In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Barony of Monreale certainly has a high historical value, symbolic identity and the castle that overlooks the homonymous hill and is on the border between the three villages (even if it is within the municipal area of \u200b\u200bSardis). The castle of Monreale has been studied in sufficient depth in terms of archaeological and architectural heritage. The first excavations date back to the eighties, as well as early works of consolidation and recovery of the remains.
From a historical perspective but lacks an organic study, most likely due to the lack of documents in the archives.
The fact remains that the castle is on a symbolic level the clearest sign of political presence in the territory, and the memory of historical events in the history of central Sardinia.
Research suggest the building of a castle in the period before the fourteenth century. The location suggests that it was an important defensive position on the border. According to a document dated November 30, 1206 which marks the border between the courts of Cagliari and Arborea the line would pass just south of the hills of Monreale. The agreement between the court of William of Cagliari Massa and the judge of Arborea Ugone de Bas and redraw the entire boundary line between the courts in a time of tension. According to this act, which is proposed by Solmi a copy of the sixteenth century, the border pass "in sa bia ki dae dae Sellori Bant and Gavinu Sanctuaire," and just south of where the castle stands, but this document does not mentioned. The first mention
in an official document is recorded 13 June 1309 in a charter by which King James II granted to Mariano and Androtto, Viscounts of Bas and Judges of Arborea, the ability to maintain peaceful possession of all that had hitherto in Sardinia. Among these goods are explicitly mentioned in the castle of Monreale and Marmilla that, however, were administered by the city of Pisa, without specifying in what capacity (probably a concession) and come back to this time in the hands of judges Arborea.
On May 1, 1328 Alfonso of Aragon the investiture renewed with a document on the judge to Hugh II of Arborea, mentioning again the castles of Monreale and Marmilla. The importance
del castello non è solo geopolitica: esso si trova infatti vicino al villaggio di Villa Abbas e alle sorgenti termali, ove i giudici di Arborea si recavano spesso per trovare sollievo a diversi malanni fisici. Questo è documentato anche in una lettera che Ugone manda a Bernardo de Boixardos, governatore della Sardegna, nella quale lo informa di essersi recato ai bagni termali per curarsi dalla gotta. In una seconda lettere datata 1350 invece l'ospite delle terme è Sibilla de Montcada, moglie di Giovanni d'Arborea, che si rifugiò nello stabilimento ai piedi del Monreale per sfuggire al cognato Mariano IV che avrebbe voluto imprigionarla insieme al marito.
La funzione residenziale del castello è intuibile già dai primi anni della sua costruzione, Whereas Entença de Teresa, a noblewoman of Iglesias, Infanta Alfonso transfer is done in the castle of Monreale because of ill health. The castle of Monreale
plays an important role in the years of maximum conflict between Arborea and Catalano - the Aragonese between 1353 and 1355. The papers of the case against the Arborea indicate different activities near the castle: the death sentence of two Sardinian by Judge Mariano IV, the convening of a lever forced men from the surrounding villas, the stockpiling of grain reserves at silos in preparation for war against the Catalans, and the mobilization of military forces in the manor.
We can therefore say that the castle Monreale has multiple functions: political, residential, military, economic and even nature of the prison. It consumes between those walls the life of Francis squint, Eleanor servant convicted of treason, who was imprisoned and executed at Monreale.
From the standpoint of the government of the castle we know for certain that there were managers: in February of 1355 found and Nicolaus de Vias Matheus auditors and attorneys of the castle and the village which grew up within the perimeter walls, January 24, 1388 in 'document issued at the conclusion of peace between John of Aragon and Eleanor of Arborea Margianus Gadulesu are cited with the title of mayor of Sardis and attorney of the castle of Monreale and Elio Ferral col titolo di castellano, seguono poi decine di nomi sia del villaggio di Sardara che del borgo di Monreale che quindi risulta discretamente popolato.
