La Camera dei Mercanti è l’ organismo che fin dal Quattrocento raccoglie e difende gli interessi del ceto mercantile in città . Dispone di uno Statuto (risalente al 1457) e affida la gestione del settore a quattro Consoli, che costituiscono anche un tribunale di prima istanza cui rivolgersi per ogni tipo di controversia commerciale.
Già nel secolo successivo questa struttura gestionale si articola maggiormente, ma soprattutto assume progressiva importanza la funzione giurisdizionale dei Consoli merchant, so that the Merchants' Chamber is often remembered as the merchants Court, and assists the Mayor in the administration of
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Piazza Mercato delle Scarpe in a painting by Claudio Facheris. At the center, the church of S. Rocco |
The headquarters is located in the Chamber 1491 with his chapel in the palace above the fountain of the "old market" , ie in Piazza Mercato delle Scarpe (where he is the Church of San Rocco), but later moved to the Old Town Square . In fact, since 1501 has documented the presence of the Consuls in used by the Mayor, and the Chamber of Notaries get from Venice, "a bench in the Palace": therefore made by the Merchants' Chamber in a room in the Palazzo della Ragione in or ' area immediately adjacent to it.
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Old Town Square with the Palace of Reason in a lithograph by Villeneuve, published in Paris in 1845 |
In the following centuries, up to 800 , the seat of the House to change the site many times, but always within the area of \u200b\u200bcivil Square, because now his legal function above makes it comparable to a city office. First in the Palazzo della Ragione, then in the Hall of Jurists, then nell'hospitium or former Attorney General, and the former Palace Suardo, the merchant Consoli are in effect the judges supported and recognized by the community.
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Franceco Melzi d'Eril |
The French Revolution marks the passage to Europe dall'ancièn regime to the contemporary age, the change takes to Bergamo with Revolution Bergamo (March 1797) and subsequent incorporation in the project Napoleonic , which inaugurates the birth of the Code of Commerce and Chambers of Commerce.
Within a few years, in fact, not only change political structures and redefine the ruling classes, but also create institutions to manage the economy and the "fulfillment of social need" that have a historical significance. When in
1802 (an Act of August 26), Francesco Melzi , vice president of the newly formed Italian Republic, provides that each court throughout the merchant should call themselves Chamber of Commerce Primary implement a break with previous institutions of the ancien regime: the State becomes guarantor of economic progress and mediator between the economic interests that express the different forms business, craft or agricultural .
too Bergamo, November 15, 1802, born Chamber of Commerce, whose members (belonging to the business world ) are initially appointed by the government, but later will be elected by the same dealers on a new form of verification of the wealth tax. Among the names of merchants and entrepreneurs who belong to two classes of persons entitled to elect and be elected, most important are those of operators in the textile sector ; in the first class in 1849 are: Lodovico Caroli, Frizzoni Antonio, Francesco Luigi Battista Fuzier, Ginoulhiac Eugenio, Giovanni Battista Piazzoni, Pietro Sozzi, Pietro Testa, Giuseppe Caffi, Giuseppe Carozzi, Knights Cesare, Giuseppe Palvis, Alessandro Valli, Antonio Bentivoglio, Ippolito Blondel, Ghislanzoni Carlo, Alessandro Menaresi, and representatives of families Almici, Zappa, Bonorandi, Riva, and Castagna Pegurri. In the second class, among others: Giovanni Battista Donadoni, Peter Ghidini, Alessandro Gritti Morley, Galeazzo Colleoni, Antonio Giambarini, Stefano Berizzi.
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Giovanni Battista Berizzi, silk manufacturer. Oil on canvas. Property: Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Handicrafts of Bergamo |
The first seat of the Chamber of Commerce is the "main hall of the Palace Civic (Present site of the Library A. Mai), where he had already exercised the Chamber of Merchants, but in 1803 they began to settle the former Court House to offer a home independently.
first moved into a local street Black Eagle, where he remained from 1804 to 1809, when the Chamber of Commerce to find accommodation in Lower Town .
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Former Town Hall, currently home to the Bibioteca A. Never |
arises even in the same year problema di una particolare attenzione alla Val Gandino, che versava ormai in una difficile situazione economica a causa della crisi del lanificio. Perciò nel 1804, per volere dei francesi, si crea una Camera sussidiaria di Commercio a Gandino (presieduta da Giuseppe Sonetti, che rimarrà in vita solo fino al 1807), contro il parere prefettizio che avrebbe voluto invece una sede staccata a Breno per meglio concertare i collegamenti con la Valle Camonica.
