the horrific earthquake of 1627. THE APOCALYPSE flung CAPITANA
Many lesinesi, associate Birth of the lake to the tsunami that struck in 1627 Hvar, Sannicandro Garganico and the areas of flat Fortore at Ripalta. We must say that many texts prior to that date already indicate the presence of the lake and even the country and several Roman villas in the area. My
attenzine falls on this text, however, that perfectly describes the earthquake of 1627 and the disasters that followed because it is the only one that describes perfectly the apocalypse of 1627 that had disappeared many islands and islets that were present in the lake, changing the topography of the area so devastating. The text is called "historico speech of great earthquake," written by Giovanni Antonio Foglia precisely in the year 1627.
read these lines are really shudder:
From the original kept at the University of Michigan
Narrative of the earthquake happened.
The Great Earthquake of the matter, this speech was succeeded in the Kingdom of Naples in the province of Puglia in the captains of this year 1627. health of our daily July 30 to 16 Hore before the eclipse of the Moon was at 27 months predicted hore at 19 and ten minutes after half a day, according to the calculation of Magin. He hauuto thick and no less repetition of the first time, with so many other rouine in the same place eight days later, on the evening of Saturday, the hore 22. was unal'tro gagliardissimo. Over the Capuchin Church was having a cross of white cloud of palms in about dodeca so well formed and adjusted the Guardian says that humans fail to understand the product, and of holy life, which is not believed to have been a natural thing. Nelli rouinati places you hear a whisper of continuous underground walls CaScore many, many others ch'ammazzarono people. Then the night of Sunday to five hore Repeta very gagliardo.che spatio lasted half a quarter of an hour or so and was more all'hora gagliardo quando ha spirato il vento australe, ch'in Puglia chiamano Fauognio, e hà repetito molt'altre volte, espetialmente al 24 Agosto la vigilia di San Bartolomeno Apostolo, ma per gratia del Signore non fe molto danno.
Ma a pari del primo e secondo, è stato horrendo quello che nelli sei di Setembre presente dopo horribil tempesta di tuoni, fulmini e pioggie con grandine grossissima e numerosissima; che dicesi per vera relatione sessersi pesato un grano undici in dodici oncie. Rouinò quello che di nuovo aueuano incominciato le genti à riparare con morte di molti di quelli, di modo cha tolto del tutto la speranza di poterui habitare e detto ultimo terremoto ha causato anco molto danno della città di Lucera abbattendo moltecase and other coquassando so that you can not without great danger habitat.
-text continues to play but the most horrible misfortunes is the letter of the Father Provincial of the Capuchin father gereral in Naples, as it was reported by Leaf:
I feel good to help give VPReueredis. Tearful case of success of 30. July due to the earthquake in some parts of our province. Sansevero City of Thousand Fires and defeat in all (per family is about to fire, or should have 4 / 6 persons ongniuno) Torre Maggiore, land of fire quatrocento there is nothing remasto, San Paolo Casale two hundred fires is to rouinato Indeed, the land of Procino 400 fires are diuentata ram. The greenhouse Capriola, beautiful land, our most devoted and most of it is consumed from a thousand fires in a way that hardly remaste there are two hundred people, there is no vestige of Hvar, S. Agata de fathers and destroyed by the quakes, similar Ripalda abbadia de Cardinals dirimpeto to S. Agata and destroyed. De
our brothers no one died, only two old sto poueri Choro in Torre Maggiore were injured, the friars of the Serra, to Torremaggiore Sansevero, and the province abandoned places, and I must go there compartment gl'altri Conventi.In time I said I found myself in Lucera, where the mercy of God fe danno.Si very well there are Ladies night Campaign to habitare in tents, so those few of these lands remasti rouinate.
- some scholars studying this letter and other documents are able to understand that the shock was the eleventh degree of the Mercalli scale and the declaration of the brother who now go back to really freeze the blood in my veins:
"Li wells for the force of the earthquake have thrown the acquafuora, churches are waterfalls, and bell from the bell tower. reuiera of Fortore sea, and St. Nicander if retired and then came back two miles outside its borders them two miles, exhalations from a Terrra smells like sulfur fire: in some parts is recidiuando, for all that one expects to placate God with giust'ira de oratiuoni 40-hore. I give support to the VP obligation, that I have, and to be as painful event lest it worthy appease God blessed her with sant'orationi .... Bovino
From the day August 2, 1627
Br Geronimo Naples unworthy Minister
There are no words to describe this apocalypse, imagine before you a shaft that gets the brunt of the earthquake the water from splashing his mouth ....
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