Fino al 1409 non troviamo altre citazioni del castello in documenti ufficiali, pur sapendo che nel 1391 la pace viene rotta e le truppe giudicali iniziano una fase di riconquista di territori ceduti nell'accordo. Il 30 giugno 1409 le truppe catalano – aragonesi guidate da Martino il Giovane si presentano in armi nei pressi del villaggio di Sanluri per scontrarsi con le truppe del Visconte di Narbona, erede degli Arborea. Nella celebre battaglia di Sanluri, il cui esito è noto a tutti, una parte dell'esercito del Visconte si rifugiò nel castello di Monreale per fuggire alla violenta avanzata del nemico.
from 1410 also appear again and Sottocastello castle, in the figures of Peter and John de Villa Corta de Toso. In 1412 the castle passed along to other territories under the control of County Quirra, handed over to the loyalist feud Berengar Carroz. We found several documents showing the supply of food for the castle to assure that it is still a certain vitality.
Between 1417 and 1420 the castle of Monreale is at the center of a dispute institution, but above all a power struggle between feudal and royal official. In a series of letters, Francesco de Pontos, governor of the Cape of Cagliari, wrote to King Alfonso the Magnanimous, the castle of Monreale was in the hands of the rebels that prevented l'ingresso ai funzionari reali. D'altra parte Berengario Carroz invitava i suoi a non cedere grano e altre derrate alimentari se non sotto un corrispettivo in denaro. Ma le pretese territoriali sul castello di Monreale e sull'incontrada collegata provenivano anche dal Visconte di Narbona che aveva il controllo dei territori oristanesi. Intanto i castellani di Monreale e Marmilla Pietro Roiç e Alfonso Periç si rifiutavano di prestare giuramento di vassallaggio e si piegano soltanto alla volontà reale.
Nel 1420 Alfonso il Magnanimo sigla ad Alghero un accordo con il procuratore del Visconte di Narbona Guglielmo III, Pietro de Pomayrol, nel quale lo stesso Visconte rinunciava alle pretese dinastiche sul giudicato d'Arborea. Le incontrade di Monreale e Marmilla meanwhile, are entrusted to William de Moncada.
In 1446 participates in the military wing of the parliament a Dalmacius çatirera, captain of the castle of Monreale and Marmilla.
Castle again assumes a major importance during the clash between the Viceroy and the Marquis de Carroz Nicholas Leonardo Alagon Oristano. On April 14, 1470 the two armies clashed with its own on the northern side of the castle, the Battle of Uras, under which Leonardo took possession of the castle and Incontrada Marmilla and Monreale. He then opened another dispute
institutional balance between the various protagonists of the events sardines. King John II intimate several times to the Marquis of Oristano, the return of territories There is improperly registered, but must also blunt the expansionist ambitions of Dalmazzo Carroz, Earl of Quirra, anxious to regain possession of Incontrada once belonged to his ancestors.
The dispute is resolved by an act of force of the sovereign states that in 1477 Leonardo Alagon enemy of the Crown and ordered the confiscation of estates. But only after the battle of Macon the following year, which saw the defeat of the Marquis troops, the sovereign could regain possession of the territories annexed to the County that ended Quirra.
Since then the castle of Monreale ceases to have an important role for regional historical events, but it starts to gain importance in the history of local communities. In fact, it
oltre ad avere un significato altamente simbolico, diventa luogo dove esercitare i diritti di legnatico, erbatico e altri diritti ademprivili, non solo per il villaggio di Sardara, ma per tutti i villaggi della baronia. Il Marchesato di Quirra rivendica tuttavia, soprattutto in fase di liquidazione del feudo negli anni Trenta dell'Ottocento, la proprietà sia del Castello che dei bagni termali, producendo una serie di documenti attestanti il pagamento di un diritto da parte delle comunità che ne usufruiscono. A queste pretese si oppongono i consigli comunativi dei villaggi che rivendicano invece la demanialità di quei territori.
Nella relazione datata 1838 si scrive: “sembrava piuttosto verosimile essendo le antiche tradizioni che ne accennano municipalities that are going to the castle of the Counts of Quirra Monreale to make some temporary abode, to treat or solessero dominical mandate, the townspeople for their provigione subject of food and also of wood needed for their purposes and needs, and these ossequiali deals were in process of time even after their departure converted into cash benefits which therefore according to the guidelines adopted by the same director delegation should not be eliminated by the feudal revenues. "
It is significant that even today the town called on Pranu de su Casteddu, is one of the few civic communal land intended for use in the possession of the town of Sardis, as well as some land parcels in the area of Santa Mariaquas.
