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Weapons used in Bergamo revolutionary movements during the biennium 1848-1849 |
For the period before the Restoration: Bergamo in the Department of Serio
June 1815: End of the Congress of Vienna
July 1820: Uprising in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
March-April 1821: Constitutional Revolution in the Kingdom of Sardinia and its repression
December 1821: Arrest in Lombardy Carbonari and Federated
April 27, 1831 : the throne of Savoy Carlo Alberto
May 26, 1831: He failed insurrection in Ducati. Ciro Menotti in Modena is executed
October 1831: Giuseppe Mazzini founds Young Italy
July 25, 1844 : Flag of the brothers attempted insurrection
1846: ; to pope Pius IX salt
In June 1814 the Austrian plenipotentiary Bellegarde announces' annexation of Lombardy, Habsburg Empire and April of 1815 was promulgated the Constitution of the United Lombardo Veneto (1) , constitution, modeled on the system inherited from the president, provides an apparatus based on a strong center-periphery relationship.
are well established two governments, one by one for the Lombardy and Veneto (unified by the figure of the viceroy), which are responsible for the enforcement of laws enacted by Vienna at the provincial level representative government is not the provincial delegate , which assumes the functions and duties of the prefect of Napoleon at the district level (district intermediate between the province and municipalities) there is a District Commissioner , the final link in a system that does not arrive at the municipal level. This structure also provides for the establishment of councils elected representatives, who help the state apparatus.
We refer to the two central congregations, to congregations provincial (the skills, however, rather limited) and municipal councils, through which those oligarchies that in the Napoleonic years have experienced a period of crisis regain the right to represent local interests. In these organisms is largely favored by the formation mechanism of the large landed property, but there is also legitimate representation of the bourgeoisie "shops". Over time, however, the heavy reliance on Vienna, the presence of a strong police structure, the heavy tax burden, the "prohibitive system" that hinders trade, the burden of compulsory military service, created in different social classes, and foster the growing discontent the aspiration to independence.
(1) Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia
When and how did .
The provinces of Lombardy and Veneto was annexed to Austria since June 12, 1814, were officially established by an act of imperial April 7, 1815 in the United Lombardo-Veneto, which was stripped of all autonomy and governed as a possession.
geographical boundaries included the present Lombardia and Veneto and the Ferrara area north of the Po (formerly papal). Capital Vienna.
As it was the Emperor Francis I of Austria who lived in Vienna, in fact, given the position of Viceroy, from 1818 to 1848, Archduke Ranieri's brother, was reduced to tasks mere representation. The appointment of Bishops to 'emperor.
Administrative organization
Heads actual administration erano due governatori uno a Milano e l'altro a Venezia, assistiti da funzionari di nomina imperiale e direttamente dipendenti dal governo di Vienna.
• A Milano e Venezia erano state insediate le Congregazioni centrali, istituzioni autonomistiche formali, essendo composte da due deputati per ogni provincia (nove provincie in Lombardia e otto nel Veneto); la nomina dei deputati era di competenza dell'imperatore su terne proposte dalle Congregazioni provinciali e dai consigli comunali delle città . I deputati delle Congregazioni centrali, che erano degli estimati (contribuenti diretti) e appartenevano al ceto dei possidenti nobili o non nobili, avevano delle funzioni limitatissime: voto consultivo sull'utilizzo e l'amministrazione expenditure decided by the government and not yet fixed by law., in addition, they could present to the emperor "the needs, wishes and prayers of the nation", a right which in practice was canceled authoritarianism of the government of Vienna.
• The provinces were governed by an I. Regional Director, assisted by the Congregation appointed provincial similar to those in the center.
• At municipal level the situation was diversified
- in the major cities there was a congregation headed by a municipal mayor nominated and appointed by the imperial government;
- in municipalities with more than three hundred Estimate (landowners), called the or the General Council of the estimators are appointed every three years, a deputation which took the name of the congregation hall;
- in small towns (those with less than 300 landowners) administered their interests through convened which met twice a year for discuss and approve the budget and appoint the local charges.
