Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Dogs Tongue Is Too Big For His Mouth

Address of the President's Flag Day to mark the 150th anniversary of unification of Italy

thanks for the welcome and the show that we were offered: a triumph of tricolor, a riot of flags, an example of popular participation and festive aware that comforts us in our conviction and our effort because it tells us what is alive in our land and among the younger generation, the sense of history and national unity. There was, therefore, more just place, and there was no fairer day, which Reggio Emilia on January 7, to begin the most intense phase and richly representative of the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of Italy. If there was a memory of our long historical process of national, decades of Republican who has never failed to cultivate and celebrate, is was precisely that of the birth of the flag, and this should be on this city, in this population and to those who have gradually shown. In 2010 the celebration of the sesquicentennial drew key events of 1860, beginning with the dispatch of a Thousand, by the Garibaldi for the liberation of Sicily and southern Italy, which paved the way for completion of the motorcycle unit. Today - to pass the baton to the mayors of Rome and the first two capitals of the united kingdom, I am pleased to see among us and warmly greeting - we leave dall'antefatto of that motion, the first-state political connotations that Italy had taken in the era of Napoleon, by choice, 214 years ago, the 'register in a small piece of Italian territory - said Professor Melloni - such as the tricolor flag policy. "A century later - he said - Carducci would celebrate the first tricolor flag as" national "because pre-existing Unit. Speech that is linked to the broader, and the applicant, on grounds common identity, including cultural, emerged through centuries of toil as belonging to the Italian nation well before his form late in the unitary state. In his inaugural address so beautiful, we did Alberto Melloni relive the story of the "huge tricolor" in the Italian Jacobin, to affirm that it actually became the flag of a united Italy, the rule National finally born, and has mostly dealt with without pretense that marked the limits of long joint recognition of the value of that flag. He also made history, I would say, disappointment, discontent, who accompanied or soon followed the completion of the Unit, the proclamation in 1861, the Kingdom of Italy and that has come to breed to this day. Giuseppe Galasso, one of our most historic diligently and promptly engaged in reflecting on this anniversary, recalled how after 1860 a part of the same forces Risorgimento "went to the opposition - Mazzini, Garibaldi, Republicans, socialists paleo" and as criticism of the Risorgimento has, in several stages, conosciuto significative espressioni. Anche oggi d'altronde non si chiede - nel celebrare il Giuseppe Galasso, uno dei nostri storici più operosamente e puntualmente impegnati nella riflessione sul centocinquantenario, ha ricordato come dopo il 1860 una parte delle stesse forze risorgimentali "andò all'opposizione - mazziniani, garibaldini, repubblicani, paleo socialisti" e come la critica del Risorgimento abbia, in diverse fasi successive, conosciuto significative espressioni. Anche oggi d'altronde non si chiede - nel celebrare il centocinquantenario - una visione acritica del Risorgimento, una rappresentazione idilliaca del moto unitario e tantomeno della costruzione dello Stato nazionale. Quel che è giusto sollecitare è un approccio non sterilmente recriminatorio and essentially destructive, is an approach that puts into relief the historical and decisive progress - beyond even the contradictions and distortions do not remain silent - the birth of the nation state unit has allowed Italy. The birth of our unitary state and - as I have said recently - its rebirth on a democratic basis, in the name of the Republican Constitution. The experience of fascism and the fight against fascism, the Resistance in all its manifestations, and the great reflection of the extraordinary research of the cartel in the Constituent Assembly, led to the passing of old contradictions and deep faults, led to the recovery of ideals , values, common symbols that had been folded in logic aberrant by nationalism and fascism. The idea of \u200b\u200bnation, love of country, gained or regained their basis of truth and their shared sense, as well as the principles of sovereignty of the secular state and religious freedom. Appeared permanently removed the grounds of separation or estrangement from the common recognition by national law in a democratic and those sectarian and those of mold revolutionary internationalist. At the same time, the most granitic dyke in any revival of nationalism, peace and justice among nations, was set out in Article 11 of the Constitution and in practice, with the birth and development of the European community. It was not an accident that was placed under Article 12 the reference to the Italian flag as the flag of the Republic. Reference simple, basic, but indispensable. The Framers wanted to make - with one location in the Charter - a choice not only symbolic but of principle. And since no political group has never asked to be audited those "core principles" of our Constitution, this should mean that all is peaceful for the obligation to respect them. Dissonant behavior, with particular reference to the article on the tricolor flag, do not match the appearance and the duties of the forces that have roles of representation and government. And more generally, I have a keen incentive to all political groups, majority and opposition, to all those who have responsibilities in national institutions and regional authorities, because in the coming months, the South and Centre in the North, to undertake to fund initiatives for the sesquicentennial, so as to make it really broad and deep the view among citizens, the participation of citizens in relation to a recurrence to be translated at strengthening the common awareness of our national responsibilities. I am convinced that this is possible because there is a persistence of memory of the Risorgimento and of the united national movement far more widespread in all regions, wider and deeper than the projection of the citizens' participation citizens, compared to a recurrence to be translated at strengthening the common awareness of our national responsibilities. I am convinced that this is possible because there is a persistence of memory of the Risorgimento and of the united national movement far more widespread in all regions, since some monsters to believe. And the political forces that have a significant role of democratic representation at the national level, and have materially part of the country, I would say that the withdrawal, or keep the institutions commitment to the sesquicentennial - that's commitment to strengthen the subjective conditions for effective leadership of the country - benefits no one. Is not conducive to a more persuasive, potendo invece solo indebolirle, legittime istanze di riforma federalistica e di generale rinnovamento dello Stato democratico. Non ripeterò ora preoccupazioni su cui ho avuto modo di esprimermi ampiamente, per la difficoltà e la durezza delle prove che attendono e già incalzano l'Italia in un delicato contesto europeo e in un arduo confronto internazionale. Vorrei solo dire che la premessa per affrontarle positivamente, mettendo a frutto tutte le risorse e le potenzialità su cui possiamo contare, sta in una rinnovata coscienza del doversi cimentare come nazione unita, come Stato nazionale aperto a tutte le collaborazioni e a tutte le sfide ma non incline a riserve e ambiguità sulla propria ragion d'essere, e tanto meno a impulsi disgregativi, that may undermine the essence of its functions, its principals and its cohesion. And then, more than ever this January 7, 2011, reflection and celebration with which we celebrate today in Reggio Emilia, a pledge of our determination to reaffirm, protect, strengthen national unity, which was the reason why so many Italians devoted to the their commitment and their lives.


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