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Particolare della Mappa Catastale Napoleonica della Città di Bergamo (A.S. Milano). Già dal 1809 la Camera di Commercio è in contrada S. Bartholomew, near the Fair. |
The need for centralizing Napoleon and the need to control the institutions they were building an autonomous capacity for action, leading to the setting of Commercial Court and the abolition of the chambers. In Bergamo, however, and a few other commercial nerve centers, the Court works with the Chamber of Commerce (which is still in business) , often unclear in a web of tasks and activities, and more at the same site, in "three rooms adjoining the City," so along with community leaders. As an interim situation
is too confusing and already in 1808 , the two institutions are asking the City merchant can transfer their registered office in the Lower Town . The town of Bergamo is not in favor because it fears a dangerous economic depletion of the upper town, but some evidence that as early as 11 April 1809 the Chamber of Commerce is active in the San Bartolomeo (premises previously occupied by the Registry of the place of Pius Convent). The Commercial Court is instead in the Old Town Square .
At the end of 1811 the Napoleonic government restores the chambers, called hours "Chambers of Commerce, Arts and Crafts" , led by the prefects. The same applies to Bergamo where, however, alongside the institutional presidency, you create Vice President-elect and far more representative of local interests . This is the case of the first vice-lived Giovan Battista Bottaini , appointed in 1813 by Napoleon himself and remained in office until 1840, the year of his death, but the new Austrian government dare remove it. The Commercial Court
continue to operate independently until 1817 , when, still a need for policy control are permanently deleted from the Austrians and become the commercial sections of the civil courts . But even at this stage people are often the same as that Costanzo Piazzoni , Judge of the Court in 1813 and then Deputy Mayor of the District Court merchant and father of John the Baptist, the future president of the Chamber of Commerce.
not to alienate the ruling class, Austria does not touch the legislation of the House . None of the members appointed by the previous French government is removed, even in 1848, when many entrepreneurs participating in uprisings anti-Austrian, also giving rise to a provisional government, but retain their charge Curò James Chambers, John Ruspini, Frizzoni Antonio, Pietro Testa, and Louis Caroli, in addition to the Secretary Giovan Battista Berizzi, all patriots .
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Joseph Piccinelli |
In 1850 he was appointed president Piazzoni Giovanni Battista, a political moderate, but close to the positions of the Risorgimento and will remain in office until 1865 , when he was elected president Hercules Piccinelli . Meanwhile, nell’ ultimo decennio del secolo , comincia a prendere importanza all’interno della vita produttiva locale il settore dei materiali da costruzione .
Infatti dopo Stefano Berizzi (presidente fino alla morte avvenuta nel 1892 ) la presidenza viene assunta non solo da Giovanni Albini , amministratore di cotonifici , ma insieme a lui da Giuseppe Piccinelli , fondatore e responsabile della Società italiana dei cementi e delle calci idrauliche , la più importante azienda cementiera
della Lombardia.
The Chamber of Commerce of Bergamo primary, established, as mentioned, with the law August 26, 1802, lived for some years to find a stable definition of its structure.
When the Chamber of Commerce in 1809 , finding accommodation in low City, saw a difficult choice, because never before had been called into question its place in the town center, in space a few meters, gathered the highest civil and religious institutions of the city. The discussion that led
this decision makes it clear that part of the entrepreneurial class was clearly opposed to the transfer of the Chamber of Commerce in towns, concerned that over time the city would lose "its former luster."
not forget that the rest of the Finance and Post had already been transferred in the lower town in 1797 where "for their particular tasks are much better situated in the villages where they place the passage of goods in transit
and the change from 'the couriers. "
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The buildings of the Fair and the mass of the eighteenth-century theater to the 800 Riccardi |
When, therefore, by ' April 11, 1809, the offices of the Chamber of Commerce found a place in the San Bartolomeo, was accomplished in this way a historic choice which began to transfer the plan of political and administrative heart of the city.
course was not randomly chosen to place all the institutions, Superintendency of Finance, Customs, the General Retirement salts, and the Chamber of Commerce Post in the vicinity of Fair , now become an international symbol of the dynamism of entrepreneurs and commercial production Bergamo and that a few years earlier had already acted as a magnet for the construction the Teatro Riccardi .
