Sunday, January 30, 2011

Look Alike Cardy Ugg Boots


It happens to everyone to indulge in memories that take us back to our infancy and childhood. More often, I believe, in people like me who is now advanced in years. I am fascinated with the skill that kids today have mastered a wide variety of games that technological civilization has put at their disposal.
I happened to be amazed by the skill and speed with which a teenager was able to send a message Page without even looking at the keyboard of his mobile phone. A language with abbreviations and sparse graphs incredibly effective tricks. In all probability, to convey the same thought occurred to me would be several more lines and a proportional period of time. Our boys are surprisingly ready to accept any news that relates to computers, mobile phones and other electronic devilry that modern technology produces continuously. The contemporary civilization provides us with a series of "objects" already ready and the boys should not do is use them and practice their skills. Sixty years ago, even the most trivial of toys, a ball, for example, had to be built with our hands. An old sock half full of straw or rags, tied tight with string and then finished with a needle and thread to fix on the surplus turned into a roughly spherical ball but functional in order to keep us busy in endless games. Here's to have fun it was necessary to have a certain manual skill: in this case be able to use needle and thread. Today, many children do they know? Crafts increasingly sophisticated if you wanted to have something more complex such as pistols and rifles barrel. Must know how to use Saw es'arrasoia "(all we had in a pocket surrounded by a string tied to) for sawing and cut the cane. As well as handle grips for cutting and bending the wire to obtain the trigger. Knowing how to keep the reports were told to ziu Enniu Serra, the charterer of a bike, so we passed an old inner tube from which to derive the elastic essential for the achievement of our arms. A long series compliance before they can get hold of the precious toy. I still remember with nostalgia the under shotgun, it is appropriate to say that I held in my room for years and then given to a child in the neighborhood. Crafts and some inventive because necessity is the mother of invention, as they say. An old spoon, then aluminum, duly flattened with a hammer and carefully folded the handle (it could easily break) became the trowel with which, in the yard of Aunt Clorinda, erecting mud walls and straw uncertain with pieces of tile ( tebacciu) readily available. Commitment and attention necessary for peers' feedback was implacable: If the small wall collapsed scorn and ridicule were insured for at least a week. The game is free, carefree, fun, for us it was also a school of life. Today the kids are awake and ready, but it seems to me, a little 'uncertain in practice. Technologically advanced, talented performers but also with a little creativity to the fact that there are few opportunities. How could they if they are leaving everything ready. At best, indulges itself with the development of Lego or logic units that were not introduced in all schools, unfortunately. But practical, manual work and therefore are almost entirely real fast. And indeed once fed the various games in their possession they take refuge in television: fanno gli spettatori. In questi tempi morti noi riuscivamo, o eravamo costretti, a trovare un qualche interesse osservando ciò che ci accadeva intorno. “Su papamusca” era (è?) un piccolo ragno che,
come dice il nome, si cibava di mosche. Per noi, curiosi sfaccendati, poteva costituire oggetto di paziente osservazione anche per un lungo periodo di tempo. Bisognava prima individuarlo tra i piccoli avvallamenti e le fessure dei muri di paglia e fango della vecchie case. Se ne stava immobile in attesa che nei suoi paraggi si posasse qualche mosca ignara del pericolo. Quando questo avveniva cominciava una estenuante marcia di avvicinamento con movimenti quasi impercettibili. Due zampine invisibili si allungavano e poi si contraevano per trascinare on that thin body. The operation was repeated until it was possible to launch the decisive attack. After a long wait, I realized that it was time. A flash. I do not know how consciously, but I attended a lesson of life and death. Looking back now, many of our games had educational value. I certainly do not sing the praises for the time that was, but for the formation of character and ability to face life's difficulties seem to me that today's society offers fewer opportunities for children.
Luigi Melis


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