From a historical perspective but lacks an organic study, most likely due to the lack of documents in the archives.
The fact remains that the castle is on a symbolic level the clearest sign of political presence in the territory, and the memory of historical events in the history of central Sardinia.
Research suggest the building of a castle in the period before the fourteenth century. The location suggests that it was an important defensive position on the border. According to a document dated November 30, 1206 which marks the border between the courts of Cagliari and Arborea the line would pass just south of the hills of Monreale. The agreement between the court of William of Cagliari Massa and the judge of Arborea Ugone de Bas and redraw the entire boundary line between the courts in a time of tension. According to this act, which is proposed by Solmi a copy of the sixteenth century, the border pass "in sa bia ki dae dae Sellori Bant and Gavinu Sanctuaire," and just south of where the castle stands, but this document does not mentioned. The first mention
in an official document is recorded 13 June 1309 in a charter by which King James II granted to Mariano and Androtto, Viscounts of Bas and Judges of Arborea, the ability to maintain peaceful possession of all that had hitherto in Sardinia. Among these goods are explicitly mentioned in the castle of Monreale and Marmilla that, however, were administered by the city of Pisa, without specifying in what capacity (probably a concession) and come back to this time in the hands of judges Arborea.
On May 1, 1328 Alfonso of Aragon the investiture renewed with a document on the judge to Hugh II of Arborea, mentioning again the castles of Monreale and Marmilla. The importance
del castello non è solo geopolitica: esso si trova infatti vicino al villaggio di Villa Abbas e alle sorgenti termali, ove i giudici di Arborea si recavano spesso per trovare sollievo a diversi malanni fisici. Questo è documentato anche in una lettera che Ugone manda a Bernardo de Boixardos, governatore della Sardegna, nella quale lo informa di essersi recato ai bagni termali per curarsi dalla gotta. In una seconda lettere datata 1350 invece l'ospite delle terme è Sibilla de Montcada, moglie di Giovanni d'Arborea, che si rifugiò nello stabilimento ai piedi del Monreale per sfuggire al cognato Mariano IV che avrebbe voluto imprigionarla insieme al marito.
La funzione residenziale del castello è intuibile già dai primi anni della sua costruzione, Whereas Entença de Teresa, a noblewoman of Iglesias, Infanta Alfonso transfer is done in the castle of Monreale because of ill health. The castle of Monreale
plays an important role in the years of maximum conflict between Arborea and Catalano - the Aragonese between 1353 and 1355. The papers of the case against the Arborea indicate different activities near the castle: the death sentence of two Sardinian by Judge Mariano IV, the convening of a lever forced men from the surrounding villas, the stockpiling of grain reserves at silos in preparation for war against the Catalans, and the mobilization of military forces in the manor.
We can therefore say that the castle Monreale has multiple functions: political, residential, military, economic and even nature of the prison. It consumes between those walls the life of Francis squint, Eleanor servant convicted of treason, who was imprisoned and executed at Monreale.
From the standpoint of the government of the castle we know for certain that there were managers: in February of 1355 found and Nicolaus de Vias Matheus auditors and attorneys of the castle and the village which grew up within the perimeter walls, January 24, 1388 in 'document issued at the conclusion of peace between John of Aragon and Eleanor of Arborea Margianus Gadulesu are cited with the title of mayor of Sardis and attorney of the castle of Monreale and Elio Ferral col titolo di castellano, seguono poi decine di nomi sia del villaggio di Sardara che del borgo di Monreale che quindi risulta discretamente popolato.
