Monday, January 31, 2011

Herpecin L On Lip Wart

Teatro Sociale of Bergamo, ordered with the intent of elite opposition to the more "popular" Teatro Riccardi in Lower Town (later Teatro Donizetti), began as Theatre Company, on ' wave of competition between the City and Borghi as secessionist initiative by the Society of Nobles, with the specific intent to repay the City the supremacy that the new pitfalls theater (1) .

circa 1890. Bergamo, Teatro Riccardi before processing in Teatro Donizetti

arguments, since, as a matter of priority and prestige. Dispute on the edge of the duel, even, so that the count Grumelli Pedrocca was tasked to establish the shift of the two rooms: the Social performances in Carnival time. Al Riccardi, in time of the Fair.

A deputation theatrical elected by the company of the Theatre (formed March 3, 1803), dealt with the choice of location, acquisition and preparation of land and the Committee of a draft (dated December 1803), for which he was appointed the architect Leopoldo Pollack (student of Piermarini, designer of the Scala of Milan), chosen as indicative of the competition is clearly not only in terms of music, but also in terms of architecture.

to build the theater, was converted into a specific site nell'edificatissima High City, pursuing a determined policy of a hasty purchase, demolition of existing buildings and constructions, not always sealed by the necessary governmental approvals .

Work (2) began with Pollack at the end of 1804 and ended in 1808 under the auspices of Bottani Antonio, who had replaced after his death in 1806.

Teatro Sociale

Opened the December 26, 1808, following a custom consolidated within the ramparts The social insurance for many years the ' carnival entertainment for nobles, patricians and burghers of the City (whose season was about to begin on December 26 of each year) , clotted for many generations the heart of artistic and cultural life within the walls .

Particularly active until just over half the 800 , with the termination of municipal financing (the famous dowry , abolished in 1856 because of economic difficulties due to war and political events of those years), Outreach began to face a growing economic difficulties , which sometimes caused him to fall back on the prose (the spoken theater was considered to lower rank), or on events of secondary importance (already in 1864 took place only a few concerts for students of the Conservatory of Milan).
All, however, not always prevented him from fielding more operatic performances of great importance.

Joseph Berlendis, aquatint, 1840

Moreover, the Austrian domination are witnessing an acceleration of the 'emancipation of Lower Town at the expense of that high, with the construction of the Porta Nuova propylaea e della strada Ferdinandea , ma soprattutto della stazione e del relativo collegamento ferroviario con Milano (1857) e, nel 1872, col trasferimento del Municipio . E nonostante l’apertura della funicolare (1887), migliorerà i rapporti tra le due parti, le fortune del Sociale tenderanno ugualmente a declinare. Emblematico in questo senso fu la sostanziale marginalità del Sociale alle celebrazioni donizettiane del 1897, che ebbero invece nel Riccardi e Città Bassa centro e sfondo.

Agli inizi del nuovo secolo, with a few glorious gasp (1915, 1921, '22 and '24), the openings of the Social became more and more sporadic: the last operas took place in 1929 , with The Barber of Seville by Rossini , while the latter shows date back to 1932 , then was left to an inexorable decline, a sort of reflection of the decline of cities as high as driving force of social and cultural life of Bergamo .
The subsequent history is marked only from demolition projects, adventurous intentions to reuse and continuous changes in ownership. This and the abandonment and degradation are becoming più preoccupanti, almeno fino all’acquisizione dell’immobile da parte del Comune di Bergamo ( 1974 ) e ai lavori di manutenzione straordinaria e messa in sicurezza compiuti tra il 1978 e il 1981 .
Da allora, lo spazio ha ospitato soprattutto esposizioni (mostre d'arte e varie manifestazioni culturali), sino all’inizio dell’intervento di restauro, intrapreso per iniziativa del Comune di Bergamo a partire dal 2006. 
Il restauro e il recupero del teatro alla destinazione originaria attestano oggi una nuova centralità di Città alta , e l’ormai raggiunta integrazione of both entities city: the old city and the suburbs grew at its feet.


the wake of the competition with the Teatro Riccardi in Lower Town, Outreach was memorable performances during the opera's musical high-profile authors, such Rossini, Verdi, Ricci, Ponchielli, Mayr Donizetti and his pupil, often accompanied by known performers (in this regard is reminiscent of the best seasons between 1809 and 1840).
important were the performances of new works for Bergamo : in the first year of activity Social Mayr with ' Haydn's oratorio Die Schöpfung , in 1798 and in 1860 , Pacini with Stella di Napoli . The hall of the Social
also shared with the Verona Philharmonic Theatre the honor to christen the 'before' the Italian Rogues of Verdi , data simultaneously in both rooms starting from 26 December 1847 , a privilege granted to the 'square' in Bergamo, which is thought to have played a role Alfredo Piatti (which not only took part in the 'first' londinese dell’opera, il 22 luglio 1847, ma per il quale Verdi aveva concepito il Preludio come pagina per violoncello concertante).
Anche i balletti e la prosa ricoprirono un ruolo rilevante grazie alla presenza di importanti compagnie, tra gli spettacoli di teatro parlato, va menzionata ( 1816 ) la farsa del grande Farinelli , L’effetto naturale .

Ritratto di Johann Simon Mayr
Grande figura di spicco nel corso di quegli anni al Sociale, fu il grande compositore Bavarian Johann Simon Mayr , involved since the inaugural season in the activities of the Association, who served as the setting for an extraordinary initiative: the ' execution, by Mayr , a score very challenging 's Haydn's oratorio Die Schöpfung (1798), in the Italian translation by Giuseppe Carpani (The creation of the world), an initiative that had important implications for the reality of those years Bergamo Music (3) .