OPPOSITION (1814-1847)
The events of 1820-1821, Naples and then tied the insurrection in Piedmont, they do not find particular resonance in the territory. There are arrests and inquisitions, but relate to isolated incidents, do not place in an organized movement, all longer in the province than in the city and particularly the border with Brescia, where the conspiracy has deeper roots. Increased availability
located in Bergamo Italy the Young, the association that establishes Mazzini in 1831. In early 1832 the federation began to branch out to work mainly in the province di tre personaggi di Iseo: G. Battista Cavallini , “imprenditore”, Gabriele Rosa , che va ad appiccare fila in Valle Camonica, Alessandro Bargnani , avvocato residente a Sarnico. Sempre nel 1832 un nucleo dell’associazione si costituisce in città ad opera del medico Gaspare Belcredi , che si lagnava moltissimo dello spirito della gioventù di Bergamo e affermava che le maggiori sue relazioni e le sue speranze erano nelle valli. La dissidenza è rappresentata da professionisti, studenti universitari, negozianti e da qualche artigiano ed è nuovamente segnalata più in provincia che in città e in particolare nelle valli comunicanti with Switzerland, where it operates a large colony of exiles. If the activity involves conspiracy Bergamo only marginally, from the forties onwards are instead buying more support for the ruling classes in the towns trends liberalmoderate, who reject the insurgency line and coalesce around the reform agenda. In December 1847, the year of tension throughout the Lombardo-Veneto, is the lawyer of Treviglio G. Battista Nazari that presents to the congregation's central Milan with a motion calling for the emperor to act out the dissatisfaction of the country for government policy. The petition and legal official act of dissent public and immediately assumes a strong oppositional value. The act gives rise to chain reactions in Lombardy, so that is sent from Milan to Bergamo Bergamo gratulations solemn because the province belonged to the deputy, who first had dared, after a silence of thirty years, bring back to the floor to Lombardy.
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Weapons used in Bergamo revolutionary movements during the biennium 1848-1849 |
In 1848 Bergamo lives His first significant opposition to Austria (2) . The month of February sees the growing tension in the city and expand the dissent are increasingly being patriotic events (launch of leaflets in the three national colors at the Teatro Sociale, the diffusion of a revolutionary catechism, the distribution of poems and songs insurgency), you experience different acts of insubordination and clashes take place between soldiers and students. At the news of the Milan Bergamo also occurs and is fought for five days, March 18 to 22, in Borgo San Leonardo, Porta Broseta, barracks of St. Augustine and Santa Marta, the prison of San Francesco and the powder magazine located at the cemetery of St. Maurice. They are fighting hard, they see the involvement of most of the population and intervention, people close to the city, groups of villagers and farmers, as reflected in contemporary chronicles. On March 20 in Old Town Square stands the tree of liberty, this time crowned with tricolor. All
Austrian troops, 1,600 men divided into 15 companies distributed in the barracks of St. Augustine, Fara, Saint John and the Lazzaretto, are forced to leave the city by March 23. At the same time
from Bergamo and the volunteer groups province leaving for Milan and their contribution is crucial in decision-Porta Tosa (now Porta Vittoria). Among the names of those who distinguish themselves in different fights include, among others, those of Francesco Nullo, Giovan Battista and Gabriele Camozzi , Vittore Tasca, Federico Alborghetti, Daniel Piccinini, characters who come back repeatedly in the affairs renaissance city. On March 23, will set up a provisional government, which shall remain in office until mid-April, when installed as provincial administrative authority of the local congregation. In April, a volunteer corps under the command of Nicholas Bonorandi difficult part for the ill-fated venture in the Tyrol
(17 were shot in the castle of Trento), nor has the successful delivery, always in Trentino, led by Gian Maria Scotti. Also noteworthy is the contribution of many Bergamo to defend the borders Stelvio-Tonale-Cross Domains.
In July, in front of the Austrian counter-attack and defeat of Piedmont, while the Provisional Government of Lombardy in the city sends a special commissioner to organize new enlistments, the Democrats are trying to turn people's war Mazzini. In early August are located in Bergamo Garibaldi, Mazzini and Cattaneo, Garibaldi from here to Milan with a group of volunteers, but after the armistice of Salasco, the general decides to dissolve its legion of repair and in Switzerland.
