a coloro che si fossero convertiti entro 6 mesi, i quali avrebbero avuto comode rate a interessi zero per i primi 36 mesi, più un apriscatole in omaggio... o forse stiamo facendo confusione.
Sia come sia, nel 1925 venne just successfully launched the "campaign of one million, which enabled us to Rutherford on a nice nest egg with which to buy a villa in San Diego, and name Beth Sarim (House of Princes). We do not need to tell you that this vast property, with ten bedrooms and a swimming pool, was in fact headed to no other than Abraham, Isaac & Jacob (aka Israel): yes, Rutherford was just, like, the Keeper Beth Sarim, waiting to come back the biblical patriarchs (who - you know - like a little squirt 'water of a swimming pool, while they see a number of ways to destroy the planet and burn alive all sinners). The same applies to the two Cadillac V-16, also of course bought to run around the patriarchs. Pending
But it was good Rutherford take around California from his driver - when it was busy traveling around Europe with the proceeds derived from the new converts - and spent his winters at Beth Sarim. This was his way of life during and after the Depression of '29, qundo the vast majority of his compatriots was hungry.
The question therefore is this: millions of new converts who would still be alive ... er, where are they? Be careful, we're talking about millions of witnesses who, in 1914, must have at least the age of majority, and therefore should now have 117 years as minimo. Se ne sa niente di quelli lì? Dov'è che li tenete nascosti? Neanche un trafiletto su una delle vostre pubblicazioni?

3. Gesù non se n'è accorto?

Per coloro che si stessero ancora torcendo dall'intollerabile suspense del non sapere perché mai Gesù avesse deciso di tornare sulla terra in forma invisibile nel 1914, e per fare cosa, etc etc, ecco la risposta.
Gesù, nella piena consapevolezza che il mondo stava per essere distrutto di lì a poco – secolo più, secolo meno – aveva deciso di giungere personalmente sulla terra per esaminare ogni singola scrittura di ogni singola religione che fosse mai stata concepita dopo la sua morte (capite, To update a bit ', but without being bothered by autograph hunters). Needless to say, the end of his ponderous study, around 1919 or so, the good teacher had come to the conclusion that the interpretation of the Watchtower Society was the only one worthy of winning his seal of approval ( Man of the Mountain said yes, so to speak).
It is possible to consider that Jesus, during his research bookworm (we can at this point difficult to write, because of abdominal pain in the family that always come when you laugh too much about taste, but we wiped away the tears and keep just for you!), has also taken a look at The Volume Finished Mystery , pubblicato dalla casa editrice della sua religione preferita nel 1917?
Vedete, come nel caso di Jimi Hendrix e più recentemente Michael Jackson, la morte di un artista non impedisce a coloro che ne incassano i diritti d'autore di continuare a pubblicare, anno dopo anno, materiale inedito, di solito convenientemente reperito all'ultimo momento, 1-2 mesi prima del Santo Natale.
Così anche per Charles Taze Russell, la sua morte non impedì alla Società Torre di Guardia di pubblicare il cosiddetto settimo volume dei suoi Studi delle Scritture, intitolato appunto The Finished Mystery . In questo libro si legge a chiare lettere che la fine del mondo sarebbe cominciata nella primavera del 1918, that was the case of spiritual preparation, and maybe even cancel the appointment with the hairdresser. As we know, however, the world continues to exist for another 92 years. Nothing Revelation - sigh!
The cases are therefore two: Jesus, in selecting the JW as the only keepers of the truth, he was willing to turn a blind eye on this small oversight (???) or simply did not notice?
Answer, my good witnesses ...

