Tuesday, March 8, 2011

College Initiation Ceremonies

Administrative Sardara: why is it important to join the debate and Sardinia Sardis

E 'now official, 15 and 16 May will return to the polls to elect a new mayor and City Council to renew the Sardis. will be an important moment, when we will have the opportunity to give impetus to the development of our country and to restart a process dramatically interrupted for five years, both because of the economic crisis that now expresses its profound effects, both because of administrative decisions that have lost sight of the real objective, the welfare of the country.
Sardara now needs energy to share, it needs a plan that would cover and from all the components that represent the diverse social, political and economic situation of our country and knows how to restore confidence to the population. A
progetto che, qualunque esso sia, potrà avere successo solo se ci saranno tanti remi che si dirigeranno verso la stessa direzione, se sarà avviato attraverso la partecipazione attiva dei giovani, delle donne e degli uomini sardaresi che dovranno esserne parte attiva per dare voce a problemi, esigenze, proposte che tutti noi cittadini dobbiamo contribuire a realizzare e concretizzare collaborando a stretto contatto con l'Amministrazione che, attraverso il nostro voto, avrà l'onore di tradurre in pratica e con azioni concrete la fiducia che sarà a lei concessa, nel rispetto delle potenzialità di Sardara, per uno sviluppo sostenibile e coerente con la sua vocazione.
Per questo è necessario creare uno spazio di incontro in cui condividere proposals and where it can be built "a project of the community and not just a few, capable of involving citizens, groups and local actors, and anyone who can positively contribute with ideas and commitment.
E 'why start a debate and supply with the help of the whole population is so important, because there is no development without sharing, and every project that comes without sharing and participation of those who are its target is born crippled, impaired, does not have the strength to survive, to be realized.
This wants to be my invitation to all, to try to build it with this project, contributing through meetings, articles sent to redazione@novasdisardara.it , insights, and your reports of our needs as citizens or workers, or comments on current issues that we consider important to the development of the country.
There are times when you can not delegate, and be a citizen also means taking responsibility for writing the future that we are also using our pen.

Roberta Atzori


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