On August 13 the Austrians are part of the city and at the same time many of those who were affected in the months before the take off dell’esilio.
Con la repressione della “guerriglia” di Palazzago, ispirata da Mazzini (Ah, Bergamo è una posizione magnifica per farne il centro di un’insurrezione) e tenuta viva da Federico Alborghetti dal settembre al novembre, si chiude per il territorio orobico la fase insurrezionale del Quarantotto.
Né l’anno successivo conosce migliore fortuna il tentativo di Gabriele Camozzi di attuare un piano di sollevazione popolare nelle zone montagnose della Lombardia.
Nel marzo del 1849 infatti, con la ripresa della guerra, il patriota, che vive esule a Torino, viene incaricato da La Marmora di guidare la rivolta nel Bergamasco, coordinando la sua azione con i movimenti of the left wing of the Piedmontese army. On the 24th he reached the town and assumes the dictatorship in the name of the Sardinian government, but the defeat of Novara interrupts his operato.Vana is also the next initiative to bring 800 volunteers to help with near Brescia, which arose on March 23, in the meantime had been forced to capitulate after ten days of heavy fighting.
With the fall of the Roman Republic, which the defense had also contributed numerous Bergamo (from none to Ovo), and the rendering of Venice ending the season in the summer of 1849 will be remembered as the spring of nations.
(2) RISORGIMENTO A detailed calendar of BERGAMO - 1848
the uprising of March 20 to 23
February 10: during a performance at the Teatro Sociale many copies are distributed an anti-Austrian political catechism with verses from the Meadows and sheets in colors, which aroused reactions among the Austrian officers.
February 13: In Santa Maria Maggiore during the elevation is to sing the Te Deum by invoking "the greatest Italian homeland. "
March 19: spreading the voice insurrection in Milan as a village gathering in San Leonardo in praising Pius IX, the Republic and Italy. A committee of citizens led by Count Francesco Roncalli's request for a guard house.
March 20: a group of volunteers led by Benigno Regazzoni goes to Milan. Trevor was also from another party group led by engineer Bicetta. Another 300 men under the command of Nicholas Bonorandi rush aid to insurgents in Milan. Another contingent of volunteers from Caprino part under the guidance of engineer Jerome Rota Rossi.
The Austrian soldiers leave the barracks of St. John and Sant 'Agostino, but the population to prevent who are heading to Milan, building barricades blocking them and opening fire. And 'the uprising.
March 20 to 21: during the night, the Austrian Archduke Sigismund government representative in the city can make up for Brescia.
March 21: fighting continues. Three people sent to the barracks of St. Augustine to treat to prevent more victims are being held hostage. Assault on the powder near the cemetery of St. Mauritius by a handful of men commanded by Giovan Battista Spinelli Comenduno after a furious fight to possess it succeeds.
22 night Austrian soldiers of the various detachments gather everyone in the barracks of St. Augustine.
23: returning from Milan the volunteers who participated in the "Five Days" and spread the news of the escape of Radetzky.
During the night, the bulk of the Austrian contingent leaves the city directly to Brescia. In the following days unable to free the hostages and also the last Austrian soldiers leave the city.
Days later: you are a provisional government (dissolved on April 12 remain in the Congregation of provincial life) and a committee of war.
Celebrations for the ouster occupant involving the bishop and the clergy Gritti Morley citizen.
After the start of the first war of independence can be arranged to support troops in Piedmont. They leave two columns of volunteers: a controlled Nicola Bonorandi direct Montichiari and then to Lake Hydro, the other led by Jean Marie Scott directed to the Valley of the Sun and not, a group of volunteers was arrested after participating with value to some fighting.
April 16: in 21 are killed in the Castle of Good Counsel of Trent.
April 18: the noble internal Basoni Scotti-high city in the April 8, 1848 Gaetano Donizetti dies.
next few days even the company of Captain John Scotti Maria is forced to retire and reached Bergamo tired and discouraged.