4. A shocking and wrong translation, outdated and incorrect?

Yes, I agree: we all know that the entire Bible in any modern language to read, is basically a "shocking and wrong translation outdated and incorrect. " This is evident from the first verse of Genesis! "In the beginning Gods created the heavens and the earth" would be a more accurate translation than the version that we inflicted the catechism, since, until proven otherwise, the word for "God" in the original text - Elohim, or אֱלהִים - is plural!
But even if it were omitted, no translation can not even dream of competing in terms of bizarre, comic and arbitrary interpretations by psychopaths with the Grand Champion: the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures - the only version recognized from JW.
And to say we are not, but the same academic quoted by the Watchtower Society as a leading authority on the original sacred texts: prof. JR Mantey.
Apparently, the Watchtower Society was chosen as the face of Mantey New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures , the little problem is that when Mantey heard of it - decades ago - nearly a stroke and was careful to declare "After studying their incorrect translations in hundreds of verses of the New Testament, it was clear in my conviction that the Scripture when he disagreed with their particular teachings, they have deliberately translated incorrectly or altered the text to the point that it might seem that there is some apparent support for their views unscriptural (...). But what is far worse, (...) are guilty of deliberate deception: This makes the translation detestable "[3]
In other words, my good Witnesses: Do you really believe your writings, even when those who think the sanctions, are actually the first to call them "loathsome"?

5. There would agree at least try to find out if you have a hope?

Here's another amusing curiosity about our friends with the shoulder bag: you should make the idea come to convert, you would be given the rank of second-class flock. Ah yes, the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses in fact divides the faithful in the first and second class.
Those of the first class - the "anointed," if you prefer, or משיח - are those that are allowed to take communion, those who will always have direct contact with God, only they are entitled to take place in heaven at the end of times. And of course their number is limited to 144,000 (that's returning to the abdominal pains), a number that is mentioned three times in the Apocalypse.
and the second class?
Well, this "other sheep" (The Gospel according to John 10:16) will be destined to remain on earth for eternity, unless - so says the interpretation of the moment, unless sudden changes of last-minute idea by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, as tradition has it - unless, as we said , fails to score a sufficient number of converts to enable him to become first-class sheep.
Now, the question, as the poet said, arises: before busily knocking door to door, my pretty Witnesses, would not be worth if you ask really any hope? No, because you get the feeling that, since the number of "anointed" in life right now (or "faithful slaves and discrete, "as they like to be announced) approximately 10,800 [4], and it is possible that this number has remained more or less stable - with deaths and new purchases each year - could it be that from 1879 to present the remaining 133,200 people, with a average of a thousand new "anointed" each year, have already been allocated all? I'd do a little research to, if I were you.

Well, our mission is accomplished today, dear brothers. I hope you have today a more tool, always remembering what he said the ruthless Nietzsche: It is false that every truth is not aroused at least a laugh!


[1] Luigi Pirandello: The license , available at:
[2] See: -and-its-impact-among-Dutch-Jehovahs-witnesses /
[3] JR Mantey, quoted by A. Aveta, Analysis of a sect , pp. 30, 31. See also video:
[4] Annual report, Yearbook, Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, 2010.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pizza Ovens Autocad Drawings

Ian R. Crane: BP, toxic substances, suspicious deaths and unexplained decisions

In late August 2010, White Finkler, presenter of the Dutch program Nightfall Project, interviewed the British author Ian R. Crane about the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Horizon. Given its long experience and contacts in the oil that still retains, Crane is in the rare position of having access to most of the information that was kept out by the mass media major.
What follows is a long excerpt of the interview, approximately 29 minutes' of the podcast.

IAN R. CRANE: While once, I think, we pride ourselves on how our education system to teach our young people to be intellectually curious, today's education system has nothing to do with intellectual curiosity. The education system today, particularly in the United States and Britain, is used to create the boundaries of orthodoxy. Used to tell people what is and what will be, and to teach the boundaries within which to think: anyone who dares to think outside of these boundaries is immediately considered a danger to society.

WHITE Finkler: O totally ridiculed.

IRC: Yes, a conspiracy. Or something sick, though. And these terms are used in the media, actually, to demonize critical thinkers, because the mainstream media create the narrative of what must be the reality, and insist that nobody should question, while a critical thinker will always say, as I say in my lectures, 'for God's sake, do not take everything I say at face value, you do not need anything! '
Everything I do is "plant seeds" and encourage people to test these things on their own, because in the end the people must come to their conclusions of what is real, the truth and what is fantasy and fiction. You can not tell you, they have to come to this realization.
I think what is happening at the moment, about what we're talking about, that is the disaster of BP, in a sense, this makes our game, because it helps to prove that things really are not as they are portrayed in the media.
What we see right now is that in the United Kingdom for nearly two months, there are these shocking articles claiming that the oil "is gone," was all an exaggeration, "was all a plan to demonizing the oil industry and allow the BP to buy American assets of BP. "

BF: Well, basically it is still British Petroleum!