Among other initiatives, there was also revived the title of a recent but now 'classic' of its catalog as Geneva Scotland that Mayr was revised by replacing or adding new 'numbers'. Even in the years following
Mayr participated directly in some of the carnival season , as happened, for example, 1819, when his Lodoiska was enhanced recovery of new songs he has written for the occasion. The following year he even debuted its new work specially commissioned Alfred the Great king of the Anglo-Saxons , for which he received in February 1820 the friend complimented Malanotte Adelaide.

Even school students musica di Mayr, nel corso degli anni andarono a coprire ruoli più o meno significativi nei cartelloni del Sociale : fra gli altri, in qualità di cantanti vi troviamo Gaetano Donizetti , che subentrò come secondo buffo ad un certo punto della stagione di Carnevale 1814 .

Il Sociale godette altresì del prestigio - non comune ad altri teatri di pari livello nel corso dell'Ottocento - di proporsi come committente di opere ad autori affermati: quella per il suo battesimo - Ippolita regina delle Amazzoni -, affidata a un compositore come Stefano Pavesi che nel giro di pochi anni si era affermato sul mercato italiano; in 1820 to Mayr ( Alfred the Great), who still haloed despite many years Rampant 'cyclone Rossini'.


Pollack could only partially adopt new strategies that were beginning to spread in those years prevented by the narrow street Corsarola to retrofit the building facade monumental portico, columns or whatever would have helped identify a theater at a glance - as was the scale Piermarini - he had to settle for una facciata elegante sì, ma senza soluzione di continuità con i palazzi limitrofi . Solo gli elementi decorativi, attinenti al mondo delle arti teatrali, attestavano la sua natura di luogo deputato a pubblici spettacoli.

Nonostante ciò, col suo prospetto elegante e decorato, il Sociale si presentava all’esterno con tratti di dignità ben diversi dal Riccardi che, visto da fuori, dava l’idea di un pachiderma goffo e sgraziato.


Pollack decise per un teatro all’italiana, with multiple tiers which carried out the need for public visibility the aristocratic classes and their hierarchical relationships.

The planting of audience, Pollack chose not to repeat the dominant plant in the shape of a horse at the time, opting instead for a more refined and elegant oval-shaped mold francesizzante .
The combination of this shape with the vertical development of the boxes is perhaps the most original aspect of the project .

Plant structural

The hall was decorated by Vincenzo Bonomini, and Francesco Lattanzio Querena Pirovani. The boxes

The 86 boxes are distributed on three levels were , which insists on fourth order gallery. Pollack designed the wooden railings of the boxes according to a continuous line, as Piermarini had done for the scale, and it emphasizes the horizontal dimension of the rows of boxes (rather than vertical clear cutting in a model derived from the balcony Bibiena) e conferisce alla forma complessiva della sala una armoniosa uniformità di impronta classica .
I parapetti lignei erano ricchi di decorazioni policrome , spesso sgargianti, come i colori delle pareti interne ornate talvolta anche con finti marmi,  e in contrasto con i materiali poveri della pavimentazioni e delle volte a calce.

I RESTAURI DEL 2006-2009

Progetto di restauro e messa a norma del Teatro Sociale

L’intervento di restauro, completato nel maggio del 2009, consegna alla città a fully restored historic theater to its original theatrical vocation.

works director, and designer of the recovery was the 'architect Nicola Berlucchi , which underlies the entire project to a 'harmonious mediation between history and modernity, with the specific intent to maintain the historical and cultural characteristics of the theater, thus including all the original decor and functionality provided 800.

At the same time has been strictly observed safety regulations, including through the creation of new stairwells not visible from inside the theater, or by installing a pit under the tub 110 000 liters Water fire as a tool.

Social Return to its original theatrical vocation has also meant the establishment of a modern stage machinery with a new stage in which it was inserted steel structure (flies) composed of arches, weighing 35 tons, a reinforcement of the existing wood. The orchestra pit
was equipped with a mechanical platform (mobile pit), with the ability to move the plan based on three levels with respect to the audience.

It was decided to makeover the floor of the foyer , restoration of walls, ceilings and finishes survivors, and the new entrance door .

were implemented recovery first three rows of boxes (a total of 550 seats), dissected by new partitions, according to the original design.

hath been done also to the strengthening of wooden parapets of the boxes, which were made discrete using a retouching job cabinet making, fixing and protection of the decorations and shooting gaps.
hath been carried out with a wooden remains of painting and also with regard to the pillars and ceilings.

antlers and the decorations in the finished work (photography and high definition)

For the fourth order, the gallery was provided the static consolidation, to make it in the future through simple steps to complete, readily available public access.

In place of the old dome, which had collapsed because of bad weather, we opted for a wooden trusses, which allows better acoustics and is also more attractive to a coperchione on which they had to run fake paintings and decorations.

A true gem, unique, returned to the city.

To facilitate access to the theater to a broad range of categories, was recently established the House of Arts , putting the theater as cultural space at 360 degrees over the opera, music and dance, Outreach also hosts multimedia performances, conferences and exhibitions.


(1) For the events on - inter alia - the quarrel between the two theaters, see The quarrels in the Riccardi Theater and the Teatro Sociale, the two faces of Bergamo.
(2) During construction, some members of the delegation theater had the singular and futuristic idea to instruct the famous organ builder Joseph Bergamo Serassi , to design a stable audio equipment for the new theater, which was a organ registers in imitation of the various orchestral timbres , which increases when for all the sound volume of the orchestra, like the modern musical demands required. The function of this instrument so innovative (for projects which will Serassi also consulted with the composer Mayr), would be to release at least in part, the orchestra's sound volume on the number of musicians employed. The investment would contribuito a contenere i costi generali di gestione. Proprio mentre a Bergamo si accarezzava la stessa idea, Mälzel nel 1803 a Vienna aveva ideato e costruito il Panharmonicon (un organo provvisto di registri a imitazione orchestrale), che presentò l’anno successivo nella capitale imperiale, e nel 1807 a Parigi. Si pensi che per un suo prototipo del 1812 ampliato e perfezionato, nel 1813 Beethoven scriverà la prima versione del Wellingtons Sieg, e che il ricordo di questo strumento, o di quello omonimo realizzato da Gurk a Vienna nel 1810, giungerà fino a Balzac tramite il suo consulente musicale. L'aver concepito una simile idea, che alla fine non venne realizzata, is certainly significant.
(3) It was one of his first Italian performances, if not the first integral, was accompanied by a true 'theater program ', as we understand it today , saw the collaboration between professionals, the ' orchestra, (more or less the same of the most important functions of S. Maria Maggiore ) and students of the newly music school founded and directed by Mayr, and open in 1806 including the children of the Conservatory, including Gaetano Donizetti .
With its initiative, Mayr was intended for educational purposes (it was a 'work has great educational value) and philanthropy (the establishment of a solidarity fund for musicians, the Music Institute Pio), a view of the former pupil of the Jesuit College of Ingolstadt and enlightened advocate of educational ideals, which in the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy were fertile.