May: the majority of the population is in favor of the union of Lombardy with Piedmont.
May 27: Colonel Nicola Bonorandi again for the Tonale with some volunteers with the intention of presiding over the line Croce Domini, because the war has shifted in Alto Adige are forced into a depressing lack of action.
July 7: the Provisional Government of Lombardy appointed special commissioner of Bergamo Count Olofredi.
July 27: Bergamo 150 sharpshooters under the command of Captain Pezzoli, lieutenants of Moroni, Pesenti, Francesco Zambelli, and Sant'Andrea are distinguished in military operations to reoccupy the position Tonale lost.
July 30: is appointed and the Committee in Defense of Public Safety formed by Francesco Roncalli, GB Piazzoni and Andrea Moretti that will melt on August 6.
August 3: Garibaldi and Mazzini arrived in Bergamo and incite the crowd. A large number of young people followed the next day Garibaldi, with 5,000 volunteers start to Milan, but along the way having learned of the retreat of Charles Albert decides to go to Como.
August 3: Carlo Cattaneo is in Bergamo.
August 6: the city back in the hands of the Austrians.
August 10: while a battalion of National Guard Bergamo with two guns had joined the partisans, Gabriele Camozzi Breno reached with the intent to focus the volunteers to create a center of guerrilla anti-Austrian.
August 31: Gabriele Camozzi, Luigi Terzi and Nicola Bonorandi write an agenda, which advised the volunteers who had followed Garibaldi took refuge in Switzerland to melt and reach under the leadership of Piedmont Caloandro Baroni. The volunteers who come to town Giacomo Durando had gathered in and around the Garda Trentino, the next day with the volunteers moved to Piedmont where he took refuge also the abbot Carl Cameron. The Mazzini Mallegori Teresa Scotti and other patriots choose to take refuge in Switzerland.
1848 The guerrillas Palazzago
September 7 to November 20: Federico Alborghetti exile in Lugano is mandated by Mazzini to head bands that are withheld in the Bergamo valleys, Mazzini had been misinformed. On September 7 Alborghetti arrives at his hometown Mapello and then lays the foundation to Palazzago. At the head of about 60 young people from the surrounding area including Carlo Agazzi said Barlinetto, Palazzago spirited farmer, is leading a kind of campaign in the valley S. Martin and the slopes of Mt Albenza. Left without supplies, as Mazzini had been sent out on 20 November, and its Alborghetti decided to disband. The historian has called this guerrilla Bortolo Belotti "the latest episode of anti-Austrian reaction to Bergamo.
November 28: G. Mazzini convinces Gabriele Camozzi, and Victor pocket to make new surveys and in Bergamo in Lombardy and Veneto to check availability to restart the rebellion. The outcome is negative.
restore confidence in the fight against the Austrians, even for the impressive work done by the patriots and emigration in Piedmont.
February: G. Camozzi is appointed by the Minister Sardinian Pinelli to prepare a plan for the insurrection in Lombardy, but the plan presented will not be implemented.
March 12: Chiodo Minister denounces the armistice and resume hostilities against Austria.
March 14: Gabriele Camozzi, who was in Turin instructed to prepare for action revolutionary gathering in Brescia and armed volunteers sort through mobile columns attacking behind the enemy army.
March 22: riots break out in cities and clashes between the population and Austrian soldiers.
March 25: Gabriele Camozzi avutane news, instead of going directly to Brescia, Bergamo decided to move to: enter the city at the head of a company of 300 riflemen, while his brother John the Baptist in the days before he recruited 80 volunteers in the Valley Brembana. Gabriel decides to attack the fortress where the troops took refuge in Austria, but the assault can not be accomplished in the absence of artillery pieces that are required in Turin.
March 26: insurgents also come to town in the valley Brembana. Here come the news of the defeat of Charles Albert at Novara by the Austrian army (the end of the war of independence). Gabriele Camozzi suspend the attack.