IRC: Exactly. As if they thought: 'we've won the war of independence, and now find a system to check their companies'. Well, the moral is that John Brown, the former chief executive of BP, you will also be made many enemies when he was head of BP, there is absolutely no doubt, even though he had many hooks, and I think certainly that - in part - The agenda was also to break up the BP and provide opportunities for American companies like Exxon to return to being the largest global oil producer. So what we will see in the coming months will certainly be a greater amount of BP's assets acquired by U.S. companies: Exxon then we will probably take possession of the pipeline in Alaska, the Alaskan North Slope by BP Amoco, and probably even operations in the Gulf of Mexico. What is the industrial look. But let's look in the Gulf, despite the British media try to tell us that the oil has disappeared: first of all try to understand where it will be gone. First, BP has disseminated an excess of 41,500 hectoliters of an extremely dangerous chemical solvent known as Corexit, to be precise, they used a particularly toxic variety, called Corexit 9527A. The reason we have used that type because they knew that they would never had the chance to use it, so this was an opportunity to enter the ocean and let someone else pay the bill.

BF: Yes , wanted us to drink, having poured millions of liters of oil into the ocean, which could remedy this mess with chemicals?

IRC: Indeed, what does this Corexit is to push oil below the surface [sea] relegates him underwater. So from a cosmetic point of view might seem that the oil is gone: it is not really gone anywhere.

BF: Oh my God!

IRC: Indeed, its action is to create a layer of dead. So what we have now - and you can find much of what they have been written on the network [...] - is something as 22 miles [cubic] oil is diluted below the surface, and the fact that they are able to measure 22 miles might suggest that in reality are a lot more, because the effects Corexit fragments in the oil: it makes it almost invisible but is always there, to create this layer, which moreover also has the effect of preventing the sunlight to penetrate deep water, so it is also killing many fish and plankton living in the deepest levels of the Gulf.
The situation we have now is that, despite certain fishing areas have been reopened, are the fishermen who are basically saying, 'no, it is outrageous', because no one has actually made some tests water or fish, so are the fishermen themselves to restrain himself and said: 'we are not going to fish in those waters', because no one has tested. It is very likely that the fish are toxic, and despite this, the EPA - Environment Protection Agency - is encouraging them to go down there to fish, those fish and enter the food chain - no problem!
Well, this is part of their agenda, because you know, we're already getting reports of people now - I say now, but in reality there is no news for weeks like this - of people all around the Gulf of Mexico that is feeling very bad . It is a feature of Corexit, if people come into contact even on the skin, è che può addirittura penetrare il corpo, creando lesioni sulla pelle e, quando arriva agli organi interni, attacca le cellule del sangue. Infatti uno dei primi sintomi d'intossicazione da Corexit è che la persona comincia a sanguinare dall'ano. Però quando si arriva a sanguinare dall'ano vuol dire che si hanno già dei problemi, perché significa che il Corexit sta già attaccando gli organi interni. Tutte queste informazioni sono soppresse, non vengono diffuse dai media.
Una delle cose che ho spiegato in un mio DVD è che uno degli aspetti di questa situazione era che nessuno negli USA aveva intenzione di andare nelle vicinanze del Golfo del Messico in vacanza: si vede bene su alcuni video su YouTube. Le spiagge in Alabama e in Louisiana, which in this time of year has always been rather busy, are now completely empty. What is happening however is that because people in Britain and Europe in general is said that oil is gone, everything was cleaned up, it was all an exaggeration, there is no problem, etc etc, There are tens of thousands of British and European tourists who are going to Florida - is likely to spend a week, as I know, visiting Universal Studios, Orlando, or to see the new Harry Potter Theme Park and all that good stuff, and maybe will also address one of those coastal areas. Well, the irony is that the east coast of Florida - of course the most lontana da questo incidente – è in realtà più a rischio, per via delle correnti, la costa orientale da Miami in su, insomma, è più a rischio di avere acque contaminate dal Corexit rispetto alla costa occidentale, che è dove non arrivano le correnti. Ora, questo non significa che le acque contaminate dal Corexit arriveranno alle spiagge: diciamo semplicemente che non lo sappiamo, perché non si sta facendo alcun tipo di test. Quindi la situazione è questa: decine di migliaia di turisti andranno in Florida, credendo innocentemente che il problema sia risolto, che non ci sia più niente, arriveranno lì e ciò che prevedo, Bianca, è che nei prossimi mesi ci saranno casi di persone in Europa che andranno from their doctor because they will be hurt, inexplicably, and do not know why, and a cause that will not be considered because it will not be considered conclusive, the municipality will denomintore that all these people went to Florida for their summer vcanze.