Paolo Fabbri, Two Cities (from Teatro Sociale di Bergamo. Life and Works of Louis Pilon). Pdf

Teatro Donizetti


Sunday, January 30, 2011

How Do I Get Past Planetary Pinball

Wikileaks Zeitgeist: oops, embarrassing - Part IV: UK and around

Rinaldo Francesca

( here the first part )

( here the second part )

( Hence the third part )

Fact # 2: still reigns here in the UK, the most complete mystery on a study conducted back in May 2010 by Army Lieutenant General Chris Brown, who condemned in no uncertain terms the actions of the British armed forces before and during the invasion of Iraq. [1]
reason of this mystery seems to lie in the fact that, according to some bigwigs in the Ministry of Defence (Sir Jock Stirrup in the first place), the facts contained in the report would be "too embarrassing for the military" if leak, so that they have led senior officers and the like to not lose a minute's time to stop its publication, it anche solo per circolazione interna al Ministero della Difesa. Wow!
Sì sì, d'accordo, giuste obiezioni le vostre: con tutto quello che è successo nella Galassia Wikileaks nel frattempo, sembra questo il momento di andare off-topic ?
Vero, vero: questa soap opera di Julian Assange, in effetti, non sembra voler smettere di regalarci sorprese e colpi di scena ogni settimana, tanto da far pensare che le vicende legate al sito delle Soffiate e Indiscrezioni par excellence ci terrà occupati (o dovremmo forse dire distratti?) per tutto il 2011 e oltre.
Vediamo un po': c'è stata la forzata chiusura del conto “bancario” di Wikileaks a ottobre da parte a certain Moneybookers - an online payment company based in Britain - due to the inclusion of Wikileaks in the list of "dangerous organization" according to U.S. authorities: this has led to accusations, we would say quite justified, for "financial warfare". [2]
Subsequently, the Icelandic Parliament and collaborator Wikileaks Birgitta Jónsdóttir received a subpoena - subpoena or, if you will - by the U.S. Department of Justice, [3] Meanwhile Julian Assange was arrested in December to (hear-hear) rape - an accusation denied Assange and defines politically motivated - and finds himself in bail in England: a fate far more rosy for the moment - let's face it - than it has fallen to one who has been accused of being his confidant, Bradley Manning, who for months in solitary confinement in a military prison and whose physical and mental health shows signs of deterioration . [4]
And what about the assumptions that were made here and there about the revelations Wikileaks - a panting Franco Frattini has wasted no time to call "September 11 of diplomacy?
Here are some: these disclosures do not reveal anything new , indeed, thanks to them "the world is informed that the "enemy" in Afghanistan is increasing, Pakistan and Iran are to blame and the brave American soldiers are used in the "reconstruction"! "[5], and they are all revelations that favor Israel [6]; or not, did I say, are revelations that damage also Israel, confirming the suspicions that the U.S. has refused to help the United Arab Emirates in Dubai in the survey sull'asassinio [7], that Israel is preparing for deliver another, possibly bloody attack in the Middle East [8], and confirming the acceptance by Israeli diplomats in 2008 that the blockade of Gaza has never had anything to do with "security", but that its sole purpose has always been to the starvation of its inhabitants . [9] And sorry
(another constant refrain), can not you ever wonder who really funds Wikileaks? This is actually a question that keeps awake at night and even the puppet master Zbigniew Brzezinski professional - or at least, that's what we want to think. [10]
However, some people no doubt about it: it is George Soros , [11] no, not at all, it is some PR agency in Washington . [12] Julian Assange
And how come he is still alive? How do you explain that? And who is still 'I'm Julian Assange? He is a former hacker group Chaos Computer, founded in Hamburg in the eighties, and that was recruited by the KGB at the time [13], no, it's a Mossad agent, no, is a puppet of the Rothschild family . [14]
Actually, Àp0ti began a bit 'to bother to go weeks without seeing this famous family that was named in connection with the affair Wikileaks. Now, with a sigh of relief, finally able to imagine the inevitable surrender to a member of the Rothschilds (any) giggle in the shadows, even in this mysterious plot .
And to continue with the speculation: what good is the so-called "revelations", if not to create the casus belli that will lead to un'orwelliana regulation of the Internet? [15]
And anyway, who would it be this woman who Assange accusation of rape? A feminist operated, no doubt, "Anna Ardin, [that] has worked with groups of anti-Fidel Castro openly associated with the CIA and supported by Luis Posada Carriles, a CIA agent involved in the massacre of a plane Cuban line in 1976, which cost the lives of 73 people. " [16] See
? This is not an end.
No no, please not there, but despite the title of this piece, do not feel to continue su questa strada di piste e ipotesi (delle quali abbiamo solo citato le più note), che potrebbe tenerci occupati per mesi... permettete dunque che questo sia non tanto un pezzo dedicato a ciò che è stato pubblicato su Wikileaks, quanto piuttosto a ciò che vorremmo vedervi pubblicato.
Torniamo dunque al rapporto del Tenente Generale Chris Brown e alle sue rivelazioni, ritenute troppo imbarazzanti per le forze armate britanniche.
Ora, lungi da noi sia il volerVi istruire su dove andare a guardare per leggere tra le righe ma, se ce lo permettete, vorremmo attirare la Vs attenzione su quella parolina: “imbarazzante”. D'altronde, la stiamo menando già da sei lunghi mesi con questa definizione, riteniamo the time has come to the theater of what we call the denouement.
However, Sir Jock Stirrup & Co. think, in their infinite wisdom, that the 'Brown Report' is ... too embarrassing for the military, if to become public domain? We got it right? That's the problem?
Well, but then, sorry, maybe we missed an episode or two of this saga, because the last time we checked, whether the facts were already known strategic, published several times in the newspapers, were not exactly edifying for the Armed Forces of Her Majesty. So you want to say, the officers, the report contains information more embarrassing than to what was already known, and we are going to publish?
(following a partial anthology of some of the most glorious episodes of British forces in Mesopotamia)