March 30: the congregation hall is the captain Plengmakers an agreement whereby he undertook not to renew hostilities against the "insurgents." And while they follow in number of 800 Gabriele Camozzi that goes to the aid of Brescia in 4 columns led by four captains .. Among
Ospitaletto and Brescia are caught between two fires and 35 of them were killed in the crash were another 15 taken prisoner and shot into the ditch of the castle of Brescia and Iseo Corneto reach survivors where they thrust their arms into the lake.
Gabriele Camozzi is a guest for a few days of the Countess Maffei in Clusone, then through the mountains shelter in Switzerland.
In the following months is mainly the Austrian repression against young people found in possession of weapons that are shot.
aftermath of the days of the insurgency in March 1848, as was said, had formed a provisional government consisting of representatives of agricultural property (aristocratic and otherwise) and bourgeoisie linked to industry and commerce: F. Roncalli (chairman), GA Piazzoni., C. Stainer Saluzzi, GB Berizzi, P. Moroni, L. Terzi, G. Camozzi, L. Ferrari. The next step of the administrative provincial Members of the congregation, appointed before the Revolution, marks a turning point in the sense conservative compared to the first provisional regiment.
On April 12, Count Pietro Moroni is designated as representative of the province in the Central Government of Lombardy, the choice stirs protests because some groups would have preferred a less moderate candidate.
Moreover, the political control of the city is firmly in the hands of the liberal-monarchist who fail in the months following to establish itself without any significant disagreements about the Republican-Democratic minority forces.
On 30 April, the congregation calls on the provincial population to decide on the future architecture of Lombardy or rather the sign calls for the immediate annexation to Piedmont against the hypothesis of a delayed vote on the war finished, but supported by Democrats. Precise reasons and indications of vote, shared by those nobles who managed the insurgency and also signed by Bishop Gritti Morley, who, repeating the themes of the Neo-Guelphism establishes the legality of the new administration and has publicly supported the operation.
The pronouncement prompted by liberalmoderati before the central government takes a decision in this regard and therefore the initiative of the Congregation of Bergamo is declared illegal.
The urgency of accelerating the fusion of the Piedmont, so strongly felt by conflict with the authorities in Milan, is motivated by two reasons: on one hand you want to prevent riots and anarchy (in early April occurred worrying Attacks on property Seriana Val); the other is to counter the stream of information and propaganda carried out by the Republicans, who in those days have found voice in the 'Union' first democratic newspaper Bergamo nineteenth which will be released for forty-six numbers from 15 April to 29 July 1848.
Ristretto was then the group of Democrats in the city, decides to entrust their project to Brescia Gabriele Rosa, the environment Bergamo had close contact during the period of propaganda for the dissemination of Young Italy. So he will remember: I resolved to accept the offer made to me by Carlo Ceresa, Luigi Ferrari, by. Peter Mallegori to prepare a policy paper on behalf of a company in Bergamo.
and elsewhere say the newspaper: It was written by me without permanent collaborators, had intentions Federal Republican, fought a merger before the desired victory, the editor had agreed with Mazzini and Cattaneo.
From the pages of the 'Union "The Republicans are protesting against the vote required by the local Congregation: 1500 opponents, according to Rosa, which require a federal republic or otherwise determined to have status and then the king and the king was then.
On May 12 the Provisional Central Government decides to proceed with the plebiscite. In the official vote, which took place between 19 and 29 May, in Bergamo occurs almost total adherence to the Unionist choice: 77 514 are for the immediate merger with the Savoy monarchy, 44 to choose the war finished.
The democratic opposition is local most aligned to the positions of liberalmoderati.
The explanation in an article in the May 16 G. Rosa: We accept and recommend
accept this act as a necessity, but openly declare that we are very painful for the cause of Italy that the first act of union of the peoples of Italian material not be done spontaneously, it not free, but under the empire of necessity and fear (...). We do not resist pei our rights, because the resistance would be beginning of civil war and civil war, always guilty, it would be doubly now that the stranger still invade our lands. But our fellow citizens, we will, we hope, account of the sacrifice.
For the period after : Bergamo by the wars of Independence, Unity of Italy
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