BF: And the doctor will say that this is an allergic reaction, prescribe the pills ...

IRC: Exactly.

BF: chronically ill.

IRC: Precisely. And that is the first stage. I predict that even in mid summer next year, we will see an alarming increase in congenital malformations of ribs around the area Golfo, negli Stati Uniti. E questi sono ancora, se vuoi, gli effetti immediati della prossimità ed esposizione del mix petrolio/Corexit. Ora, il petrolio è di fatto una tossina a 11 parti su un milione; il Corexit è una tossina già a 1,2 parti su un milione. E in alcune zone in Alabama, dove qualche test sulle spiagge lo hanno perlomeno fatto, hanno trovato una concentrazione di Corexit nell'acqua di undici parti su un milione! In altre parole, dieci volte il suo livello accettabile di tossicità.
Quindi capisci, dire che il problema non c'è più non è solo irresponsabile: è totalmente scandaloso.
Però, sai com'è, aiuta certe persone a mettere in atto la loro agenda, clandestinamente because you know, no one is tracking - or is inclined to trace - the link exists. So 'do not know what the cause, it can not be traced back to us', you know, is like dropping a bomb directly on a portion of the population.
However now, a second aspect of this, which is part of the agenda in the long term is that the Gulf of Mexico is a tributary of the Gulf Stream: This is why it is called the Gulf Stream! So with the hurricane season, which began June 1, the Gulf of Mexico where they originate, and tropical cyclones and hurricanes, particularly around September and October, when we see these storms originate on costa settentrionale degli Stati Uniti, acqua piovana contaminata di Corexit andrà a depositarsi sul Messico settenrionale, forse perfino giù in Belize, Honduras, forse fino in Guatemala; ma certamente attraverso gli Stati Uniti del sud-est. Quindi tutta quell'area degli Stati Uniti, dalla Florida fino alle Carolinas, Atlanta, Oklahoma, tutte queste zone avranno inevitabilmente acqua piovana contaminata di Corexit depositata sulla testa nelle prossime settimane e nei prossimim mesi.
Ora, stiamo già ricevendo notizie di danni alle colture fin su in Minnesota. Naturalmente, questo nei media viene presentato come un 'inspiegabile danno alle colture'. Beh, diamo semplicemente un'occhiata a quello che sta succedendo: 41.500 ettolitri di Corexit poured into the Gulf, the Gulf Stream, which are a source of tropical cyclones and hurricanes, and of course part of this stuff is transported in the atmosphere, across great distances, and then is deposited on the ground as rain, causing damage to crops; another part of this stuff will be sucked into that part of the Gulf Stream across the Atlantic, carrying the water up in Western Europe. So, I think we will potentially very severe damage to crops and farmland in the coming months that will certainly affect the crops in Europe next season. And you know, right now ... I mean, the Russians are very discerning and are of course completely independent of the narrative, lies and deception of the Western media, and Russia has already announced that it will not export grain this year. Now, of course, there are several reasons that speak of this decision has had a very warm year, drought ...

BF: already have their own mess, no?

IRC: Exactly. [...] But listen, I think it's a very smart move because I think, I know that the Russians have their own analysts, their comments, which are much more insightful than anyone we have in Western Europe, because in Western we have political systems [involved] bullshit, focusing only on short, immediate term, to maintain the current power base, and therefore do not look at the facts in depth. So the danger is that while Russia will be least prepared for what will happen next year in Western Europe if they're not even talking about, not only if they are talking about, [the information] are deliberately suppressed.

BF: regard to this, here is something that I wanted to talk with you after the disaster of the oil platform, there was an obvious leak in the major media in Europe. Many of us know the story that the BP would buy shares of Google domain to make it virtually impossible to what was agggiornarsi succedendo laggiù...

IRC: Lo stanno facendo. Ancora adesso.