1 - It was already known, for example, as the British armed forces, far from having the slightest semblance of strategy, were awkwardly skipped 'equal in this wonderful adventure "without agenda or program that you could define these, but rather a program that was to put relations with the Americans on top of their list of priorities," explains Professor. Charles Tripp: [17] In other words, if you need a translation, was known as the attitude of the armed forces British against their American counterparts had been something like: "We will go where you send us, we will do what ever you say and do not dissociate ourselves from your actions. Everything, as long as you continue to consider ourselves as your servants favorites.

2 - was also known that, as far as plans for the reconstruction of Iraq after "mission accomplished", even a shred of an idea seemed to exist - was also scrawled on a paper placemat in a fast-food - so as to arouse in the former British ambassador to Washington Christopher Meyer's famous definition: "A point that became a dark black hole", and remarks of the British general Tim Cross: "The long-term plan was: 'we do not need a plan'." [18]

3 - Also, just to refresh our memories, were already well known atrocities committed by "kids" of His Majesty. Ripercorriamone some together if you like:

- In 2003 the men of the company commanded by Colonel Mendonca, part of the Queen's Lancashire Regiment, tortured and killed the receptionist Baha Mousa with 93 injured (one of the men Mendonca, Corporal Donald Payne, was condemned, but Mendonca was acquitted in February 2007 and was later given the Distinguished Service Order medal from the Queen), was known only in September 2009 that the only fault of the receptionist Baha Mousa was one of denounce acts of looting committed by British soldiers hotel where she worked. [19]
- In Basra in 2003, four soldiers of the Irish Guards threw in a channel the fifteen asthmatic Ahmad Jabbar Kareem, who drowned ( all four were acquitted by court martial in Colchester in June 2006 ). [20] It appears that the four soldiers had Kareem suspected of acts of looting, a crime on which, as we know, the brave officers of His Majesty are not very willing to turn a blind eye, unless, of course, are not to commit themselves.
- Then there is the story, which was shelved until October 2007, 31 civilians arrested by British troops in Majar al-Kabir on 05/14/2004, of which 20 did not survive were those who probably - according to the medical report of Dr. Salida Adel Majid - torture and mutilation [21]
- Then there are episodes of detainee abuse at Camp Breadbasket : in particular that of a boy who was then 14 years - identified only as Hassan - who was forced to perform oral sex on another prisoner, including whistles, shouting and clapping of the heroic soldiers of the Queen's Lancashire Regiment, or that of another prisoner who was tied up in a fishing net and kept hanging on to the forks of a forklift for refusing to obey order to cut off the finger to another prisoner. [22]

5 - were then also notes the various shortcuts taken here and there by the Ministry of Defence to save some money on equipment supplied to military shortcuts that are also cost the lives of soldiers like Captain Daniel Wright [23], or ten people on board quell'Hercules in 2005 - a tragedy whose possibility had been anticipated years ago but totally ignored. [24]

6 - Note was also the abandonment and degradation to which they had left the British military deployment in Iraq that had devastated the life they knew for example in cases of soldiers returning home with mental illness and that they had wait 18 months before receiving care [25], or those of other soldiers who, despite having sustained injuries in Iraq forever precluded them the opportunity to live without constantly having someone next to take care of them, had received inadequate compensation by the Ministry of Defence, enough to compel the family to squander their savings and sell the home . [26]

7 - Last but not least, were already well known the predictable results of years of deployment in Iraq, and the impact they had at home, once the soldiers had returned to Britain, with stress and alcoholism [27] as early as August of 2008, something like the the 9% of prisoners in the jails of His Majesty was composed of ex-soldiers misfits - most of quai imprisoned for violent crimes. [28]

Well, at this point - at the risk of sounding repetitive - Àp0ti can not keep from asking again: Do you want to say that something is censured in the report worse than all this?? While
ponder this question, all groan in unison to see this latest document added to the list of many that the British have, apparently, the right to know - the face of the Freedom of Information Act Like, for example, that the minutes of cabinet meeting in which they were dicusse the real reasons for going to war, whose publication was blocked in 2009 by the then Secretary of Justice Jack Straw [29], and that continues to elude the general public , [30] or the famous Al Jazeera Bombing Memo , in which George W. Bush had with Tony Blair insisted on the need to kill the journalists of Al Jazeera on the eve of the attack on Fallujah. [31]
Well, waiting for some official at the Ministry of Defence mend his ways and decides to contact the team Juliange Assange - but we believe the which is rather unlikely - we notice that someone already distant from May 2010, is trying to force the MdD Brown to publish the report using the Freedom of Information Act
fact, there is a lengthy correspondence between a certain Michael Bimmler (to whom we express our sympathy ) and several bureaucrats in the Defense Ministry that goes on for months now. When you feel like a laugh to see how these individuals manage to beat around the bush just to avoid responding to questions from Mr. Bimmler, hoping to make him desist, even fun to read this surreal exchange of emails , which is public domain:
Questo è tutto per il momento; vi lasciamo intanto con il sito di solidarietà per Bradley Manning, .
Per quanto ci riguarda, la nostra prossima missione è cercare di dare man forte a Michael Bimmler. A presto!


