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Jerome Induno, Giuseppe Garibaldi. Oil on canvas. Secolo XIX. |
October 1850 Count Camillo Benso di Cavour Minister of Agriculture in the United Savoy
February 1853 Mazzini attempted insurrection in Milan in 1855
Participation in Piedmont in the Crimean War in 1857
Failed shipping Pisacane Sapri; motions Mazzini in Genoa and Livorno
July 21, 1857 agreements ex- Piedmont Plombières
The so-called decade of preparation represents the subjects of the Lombardo Veneto is the period of repression and the most dramatic and acute phase of relations between the Empire and the Italian provinces. The
Austria amending the constitution and accentuates the tendency centralization of power: the canceled figure del viceré, viene istituita la carica di governatore generale munito di competenze sia negli affari civili sia in quelli militari; al posto dei governi prequarantotteschi sono previste due luogotenenze , una per regione, dalle competenze assai ristrette e controllate; viene soppresso il Senato lombardo-veneto e così il Regno perde la suprema corte di giustizia; l’amministrazione finanziaria è totalmente assunta dal ministero centrale delle finanze di Vienna ; le congregazioni centrali non sono più convocate sino al 1855.
Governatore generale del Regno Lombardo-Veneto viene nominato Radetzky , che, grazie ai margini di ambiguità on the definition of its role, manages to impose a sort of uncontrolled military government and also will retain a lot of police powers. Severe penalties
the states that the marshal to the rebellious cities, penalties to be a burden on all social classes. Heavy contributions of war, extraordinary taxes individualized for landowners held responsible for the Forty-eight, forced loans to traders and industrialists, an increase of 50% of the land tax (which weighs on property owners, tenants and sharecroppers), seizure of assets of political emigrants ( Bergamo is applied to block the assets of the writer and brother Camozzi Ottavio Tasca): these tax measures at a time, moreover, the economic crisis caused by the disease of silkworms .
is also declared a state of siege to the city and applies the law stataria , which provides for the death penalty for crimes such as possession of weapons .
And for not having delivered the rifle (a valuable asset for many farmers), as well as desertion and insubordination, and not for political offenses, Bergamo many are shot in St. Augustine and the Rock and hanged at Fara , as evidenced by several documents stored in the Library Collection civic proclamations. Also in
Bergamo, as in other towns, follow each search, easy complaints, arrests, no concessions or suspension of employment for civil servants (magistrates, doctors, teachers, lawyers) because of their involvement - real or alleged - in the events of 1848-1849, so the average middle class and white collar professional and more mature than in Austria grounds of opposition.
If you think back to greater centralization of power, the progressive weakening apparatus "constitutional", the heavy political taxation, law enforcement stataria, checks and purges in the civil service , the framework of Austrian repression under the government of Radetzky sufficiently clear outlined and the causes of the gradual loosening between the state and the country in its diverse social that certainly contributes to the 'aspiration to independence .
Neither is to remedy that by posting the policy of detente opened by Austria with the commissioning of Radetzky and leave with the nomination for governor in 1857, Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian, fratello dell’imperatore.
Contemporaneamente, come è noto, la scelta costituzionale della monarchia sabauda e la crisi dell’organizzazione mazziniana , seguente alla condanna a morte di coloro che ne hanno tentato una nuova diffusione nel Lombardo-Veneto, contribuiscono a polarizzare intorno al programma liberale di Cavour le diverse forze di opposizione .
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Cavour |
23 April Austrian ultimatum to Piedmont: War of independence
July 11 Armistice of Villafranca. Transfer of the Lombardy to France for delivery to Vittorio Emanuele II
November 10 Peace of Zurich
March 1860 plebiscites in central
In 1859 , thanks to ' francopiemontese alliance, the program for a unified solution of the Renaissance becomes feasible. In
city in the early months of popular demonstrations of patriotism occur simultaneously and increase the heavy military control by the Austrians.
Nevertheless, over a thousand Bergamo pass the border illegally, and many others come to Turin from different centers of emigration policy enlist in the army and Sardinia, the most in Hunters of the Alps, the body that is in the field, along with the regular five divisions, under the command of Garibaldi appointed general .
recall, among others, Gabriele Camozzi, Francesco Nullo, Francesco Cucchi, Alessandro Carissimi, Antonio Curò Giuseppe Gamba, Luigi Enrico dall'Ova, Daniel Piccinini, Joseph Tironi, Guido Sylva (66 of those taking part in the campaign of 1859 will participate the following year the expedition of the Thousand).
Camozzi that Garibaldi joined the program only after you have been assured by Cavour that militias were engaged on a regular warfare and insurgency and that they therefore had a different role than that held in 1849, is taken in April in force as a lieutenant in the regiment commanded by Cosenz bearer and is then recognized shortly after the rank of major . The function of Hunters of the Alps is to support the regular armies, operating in the lowland areas, with action and avoidance of interference in the foothills, which would also mobilize and arm the other free people. ;
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Combat S. Without |
After the battle of San Fermo (May 27) and the occupation of Varese and Como, while the Franco-Piedmontese forces to win Magenta (June 4), enters the body of volunteers in Lecco (June 5) and heads for Bergamo.
Camozzi, that with the transfer of information and guides, facilitates the occupation of the town , writes to the general "You are expected at any moment and you can count on the support of the population" . At the same time invites a
proclaims the Lombard to renew the voting membership of the House of Savoy already formulated in 1848: "Lombardi confirmed that vote, and ready for any sacrifice to not let it break or destroy, the union sanctioned with Piedmont, under the rule of King Vittorio Emanuele, with a pledge of independence and freedom. Viva l’Italia, viva re Vittorio Emanuele" .
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Porta Garibaldi (già S. Lorenzo) in una fotografia d'epoca |
Gli austriaci abbandonano Bergamo nella notte del 7 giugno e il giorno seguente, l' 8 giugno 1859 , Garibaldi con il suo stato maggiore entra in città dalla Porta San Lorenzo (che verrà successivamente chiamata Porta Garibaldi) , mentre i Cacciatori transitano per Borgo Santa Caterina e per Porta Cologno . A new combat
Seriate , led by Narciso Bronzetti the head of a hundred men, dispersed in one thousand Austrian soldiers sent by the military commands of Bergamo Brescia and Verona.
The city proclaims its annexation to Piedmont .
Garibaldi invites all young people to take up arms and Camozzi, invested with full powers warn be opened in the Office of Bergamo recruitment of volunteers in the body of the Hunters of the Alps in local schools of the Three Steps.
Within two days are over one thousand (1) those who join . On the same day of liberation Bergamo, Napoleon III and Victor Emmanuel II make their entrance in Milan ; the Austrians retreated and we go towards the decisive battles of Solferino and San Martino (June 24).
Since 1860, Bergamo will become part of the Italian state .
's the end of foreign domination , already much hoped for a decade before the days of uprisings of 1848, organized by young members of the more enlightened part of the urban bourgeoisie.
(1) In 1860 Bergamo contributed the highest number of volunteers to the expedition of Garibaldi, which enabled her to bear honorable title of "City of a Thousand" .
For the following period: The Expedition of the Thousand
Bergamo Foundation for the History
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