BF: Sì. E dopo qualche mese, come ho detto, [quest'informazione] è completamente scomparsa dalle notizie: niente sulla televisione tedesca, niente qui in Olanda; e guardo anche un sacco di TV russa: non se ne parla più neanche lì. D'accordo, hanno i loro problemi in questo momento, ma durante questo disastro – ed è ancora un disastro – tu hai viaggiato in Europa e in America: come hai vissuto tu il modo in cui circolavano le informazioni?

IRC: Beh quello che è interessante è che io ero in effetti fuori dal paese: ero in Perù per le first three weeks of June, virtually the whole of June, and I'm back in Europe until July 4. However, when I was in Peru I rely solely on my information around the Gulf of Mexico for updates, so I was extremely well informed, to tell the truth. Then, when I returned to Britain - in the meantime I had published two, maybe three newsletters on the site while I was in Peru, based on information I had received, and that I was able to corroborate, when I had a internet connection, but the sources of that information was my contacts - well, when I returned to Britain, I was very interested to see how the British media reported this ongoing disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Well, I was shocked - you will not believe Bianca - I think it was Friday, July 3, or two, but I do not remember, however, that first weekend in July, landing on a Friday, late afternoon, and I took a bit 'a press review of British newspapers. And you know what? I had to get up to page 51 of the Times to find something on the status of BP, and I had to scroll to page 37 for a tabloid - which was the Daily Mail - and even there it was a completely outrageous article, where it was proposed to put a small nuclear charge and detonate it to seal the well! That is completely outrageous: the Russians they had done in the sixties with a gas well, and should not surprise us that there have ever tried! So this was something shocking, and throughout June and July, the media have essentially tried to minimize, and I am convinced that the reason was basically that the airlines and the tourism industry was likely to implode if the thousands of passengers who had to leave to Florida for their summer holidays had changed their plans. So it was basically to keep them in a state of blissful ignorance. Fortunately I know some people - very few, in the grand scheme of things - but those few people who read my newsletter, who always encouraged them to independently verify the facts, actually changed their holiday plans. But most people have gone there in total, blissful ignorance, thanks to the British media.

BF: Let 's talk more about the people who are behind this disaster. One of the men on the platform of the company BP has absolutely refused to testify before a federal panel that is investigating the case. I do not know if I can mention his name, maybe I should leave it to you [the decision]. This man instead appeals to the Fifth Amendment to avoid self-incrimination. Could you explain to our listeners what you found out about this man, and what might that be must hide from the public?

IRC: OK, beh, immagino che, per evitare di trascinare la tua stazione radio in una battaglia legale, non menzionerò il suo nome. Ho menzionato il suo nome nel mio DVD e l'ho menzionato negli articoli che ho scritto, perché il nome è di dominio pubbllico; ma questo individuo... quello che mi preoccupa è che questo individuo praticamente non sarebbe dovuto essere sulla piattaforma fin dall'inizio. E ciò che non riesco a capire – e a cui non è ancora stata data una risposta soddisfacente da nessuno – è come sia stata manipolata la situazione in modo che l'uomo della BP più anziano ed esperto, che nominerò, visto che è completamente senza colpa...

BF: I think that is not a problem to mention the name of anyone, not for me, and certainly not for my project, because we in any case we always say the truth.