Rinaldo Francesca

[1] Richard Norton-Taylor: Defence chiefs gag damning Iraq invasion findings , The Guardian, 28 maggio 2010, vedere:
[2] David Leigh e Rob Evans:
WikiLeaks says funding has been blocked after government blacklisting , The Guardian, October 14, 2010, published here:
[3] Sonia Verma :
It Takes More Than a subpoena to scare Birgitta Jonsdottir , The Globe and Mail, January 14, 2011, available at: than-a-subpoena-to-scare-birgitta-jonsdottir/article1870790 /
[4] Heather Brooke:
Bradley Manning's health deteriorating in jail, supporters say , The Guardian, December 16, 2010, available here:
[5] Joe Quinn:
Wikileaks Serves Israeli Agenda of Demonizing Iran , 30 novembre 2010, pubblicato su:
[6] Jeff Gates:
WikiLeaks and espionage - Israeli style , 6 dicembre 2010, disponibile qui:
US rejected request to help probe of assassination in Dubai , Middle East Online, 4 gennaio 2011, reperibile su:
Israel is preparing for major war with Iran , Aftenposten, January 3, 2011, published here: -is-Preparing-for-major-war-iran-w-Inglese-translation
WikiLeaks: Aimed Israel to keep Gaza economy on brink of collapse , Haaretz, January 5, 2011, available at:
[10] Zbigniew Brzezinski:
Who is Really Leaking to Wikileaks? , Economic Policy Journal, November 30 2010, reperibile qui:
[11] Pietro Cambi:
Wikileaks, Mr. Crash ed il Picco del denaro , 1 dicembre 2010, pubblicato su:
Wikileaks dice stesse cose di Washington: Iran avrebbe addestrato talebani per colpire italiani in Afghanistan , Iran Italian Radio, 16 gennio 2011, disponibile qui:
[13] Daniel Estulin:
Wikileaks y Assange , December 7, 2010, available at:
[ 14] Jane Burgermeister:
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has close links to the Economist, controlled by the Rothschild banking family , December 1, 2010, published here: 01/wikileaks-founder-julian-assange-has-close-links-to-the-economist-controlled-by-the-rothschild-banking-family /
[15] Roberto Festa:
Assange attacked by former friend "Wikileaks intelligence-driven" , The Fact Daily, December 11, 2010, available at: 81449 /
[16] The accused
Assange? A radical feminist , Saigon 2K, December 6, 2010, available here:
[17] These statements were made by Charles Tripp in an interview that
appears in the documentary No Plan, No Peace (8 '37''), available here: #

[18] Nick Owens:
We tried to rebuild Iraq based on info in the 1994 Lonely Planet guide book , The Sunday Mirror, 28 ottobre 2007, pubblicato su:
[19] Esther Addley:
Baha Mousa's death was revenge, father tells inquiry , The Guardin, 23 settembre 2009, reperibile qui:
Troops cleared over Iraq drowning , BBC News, June 6, 2006, available at:
[21] Richard Norton-Taylor: British Soldiers Accused of executing Civilians , The Guardian. February 23, 2008, published here:
[22] Richard Norton-Taylor and Audrey Gillan: MoD faces legal action after teenage Iraqi claims sexual humiliation by soldiers , The Guardian, July 14, 2008, available at:
[23] Robert Booth: Mother blames parachute death on MoD penny-pinching , The Guardian, 15 March 2008, available here:
[24] Richard Norton-Taylor: RAF pilot Warned of vulnerability of Hercules aircraft, inquest Told, The Guardian, 10 April 2008, published at:
[25] Hugh Muir: Storm over injured troops' care fails to save military hospital , The Guardian, 12 March 2007, available here: .
health [26] Esther Addley: We will lose savings and home, says soldier's mother , The Guardian, 1 settembre 2007, disponibile su:
[27] Polly Curtis: Iraq veterans suffer stress and alcoholism , The Guardian, 3 agosto 2007, pubblicato qui:
[28] Number of ex-servicemen in jail nearly doubles in four years , The Daily Mail, 31 agosto 2008, reperibile su:
[29] Jack Straw bans release of Iraq invasion minutes , The Daily Telegraph, 24 February 2009, available here:
[30] Backdoor Attempt to Obtain Iraq war cabinet minutes fails, December 2, 2010, published at: iraq-war-cabinet-minutes-fails /
[31] Chris Summers: When Should not be a secret a secret? BBC News, May 10, 2007, available here:

