Cominciai ad appassionarmi ad un pò di storia del nostro paese quando cominciai a leggere alcuni libri scritti da nostri compaesani. Libri che per quanto completi, sono comunque scarsi di alcune piccole realtà che oggi non esistono più.
La mia attenzione cadde su Torre Fortore e sul suo litorale da non molto tempo, ed esattamente da quando l'anno scorso, lessi grazie Google books, the text "Physics Appula" Michael Angelo Manicone, published in 1806.
The text tells of the different minerals, rocks, plaster and other serving at the time to build buildings, roads, etc. .. It was my surprise to discover that under the heading Plasters on page 42, speaks of the Manicone chalk quarries that existed on the coast of Torre Fortore. A chalk is not normal, but an ashen color, excellent for processing plastics (then manufactured clay). The location of quarries Fortore Torre has yet to be discovered, because even today the area's topography does not seem spoiled by excavations, but we can say that the quarries of the time could not be as deep as those of today, and sandy material may well have served this year in 150/200 holes.
Spiluccando among other documents and texts always Google from scanning books Fortore Tower, I realized that not only was mined gypsum, but also slabs of black slate and stone. The conclusion drawn was that Torre Fortore this rock (of course equal to that at this point black stones) is created from the original document now stored in the New York Public Library, called "Civil Annals of the Kingdom of Naples which shows a ' Another edict inside it would be "De La Solemn Public Exhibition of Arts and Manufactures." In this text are cited in the marbles and materials on this show if you can call, where it was stated "the Black", "The Antique Black" and "the slate" of quarries in Torre Fortore Tenimento Hvar.
Another text (which I do not remember the name), suggests that these quarries Fortore Torre was extracted with the black stone which built the facade of the Palace of Capodimonte in Naples and some parts of the stairs of the Palace of Caserta. (There is, however, to understand what percentage has been put in place the stone of Hvar, also because at the time these marbles taken from different parts were put together in the same structure)
We can therefore say that the cave Tenimento in Hvar and precisely on the coast of Torre Fortore, effectively existed. This derives not only from the many existing texts and documents, as well as testimonials from the countless fronts, aisles and columns of black stone existing in Italy and all be traced back to the same period, from 1700 to mid-1800 for sure where that was in vogue color of stone.
Ritornado orography of the territory, visibly there is no depression in this area make sense abandoned quarries, but the Mediterranean scrub and sand. But if you look closely at Torre Fortore we immediately realize that it is really pogiata on a crust of lava rock that recalls the peak moltissiomo black stones. So it could be possible that the quarries have been exploited Fortore Tower for a short periodo, sia per la scarsa presenza di lastroni di grandi dimensioni sia per la difficoltà di estrazione dovuta ad una scarsa e poco esperta manovalanza, in un territorio dove era più redditizio per l'epoca coltivare piante d'ulivo, cereali e viti che cavare pietre dal prezzo non molto alto.
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