IRC: OK, we'll do all the names then: the person who really has nothing to do, and must be traumatized by what happened, this man's name is Ronald Sepulvado, and was removed from the platform four days before it exploded the well. Now, this man had no experience, probably the most experienced BP's entire fleet, and was removed from the platform on April 16 to attend, they say, a course in Lafayette, Louisiana, and the course was to be a course Update on how to properly use and apply a special device called a blowout preventer. Well, I mean, the reality is that this guy was removed from the platform at the precise moment of this story where this blowout preventer was going to do what is intended - or not. And, as we know, [the blowout preventer] has not done its job.
But because this guy was removed from the platform sixteen? To be replaced by an individual that Matthew Simmons - a guy we will discuss in a minute - has called "a thirty-two punk." The name of this "thirty-two punk" is Robert Calusa. Now, truth be told, we do not know molto di questo tizio: a quanto pare aveva lavorato, come uomo della BP, su un'altra piattaforma. Però quello che dobbiamo ricordare qui è che la Deepwater Horizon lavorava ai limiti della tecnologia occidentale per quanto riguarda l'estrazione del petrolio; quindi, in teoria, ognuno su quella piattaforma sarebbe dovuto essere il migliore che ogni compagnia, e la BP, avesse a disposizione. Beh, credo sicuramente che questo fosse vero nel caso di Sepulvado; ma successivamente quest'uomo è stato allontanato dalla piattaforma, ed è stato sostituito da un altro che, per usare un termine comune nel campo petrolifero quando si parla di un giovane che crede di sapere tutto, era 'pieno di piscio e aceto'.
E l'abbiamo visto molte volte: arriva un giovane rampante, arrogante, fa un sacco di soldi, vuole farsi un nome, pensa di sapere tutto, etc.
Ma in questo caso credo che la cosa vada ancora più in là, perché Calusa sembra quasi essere responsabile di un atto di sabotaggio. E c'erano state alcune persone che avevano messo in discussione certe sue decisioni e, per farla semplice, la risposta che avevano ricevuto era stata che o si faceva a modo suo, o dovevano andarsene.
Voglio dire, questo era un tizio che era sulla piattaforma da quattro giorni: normalmente un uomo della compagnia che si trova sulla piattaforma da soli quattro giorni, specialmente quando sa di avere a che fare con i migliori che compagnie come Halliburton e Schlumberger possano offrire, se si comporta so, it is truly amazing. Therefore, in my opinion, this individual will have to give answers to questions very, very difficult, not only regarding his behavior on the platform, but also, I believe, with regard to its links outside of the platform: who realized? Who had given instructions that he was putting in place? Because I think there is something much deeper than you see on the surface.
Now, as we have said, Bob Calusa He appealed to the Fifth Amendment, BP has effectively removed, was able to remove all photographs of Bob Calusa from the internet, as well as his counterpart.

BF: I was looking today ...

IRC: Can not find it, right?

BF: No.

IRC: In fact, you do not find anything. The same with regard to its counterpart. Its counterpart is a guy named Donald Vidrine. Now, Vidrine was the man who alternated in rotation with Sepulvado and I do not think that is directly involved in Vidrine qulche way. Indeed, Vidrine felt ill, he refused, or simply, to our knowledge, has not witnessed the first hearing because he was sick. Well, no wonder he felt bad and I think this guy saw what was happening, which, understandably, he did seriously ill. Non credo che a Donald Vidrine sia piaciuto ciò che ha visto; non credo che abbia necessariamente capito quello che stava vedendo. Non credo che abbia capito il comportamento di Robert Calusa e, di conseguenza, riesco completamente a capire perché il mondo gli sia di fatto crollato addosso e sia in questo momento ammalato.
Ora, l'altro fattore è che, se i miei sospetti su Calusa sono corretti, allora ovviamente verranno fatti tutti gli sforzi per tenere Calusa ben lontano da una sbarra dei testimoni; e la BP – ne sono sicuro – cercherà con discrezione di far sparire questo tizio, così come forse faranno altri che hanno un interesse in questa storia.
Voglio dire, Sepulvado ha testimoniato, ma che cosa può dire? Can only describe the state of things until April 16. All major decisions and actions have taken place since 16. I think Sepulvado is completely shaken by what happened, devastated by the fact that eleven of his men have died that way and would like to know the truth, but not even come close to the truth until all those who played a significant role will be brought to the hearings - with subpoenas, or whatever it is - and will be made for them the tough questions.
What is happening now White is a classic case of what the oil field called CYA (Cover Your Arse): all are parrying his ass. Why should people who witness are not coming forward.
For example, as I said, I spent nineteen years [working] for Schlumberger.
Those of Schlumberger were on the platform the day of the explosion. They were there to perform what is called Cement Bond Log. The CBL is the final test of integrity of the cement, the cement had been made by Halliburton.
Now, those of Halliburton, according to official records, had questioned some of the decisions of those who were taking their own BP with regard to overbuilding. And that's really weird because, under normal circumstances, would be the sub-contractor - Halliburton - hired to take care of overbuilding and, as I just said, Halliburton would have its most competent cement companies, those with more experience. And so the fact that those of BP were made to discuss the proposals of Halliburton is really unthinkable. Yet we know that this is what happened.
Now, the court, or rather at the hearings in Houston, there was a download-barrel as those of BP said it would be morally unimaginable for Halliburton to continue the work if they were not satisfied with the decisions and the information provided by the men of BP. But you know, this is a classic case of down-barrel in the final because everyone knows that men are the owner of the company piattaforma a cui spetta la decisione finale.
La Schlumberger era arrivata a bordo per fare un test; ma uno dei test era effettivamente per determinare se il pozzo era stabile. E, attraverso il processo di logging, quelli della Schlumberger erano in grado di affermare con certezza che il pozzo era instabile, che stava “scalciando” - in altre parole c'erano gas, o idrocarburi, ma più specificatamente gas, che stavano spingendo quello che viene chiamato production casing (tubo di rivestimento) lontano dalla parte geologica e cementificata. E quindi sappiamo che gli uomini della Schlumberger hanno a quel punto detto all'uomo principale della BP – che supponiamo essere stato Calusa – che il pozzo stava “scalciando”, that was unstable and they had to close it. E Calusa rejected their advice. Now, this is totally, totally unacceptable. Why Schlumberger is the cream of the crop. It is expensive but you pay that money because you know you're taking the best in the industry. And when one of the Schlumberger says that the well is unstable and must be closed, you do not take you to argue! The close, period. Instead we are told that there was nothing to do, and these guys were scared. At this point we have two versions of events, because the official version of the BP is that men of Schlumberger have gone with the helicopter that was expected to take them away at eleven o'clock in the morning. Instead, the version che ho io dalle mie fonti è che non c'era nessun elicottero previsto per quella mattina, ma gli uomini della Schlumberger erano talmente spaventati dall'arroganza dell'uomo della compagnia [BP], e dal rifiuto del loro consiglio di chiudere il pozzo, che hanno chiamato il loro manager a New Orleans (ogni manager a Schlumberger è un ingegnere, per cui sa esattamente di cosa parlano i suoi uomini sulla piattaforma), il quale ha mandato un elicottero alla piattaforma per andare a prenderli. E siamo tutti d'accordo che questi signori hanno lasciato la piattaforma alle undici del mattino. E naturalmente quello che sappiamo è che dieci ore più tardi il pozzo è esploso.