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It happens to everyone to indulge in memories that take us back to our infancy and childhood. More often, I believe, in people like me who is now advanced in years. I am fascinated with the skill that kids today have mastered a wide variety of games that technological civilization has put at their disposal.
I happened to be amazed by the skill and speed with which a teenager was able to send a message Page without even looking at the keyboard of his mobile phone. A language with abbreviations and sparse graphs incredibly effective tricks. In all probability, to convey the same thought occurred to me would be several more lines and a proportional period of time. Our boys are surprisingly ready to accept any news that relates to computers, mobile phones and other electronic devilry that modern technology produces continuously. The contemporary civilization provides us with a series of "objects" already ready and the boys should not do is use them and practice their skills. Sixty years ago, even the most trivial of toys, a ball, for example, had to be built with our hands. An old sock half full of straw or rags, tied tight with string and then finished with a needle and thread to fix on the surplus turned into a roughly spherical ball but functional in order to keep us busy in endless games. Here's to have fun it was necessary to have a certain manual skill: in this case be able to use needle and thread. Today, many children do they know? Crafts increasingly sophisticated if you wanted to have something more complex such as pistols and rifles barrel. Must know how to use Saw es'arrasoia "(all we had in a pocket surrounded by a string tied to) for sawing and cut the cane. As well as handle grips for cutting and bending the wire to obtain the trigger. Knowing how to keep the reports were told to ziu Enniu Serra, the charterer of a bike, so we passed an old inner tube from which to derive the elastic essential for the achievement of our arms. A long series compliance before they can get hold of the precious toy. I still remember with nostalgia the under shotgun, it is appropriate to say that I held in my room for years and then given to a child in the neighborhood. Crafts and some inventive because necessity is the mother of invention, as they say. An old spoon, then aluminum, duly flattened with a hammer and carefully folded the handle (it could easily break) became the trowel with which, in the yard of Aunt Clorinda, erecting mud walls and straw uncertain with pieces of tile ( tebacciu) readily available. Commitment and attention necessary for peers' feedback was implacable: If the small wall collapsed scorn and ridicule were insured for at least a week. The game is free, carefree, fun, for us it was also a school of life. Today the kids are awake and ready, but it seems to me, a little 'uncertain in practice. Technologically advanced, talented performers but also with a little creativity to the fact that there are few opportunities. How could they if they are leaving everything ready. At best, indulges itself with the development of Lego or logic units that were not introduced in all schools, unfortunately. But practical, manual work and therefore are almost entirely real fast. And indeed once fed the various games in their possession they take refuge in television: fanno gli spettatori. In questi tempi morti noi riuscivamo, o eravamo costretti, a trovare un qualche interesse osservando ciò che ci accadeva intorno. “Su papamusca” era (è?) un piccolo ragno che,
come dice il nome, si cibava di mosche. Per noi, curiosi sfaccendati, poteva costituire oggetto di paziente osservazione anche per un lungo periodo di tempo. Bisognava prima individuarlo tra i piccoli avvallamenti e le fessure dei muri di paglia e fango della vecchie case. Se ne stava immobile in attesa che nei suoi paraggi si posasse qualche mosca ignara del pericolo. Quando questo avveniva cominciava una estenuante marcia di avvicinamento con movimenti quasi impercettibili. Due zampine invisibili si allungavano e poi si contraevano per trascinare on that thin body. The operation was repeated until it was possible to launch the decisive attack. After a long wait, I realized that it was time. A flash. I do not know how consciously, but I attended a lesson of life and death. Looking back now, many of our games had educational value. I certainly do not sing the praises for the time that was, but for the formation of character and ability to face life's difficulties seem to me that today's society offers fewer opportunities for children.
Luigi Melis

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The Province of Medio Campidano Fair Fitur Madrid

More than 12 thousand exhibitors from 170 countries and numerous opportunities for participants to learn about new trends in world tourism, give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe numbers recorded by the fair FITUR 2011 in Madrid. Data of all relief in spite of a time of global economic conditions. The Province of Medio Campidano took part in the appointment of Madrid exhibition, at the stand of the Sardinia Region together with the other Sardinian provinces and thirty private operators of the tourist. The salon has presented travel options for all tastes and genres, from the most adventurous to the more exotic. Both professionals that the public have been attracted by both the classical proposal sea from food, from trekking and cicloturismo.Un particular interest was shown for the destinations of Sardinia served by low cost airlines operating both from Madrid and from other airports in the Iberian Peninsula, as well as shipping links offered by the shipping company that makes the Grimaldi is from Barcelona to Porto Torres.Considerata strong tourist resort of Spain, the tourist offer of the Middle Campidano, received a special appreciation by the English tourist, carefully to discover the destination that combines the possibility of a stay by the sea with the discovery of the traditions and the environment. The Arbus coast with its beaches, the Monte Linas and Clara Park with their range of outdoor activities such as hiking and mountain biking, archeological sites and typical agro-food products, are some of the features of provincial particularly attracted visitors to the stand. Another positive factor for the seasonal adjustment of cash flow comes from the fact that the term preferred by the English for the holidays are the months of June, July and September.

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The Province of Medio Campidano protagonist at the fair Reiseliv of Oslo in Norway

Also in 2011, the Province of Medio Campidano starred at the fair Reiseliv of Oslo in Norway. The important trade fair Norwegian, confirming the numbers of last year, is one of the main industry in Scandinavia. total admissions totaled 35,000 units, of which about 27,000 unique visitors and nearly 8,000 professionals from mainly from Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. The exhibitors were 475, representing 40 countries and hundreds of newspapers accreditate.In this particularly delicate moment for the world economic situation, not quite favorable, Northern Europe remains a vibrant market that is showing interest destination for Italy, represented Norway in the appointment in many regions and provinces to the great tourist value. Indeed, in addition to Sardinia, were inevitable other Italian destinations like Rome, Marche, Abruzzo, Tuscany and the Province of Lucca to name alcune.La Province Middle Campidano attended in collaboration with the Norwegian tour operators and the regional Raiser Sardinia Sardinia. As you can imagine the sea, the coast and nature have proved to be the main interest for tourists Norwegian research continues the warm sun and the possibilities to practice outdoor sports. Just this great sporting passion of Norway did appreciate the suggestions about cycling routes and hiking, as well as proposals related to water sports like windsurfing and kite surfing. Also search for destinations outside of major tourism circuits organized led to the Norwegian public enthusiasm for the beauty of the beaches of the Costa Verde, the wilderness of the natural oasis of Clara and Linas, for the fascinating archaeological sites including the Royal Palace in Barumini and those of industrial and Montevecchio Ingurtosu. Another extremely positive for the seasonal adjustment of cash flow comes from the fact that periods favorite Norwegian holidays are during the spring and autumn, in these times that connect Sardinia with direct flights operated by Norwegian companies. In light of the suggestions raised in the past and confirmed the Norwegian experience, you need to look with interest and enthusiasm for this type of active tourism, linked to the enjoyment of nature sports and other cultural and archaeological attractions. In particular, the proposals will play an important role of local operators and tour operators to intercept these flows of tourists both domestic and international to seasonally adjust the offer, thanks to the wonderful climate that characterizes our country. The Province is responsible for promoting new tourism proposals that will emerge in the Middle Campidano thanks to the growing interest shown by area in the real possibility of enhancing the tourism of its many resources.