Riccardi Theatre in 1880, with the porch overlooking the street S. Bartholomew and Sentierone. Photo Taramelli (Collection Lucchetti) |
I locali scelti dalla camera di Commercio furono dapprima presi in affitto e successivamente acquistati nel 1810 a lire 14.326. Molto più tardi, nel 1821 , iniziarono le prime trasformazioni significative per conferire all'edificio un aspetto più piacevole e ordinato e migliorarne, al tempo stesso, sicurezza e igiene. Nel 1825 , grazie ad un finanziamento ottenuto dalla Cassa di Risparmio di Milano, i lavori poterono iniziare sulla base del progetto dell' architetto Giovanni Francesco Lucchini .
Nel corso the years extension works were numerous, from the raising of two plans to the operations division of the internal spaces and the arrangement of the Council Chamber.
Murnigotti, Plan of the low and medium cities, 1892 |
the late nineteenth , the effective transfer to plan the locations of the main administrative offices, which had initiated its own Chamber of Commerce, sanctioned the centrality of the villages in terms of administrative and economic .
The buildings of the fair that following his disqualification as an opportunity to trade were in a state of deterioration, partly converted into shops stable, were increasingly perceived as a useless encumbrance that paralyzed the heart of whom gravitated to the settlements, productive and service sectors of the villages.
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early twentieth century, and the Fair Sentierone (Stock Photo Sestini) |
In this context of the choice of a reallocation of the radically innovative . From competitions bandits in the period 1906-1907 would eventually emerged what is the 'current appearance of the center between Sentierone, Piazza Vittorio Veneto, Viale Roma, viale Vittorio Emanuele II, Piazza Libertà and Largo Belotti, designed by the Roman architect Marcello Piacentini , then twenty-five but destined to become the protagonist of Italian architecture discussed between the two wars.
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The Chamber of Commerce by the arcades of the old Piacentini |
In those years, the Chamber of Commerce as expression entrepreneurship Bergamo, was assuming an increasingly prestigious in urban and provincial levels. At the root of all this is were the strengthening of the entrepreneurial class, and the authority of the personalities who took the chairmanship of the House in those years.
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popular demonstration in front of the building of the Chamber of Commerce |
It so happened that, when the City was finally able to begin the implementation of the project for Piacentini reform of the city center, was now a clear need for the Chamber of Commerce that it should have more space and prestigious . Given the lack of buildings in the city is eligible administrators Chambers decided to build a new headquarters in the former fair (Eastern area).
The Chamber of Commerce today |
In 1921 space was bought and was approved to entrust the project for the erection of the building to the engineer Luigi Angelini (assisted by the technical part by Paul Magrini), as represented in Bergamo architect Piacentini alle cui realizzazioni sull'area della Fiera avrebbe dovuto adeguarsi l'impianto stilistico della nuova costruzione (Angelini progetta, oltre all'intero edificio, tutte le decorazioni a mosaico dei pavimenti di tutti i portici, mentre le targhe decorative sono di Edmondo Cattaneo).
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L'interno |
Fu poi chiesta una consulenza esterna per la scelta dei soggetti da dipingersi nelle lunette del salone consiliare , individuato come l'ambiente più rappresentativo dell'intero edificio: i16 pannelli del Salone del Consiglio are Giovan Battista Galizzi.
Initially the House Committee had considered in the lunettes represent some old and new economic activities in the province seized in their development. The idea, however, had to be abandoned because of the difficulties to represent those artistically themes. It was thus decided to choose the representation of some of the landscapes "more characteristic of the province and succestivi with respect to the different areas of the same".
Work began in May 1923 , was completed in two year allowing to take the opportunity of coming to Bergamo King Vittorio Emanuele III 1 November 1925, for the ceremony of 'opening . The ceremony was held with the utmost solemnity testifying to the importance of the "Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the province of Bergamo, which now dominates his spacious the local area in which a bargaining foreign buyers and artisans from orobico ... new office, which opens on the square dedicated to Dante and on which the Bank and Justice found accommodation with the Chamber, at the same time overlooking the Lower Town and Upper Town. Not more than two lives, not more than two contrasts. Soul which merges into silent work ... for a faith that looks to the future of Italy ... and it is spurred by the warning are daily coming down from the tower of the Fallen. "
Foundation Bergamo Nights in History
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