BF: Recentemente quest'uomo, Matthew Simmons, who was the founder of the Ocean Energy Institute, was found dead in his bathroom. This happened on Aug. 8, nearly three weeks after he had spoken to Robert Calusa like a punk on Bloomberg TV. This is truly a strange coincidence. I no longer believe in coincidences. You have more information about his death?

IRC: Well, I do not have specific information about his death, I mean, you have already given the known facts, namely that Matthew Simmons - who was an energetic critic of BP in recent weeks, culminating in that ' interview on Bloomberg TV, July 21 I think - well, in that interview Matthew Simmons had revealed that Calusa was of course the person that needed particular attention to [the investigation], and, as I said, remarkably, I was come to the same assumptions. So we got one from completely different angles, with very different amounts of information, but both knew enough about the oil industry to be able to determine that this was the person on which to concentrate.
Now, shortly after the interview, Matthew Simmons revealed an 'other outstanding information: I am going to share this information with you now is not in my DVD. But what Matthew had identified was [something that happened] after July 23. The July 23 date was a very significant ... not only because I was recording my presentation on DVD! But also because in that time the navigation was stopped in the Gulf of Mexico by the arrival of Tropical Storm Bonnie immminente. So for about twenty-four hours had not passed the vessels to the Gulf. Then the storm did not materialize, and so around Friday or Saturday, shipping resumed.
Now, what Matthew Simmons had understood was that, throughout this farce, BP had a camera pointing at the well-head, which transmits images in real time, OK?
Now, after 23, coincided with the time when BP was setting what they called the "top hat" che veniva calato per poter effettivamente – stando a quello che dicevano – raccogliere il 90% di ciò che stava fuoriuscendo.
Beh, le immagini in tempo reale, dopo il 25 di luglio, mostravano – o così sembrava – che il pozzo era stato tappato con successo. Ed era stato quello il momento in cui i media britannici si erano messi a dire “grande”, “missione compiuta”, “tutto fatto”. Però, quello che Matthew Simmons aveva notato – ed è stato provato che aveva assolutamente ragione – è stato che la telecamera a questo punto era puntata su un altro pozzo. La telecamera non era più puntata sul pozzo che stava perdendo olio. La telecamera era stata spostata in another well that was dug earlier and then closed. And this was easy to determine, because you could see the geographic coordinates in the top of the video. So Matthew Simmons was absolutely right when he said that BP was lying, because what they were showing - as well plugged, or that he was not losing - was no longer the same well that he lost earlier. They had the camera on an old well. Also
Matthew Simmons, a few years ago, was the darling of the oil industry. Why
Matthew Simmons was one of those who had helped to perpetuate the myth of peak oil (or peak of Hubbert ndt), ie the assumption that we're going to end the oil. Now, this is absolutely false, more or less all those who work in the oil industry knows that is not true. The reality is that if you manage to create this legend, then as a consequence, we can perpetuate the legend of artificial scarcity, and then create a situation in the psyche of the mass, which prepares people to pay a high price because they think it is a scarce resource. In fact, I talk about it, much deeper into the DVD that I produced three years ago, called: Peak Oil: Myth or Reality? And I had produced this DVD before the price of oil reached its zenith in July 2008, when it was over $ 147 a barrel. Now, at that moment Matthew Simmons was the champion of the levitation of oil prices, because it was what he said: "Oil will reach $ 200, maybe $ 300 a barrel." Which of course could never happen, because it is not sustainable, however, the price of oil is then started to decline - and dramatically so after rising up to $ 147 a barrel in July 2008 to November was fell to $ 35 a barrel, and now of course has stabilized around $ 75-80 a barrel. But to be honest, Matthew Simmons has realized a couple of years ago, the hypothesis that all the peak oil was not standing, once examined. But Simmons, to be fair, aveva già deciso di non voler continuare il suo ruolo di banchiere, investitore nell'industria del petrolio, perché voleva veder sviluppare delle sorgenti di energia alternative. Così ha fondato la Ocean Energy Institute, e la sua motivazione principale era di stabilire dei parchi eolici, inizialmente davanti alla costa del Maine. E così, da quel momento in avanti Matthew Simmons, invece di essere un campione dell'industria del petrolio è piuttosto diventato un antagonista. Ora, tanto per rendere le cose più interessanti, Matthew Simmons era anche membro di un “club”; e quel “club” è il Council for the Foreign Relations. E in quanto membro di un club, quando hai a disposizione delle informazioni riservate, the rule of the game is that you should not share that information, you must not reveal. So I think that Matthew Simmons was beginning to become a threat to the CFR and, by coincidence, and a very convenient timing, drowned in the bathtub!
That is, we have seen in the past, for example, when Benazir Bhutto was assassinated, and for us it is indeed possible to identify the exact moment when Benazir Bhutto was actually a goal. And it is the time of the interview he did with David Frost, in which he said categorically that Osama bin Laden was dead.
Now, we all know that Osama bin Laden is dead, Osama bin Laden is a myth perpetuated by the media in order to continue the war on terrore, che è basata sulla paura: e come si fa a continuare la guerra al terrore se il tuo cattivo principale è morto?
Ma Benazir Bhutto, cioè, anche David Frost è uno “all'interno”; e come lo sappiamo? Beh, il primo indizio è che David Frost, essendo l'intervistatore comsumato che è – voglio dire, questo è l'uomo che intervistò Nixon e che in pratica lo indusse ad ammettere il suo ruolo in Watergate – nel momento in cui Benazir Bhutto aveva detto che Osama bin Laden era morto, David Frost avrebbe dovuto dire: “Come, scusi? Può ripetere? Ha appena detto che Osama bin Laden è morto?” ma non l'ha fatto. Ha invece lasciato che questo gli passasse sopra his head, hoping that nobody would notice.

BF: No surprise, eh?

IRC: Benazir Bhutto, in essence, had broken rule No. 1: he had spilled the beans, and from then on had become a target.
And here the same: we Mathew Simmons, a member of a club, that becomes a bit 'a thorn in the side, indeed, a big thorn in the side of BP. It was becoming a thorn in the side of the oil industry, because it was there, in the media, make predictions, as I did, on the long-term implications of what was happening in the Gulf. The difference is that I am not a member of any inner sanctum, or any secret club, or secret society: I work completely independently, and thus preserves the sovereignty, are off-limits .

The full interview is available in the podcast here: and-the-end-of-an-age.html