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Clipboard history of the castle of Monreale

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Barony of Monreale certainly has a high historical value, symbolic identity and the castle that overlooks the homonymous hill and is on the border between the three villages (even if it is within the municipal area of \u200b\u200bSardis). The castle of Monreale has been studied in sufficient depth in terms of archaeological and architectural heritage. The first excavations date back to the eighties, as well as early works of consolidation and recovery of the remains.
From a historical perspective but lacks an organic study, most likely due to the lack of documents in the archives.
The fact remains that the castle is on a symbolic level the clearest sign of political presence in the territory, and the memory of historical events in the history of central Sardinia.
Research suggest the building of a castle in the period before the fourteenth century. The location suggests that it was an important defensive position on the border. According to a document dated November 30, 1206 which marks the border between the courts of Cagliari and Arborea the line would pass just south of the hills of Monreale. The agreement between the court of William of Cagliari Massa and the judge of Arborea Ugone de Bas and redraw the entire boundary line between the courts in a time of tension. According to this act, which is proposed by Solmi a copy of the sixteenth century, the border pass "in sa bia ki dae dae Sellori Bant and Gavinu Sanctuaire," and just south of where the castle stands, but this document does not mentioned. The first mention
in an official document is recorded 13 June 1309 in a charter by which King James II granted to Mariano and Androtto, Viscounts of Bas and Judges of Arborea, the ability to maintain peaceful possession of all that had hitherto in Sardinia. Among these goods are explicitly mentioned in the castle of Monreale and Marmilla that, however, were administered by the city of Pisa, without specifying in what capacity (probably a concession) and come back to this time in the hands of judges Arborea.
On May 1, 1328 Alfonso of Aragon the investiture renewed with a document on the judge to Hugh II of Arborea, mentioning again the castles of Monreale and Marmilla. The importance
del castello non è solo geopolitica: esso si trova infatti vicino al villaggio di Villa Abbas e alle sorgenti termali, ove i giudici di Arborea si recavano spesso per trovare sollievo a diversi malanni fisici. Questo è documentato anche in una lettera che Ugone manda a Bernardo de Boixardos, governatore della Sardegna, nella quale lo informa di essersi recato ai bagni termali per curarsi dalla gotta. In una seconda lettere datata 1350 invece l'ospite delle terme è Sibilla de Montcada, moglie di Giovanni d'Arborea, che si rifugiò nello stabilimento ai piedi del Monreale per sfuggire al cognato Mariano IV che avrebbe voluto imprigionarla insieme al marito.
La funzione residenziale del castello è intuibile già dai primi anni della sua costruzione, Whereas Entença de Teresa, a noblewoman of Iglesias, Infanta Alfonso transfer is done in the castle of Monreale because of ill health. The castle of Monreale
plays an important role in the years of maximum conflict between Arborea and Catalano - the Aragonese between 1353 and 1355. The papers of the case against the Arborea indicate different activities near the castle: the death sentence of two Sardinian by Judge Mariano IV, the convening of a lever forced men from the surrounding villas, the stockpiling of grain reserves at silos in preparation for war against the Catalans, and the mobilization of military forces in the manor.
We can therefore say that the castle Monreale has multiple functions: political, residential, military, economic and even nature of the prison. It consumes between those walls the life of Francis squint, Eleanor servant convicted of treason, who was imprisoned and executed at Monreale.
From the standpoint of the government of the castle we know for certain that there were managers: in February of 1355 found and Nicolaus de Vias Matheus auditors and attorneys of the castle and the village which grew up within the perimeter walls, January 24, 1388 in 'document issued at the conclusion of peace between John of Aragon and Eleanor of Arborea Margianus Gadulesu are cited with the title of mayor of Sardis and attorney of the castle of Monreale and Elio Ferral col titolo di castellano, seguono poi decine di nomi sia del villaggio di Sardara che del borgo di Monreale che quindi risulta discretamente popolato.
Fino al 1409 non troviamo altre citazioni del castello in documenti ufficiali, pur sapendo che nel 1391 la pace viene rotta e le truppe giudicali iniziano una fase di riconquista di territori ceduti nell'accordo. Il 30 giugno 1409 le truppe catalano – aragonesi guidate da Martino il Giovane si presentano in armi nei pressi del villaggio di Sanluri per scontrarsi con le truppe del Visconte di Narbona, erede degli Arborea. Nella celebre battaglia di Sanluri, il cui esito è noto a tutti, una parte dell'esercito del Visconte si rifugiò nel castello di Monreale per fuggire alla violenta avanzata del nemico.
from 1410 also appear again and Sottocastello castle, in the figures of Peter and John de Villa Corta de Toso. In 1412 the castle passed along to other territories under the control of County Quirra, handed over to the loyalist feud Berengar Carroz. We found several documents showing the supply of food for the castle to assure that it is still a certain vitality.
Between 1417 and 1420 the castle of Monreale is at the center of a dispute institution, but above all a power struggle between feudal and royal official. In a series of letters, Francesco de Pontos, governor of the Cape of Cagliari, wrote to King Alfonso the Magnanimous, the castle of Monreale was in the hands of the rebels that prevented l'ingresso ai funzionari reali. D'altra parte Berengario Carroz invitava i suoi a non cedere grano e altre derrate alimentari se non sotto un corrispettivo in denaro. Ma le pretese territoriali sul castello di Monreale e sull'incontrada collegata provenivano anche dal Visconte di Narbona che aveva il controllo dei territori oristanesi. Intanto i castellani di Monreale e Marmilla Pietro Roiç e Alfonso Periç si rifiutavano di prestare giuramento di vassallaggio e si piegano soltanto alla volontà reale.
Nel 1420 Alfonso il Magnanimo sigla ad Alghero un accordo con il procuratore del Visconte di Narbona Guglielmo III, Pietro de Pomayrol, nel quale lo stesso Visconte rinunciava alle pretese dinastiche sul giudicato d'Arborea. Le incontrade di Monreale e Marmilla meanwhile, are entrusted to William de Moncada.
In 1446 participates in the military wing of the parliament a Dalmacius çatirera, captain of the castle of Monreale and Marmilla.
Castle again assumes a major importance during the clash between the Viceroy and the Marquis de Carroz Nicholas Leonardo Alagon Oristano. On April 14, 1470 the two armies clashed with its own on the northern side of the castle, the Battle of Uras, under which Leonardo took possession of the castle and Incontrada Marmilla and Monreale. He then opened another dispute
institutional balance between the various protagonists of the events sardines. King John II intimate several times to the Marquis of Oristano, the return of territories There is improperly registered, but must also blunt the expansionist ambitions of Dalmazzo Carroz, Earl of Quirra, anxious to regain possession of Incontrada once belonged to his ancestors.
The dispute is resolved by an act of force of the sovereign states that in 1477 Leonardo Alagon enemy of the Crown and ordered the confiscation of estates. But only after the battle of Macon the following year, which saw the defeat of the Marquis troops, the sovereign could regain possession of the territories annexed to the County that ended Quirra.
Since then the castle of Monreale ceases to have an important role for regional historical events, but it starts to gain importance in the history of local communities. In fact, it
oltre ad avere un significato altamente simbolico, diventa luogo dove esercitare i diritti di legnatico, erbatico e altri diritti ademprivili, non solo per il villaggio di Sardara, ma per tutti i villaggi della baronia. Il Marchesato di Quirra rivendica tuttavia, soprattutto in fase di liquidazione del feudo negli anni Trenta dell'Ottocento, la proprietà sia del Castello che dei bagni termali, producendo una serie di documenti attestanti il pagamento di un diritto da parte delle comunità che ne usufruiscono. A queste pretese si oppongono i consigli comunativi dei villaggi che rivendicano invece la demanialità di quei territori.
Nella relazione datata 1838 si scrive: “sembrava piuttosto verosimile essendo le antiche tradizioni che ne accennano municipalities that are going to the castle of the Counts of Quirra Monreale to make some temporary abode, to treat or solessero dominical mandate, the townspeople for their provigione subject of food and also of wood needed for their purposes and needs, and these ossequiali deals were in process of time even after their departure converted into cash benefits which therefore according to the guidelines adopted by the same director delegation should not be eliminated by the feudal revenues. "
It is significant that even today the town called on Pranu de su Casteddu, is one of the few civic communal land intended for use in the possession of the town of Sardis, as well as some land parcels in the area of Santa Mariaquas.