Fino al 1409 non troviamo altre citazioni del castello in documenti ufficiali, pur sapendo che nel 1391 la pace viene rotta e le truppe giudicali iniziano una fase di riconquista di territori ceduti nell'accordo. Il 30 giugno 1409 le truppe catalano – aragonesi guidate da Martino il Giovane si presentano in armi nei pressi del villaggio di Sanluri per scontrarsi con le truppe del Visconte di Narbona, erede degli Arborea. Nella celebre battaglia di Sanluri, il cui esito è noto a tutti, una parte dell'esercito del Visconte si rifugiò nel castello di Monreale per fuggire alla violenta avanzata del nemico.
from 1410 also appear again and Sottocastello castle, in the figures of Peter and John de Villa Corta de Toso. In 1412 the castle passed along to other territories under the control of County Quirra, handed over to the loyalist feud Berengar Carroz. We found several documents showing the supply of food for the castle to assure that it is still a certain vitality.
Between 1417 and 1420 the castle of Monreale is at the center of a dispute institution, but above all a power struggle between feudal and royal official. In a series of letters, Francesco de Pontos, governor of the Cape of Cagliari, wrote to King Alfonso the Magnanimous, the castle of Monreale was in the hands of the rebels that prevented l'ingresso ai funzionari reali. D'altra parte Berengario Carroz invitava i suoi a non cedere grano e altre derrate alimentari se non sotto un corrispettivo in denaro. Ma le pretese territoriali sul castello di Monreale e sull'incontrada collegata provenivano anche dal Visconte di Narbona che aveva il controllo dei territori oristanesi. Intanto i castellani di Monreale e Marmilla Pietro Roiç e Alfonso Periç si rifiutavano di prestare giuramento di vassallaggio e si piegano soltanto alla volontà reale.
Nel 1420 Alfonso il Magnanimo sigla ad Alghero un accordo con il procuratore del Visconte di Narbona Guglielmo III, Pietro de Pomayrol, nel quale lo stesso Visconte rinunciava alle pretese dinastiche sul giudicato d'Arborea. Le incontrade di Monreale e Marmilla meanwhile, are entrusted to William de Moncada.
In 1446 participates in the military wing of the parliament a Dalmacius çatirera, captain of the castle of Monreale and Marmilla.
Castle again assumes a major importance during the clash between the Viceroy and the Marquis de Carroz Nicholas Leonardo Alagon Oristano. On April 14, 1470 the two armies clashed with its own on the northern side of the castle, the Battle of Uras, under which Leonardo took possession of the castle and Incontrada Marmilla and Monreale. He then opened another dispute
institutional balance between the various protagonists of the events sardines. King John II intimate several times to the Marquis of Oristano, the return of territories There is improperly registered, but must also blunt the expansionist ambitions of Dalmazzo Carroz, Earl of Quirra, anxious to regain possession of Incontrada once belonged to his ancestors.
The dispute is resolved by an act of force of the sovereign states that in 1477 Leonardo Alagon enemy of the Crown and ordered the confiscation of estates. But only after the battle of Macon the following year, which saw the defeat of the Marquis troops, the sovereign could regain possession of the territories annexed to the County that ended Quirra.
Since then the castle of Monreale ceases to have an important role for regional historical events, but it starts to gain importance in the history of local communities. In fact, it
oltre ad avere un significato altamente simbolico, diventa luogo dove esercitare i diritti di legnatico, erbatico e altri diritti ademprivili, non solo per il villaggio di Sardara, ma per tutti i villaggi della baronia. Il Marchesato di Quirra rivendica tuttavia, soprattutto in fase di liquidazione del feudo negli anni Trenta dell'Ottocento, la proprietà sia del Castello che dei bagni termali, producendo una serie di documenti attestanti il pagamento di un diritto da parte delle comunità che ne usufruiscono. A queste pretese si oppongono i consigli comunativi dei villaggi che rivendicano invece la demanialità di quei territori.
Nella relazione datata 1838 si scrive: “sembrava piuttosto verosimile essendo le antiche tradizioni che ne accennano municipalities that are going to the castle of the Counts of Quirra Monreale to make some temporary abode, to treat or solessero dominical mandate, the townspeople for their provigione subject of food and also of wood needed for their purposes and needs, and these ossequiali deals were in process of time even after their departure converted into cash benefits which therefore according to the guidelines adopted by the same director delegation should not be eliminated by the feudal revenues. "
It is significant that even today the town called on Pranu de su Casteddu, is one of the few civic communal land intended for use in the possession of the town of Sardis, as well as some land parcels in the area of Santa Mariaquas.
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