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Pervengono a Novas commenti di lettori che non sono firmati. Poiché ci appare giusto che il blog dia l'occasione di esprimere opinioni e considerazioni continueremo a pubblicarli. Invitiamo anzi ad inviarci interventi e commenti, che di per sé rendono più ricca la discussione e la democrazia nella nostra comunità. Crediamo che in questo modo possa crescere il senso civico, che rappresenta la condizione su cui le realtà locali più evolute hanno fondato il loro benessere. L'unico vincolo che poniamo è che interventi e opinioni siano firmati e attribuibili ad un autore riconoscibile, oltre che rispettosi della onorabilità delle persone. Gli interventi privi di firma are those of the Editorial Board.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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Lesinesi the fun and pleasure, which But the goals have been chosen by more lesinesi in 2010?
must say that the journey and the destination of lesinese is quite related to fashion and passavoce, and some tourist destinations are not really even been taken into account in spite of very low prices and wonderful places.

At No. 1 of 2010 ..... Abano Terme 129 people
This goal is fairly routine for the people lesinese, especially for the treatment and care by a score like older, but always attentive to the quality. Even families have chosen this destination, and especially families for work could enjoy holidays in low season.

2nd place ......... Paris 86 people this year
infatti molte coppie e gruppi di amici hanno scelto Parigi come meta sia per le vacanze Natalizie che per il classico week end low cost. Infatti oltre la bellezza della città al contrario di quanto si pensi, i Lesinesi sono stati attratti anche dal prezzo abbastanza economico. La coppia che si è aggiudicata il prezzo più basso ha scelto un'Hotel 4 stelle in posizione centrale, in bassa stagione a soli 225€ volo compreso per 3 notti bagagli e tasse incluse.

Al 3° Posto..... L'italianissimo Salento  74 persone
Questa meta è stata scelta dai Lesinesi che non amano particolarmente i mezzi di trasporto come aerei, o persone che hanno bambini piccoli e molti bagagli e che hanno scelto il Salento specialmente per le summer holidays and the sea.

4th place ....... The Classic Cruise 73 people
There have been many Mediterranean cruises out of this year, but a couple of routes on the Red Sea and transcontinental. The vast majority of people who chose the cruise, however, chose the western Mediterranean, with a negligible gap between the choice of MSC Cruises and Costa Cruises.

5th place ...... Ischia 61 people
The quality of Ischia and the warmth of this Mediterranean destination attracts still lesinesi, but ultimately spiluccano really imporant catalogs looking for these services. was chosen particularly in April and September but have not disdained the periods high season as August.

There were other places but it is the medium and long range but not the insert in the table we list the same:
Sharm el Sheik

Rhodes Santorini

Ibiza Formentera Spain

Among religious trip instead chose lesinesi:

Lourdes Fatima

The strange places? eh there are a couple happened to this year but the best was "Hvar" you have understood well the Croatian island of Hvar and wonder though with all the airport ferry Puglia Rhodes Garganico.

trips that we envied instead of more, but we had a great time to mediate and Australia were the great wonder of wonders, and I will not say who ever went there to investigate as well, you'll never know why they do not live in Hvar for business: