With shipping Thousand , a volunteer corps, protected from Piedmont, under the command of Giuseppe Garibaldi, the fourth part of the beach, in Liguria, landed in Sicily, near Marsala, conquering the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, thus allowing the annexation to the nascent Italian state.
4 aprile 1860 Rivolta di Palermo
5-6 maggio 1860 Garibaldi salpa da Quarto sulle navi Lombardo e Piemonte
11 maggio 1860 Sbarco dei Mille a Marsala
13 maggio 1860 Proclama di Salemi: Garibaldi assume la “dittatura” della Sicilia
20 luglio 1860 Sconfitta borbonica a Milazzo
7 settembre 1860 Le truppe garibaldine entrano vittoriose a Napoli
18 settembre 1860 L’esercito piemontese guidato dal generale Cialdini sconfigge le forze papaline a Castelfidardo
1-2 ottobre 1860 Vittoria Garibaldi al Volturno
October 26, 1860 Meeting in Teano between Vittorio Emanuele II and Garibaldi
October-November 1860 plebiscite in southern and central Italy
March 17, 1861 Vittorio Emanuele II is proclaimed King of Italy
27 March 1861 The Chamber of Deputies proclamation Rome capital of Italy
June 6, 1861 Death of Cavour
October 10, 1959 Request from the City of Bergamo boasting the title of Città dei Mille: Endorsed by the institutions state authorities.
June 15, 1899 Medal Award Golden City of Bergamo for participation in the 1848 uprising At the news of ' armistice of Villafranca (July 11, 1859) between Austria and France, and the consequent limitations imposed on the territorial and political Italian unification process, there are many volunteers enrolled in Hunters of the Alps and young people who participated in the riots to interpret this as a betrayal of the cause of Italian unification. Garibaldi himself, who had recently placed his headquarters in Lovere, begins to rebuild a network of meetings and contacts (in this work has a key role in the Bergamo Francesco Cucchi) to prepare a new army of volunteers only, able to free the entire nation.
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Francesco Cucchi |
A Bergamo 's recruitment of volunteers, started in' April of 1860, is led by Francesco Nullo and Francesco Cucchi , as described in his memoirs the Garibaldi Guido Sylva :
"We really learned that in the theater of Filodrammatici, which then existed in the old Fabbricone at the bottom right of way Borfuro, going to St. Alexander [...] Had established the Office for mo 'to say, recruitment for Sicily [...]. The crowd who rushed for enlistment, one hundred and eighty are selected and, after many postponements, on the morning of Thursday, May 3, 1860 in Bergamo is ordered to gather in the evening at the railway station " and is always telling Sylva :
"Along the avenue [railroad] was a line of people that a man set out. The starters were distinguished by bundles, [...] many were accompanied by friends, relatives. Others were given by unnoticed, to escape from the research of the family, who could run counter to their uniforms. The station was literally full of people [...]. Under the influence of the frenzy of delirium, some of our friends and fellow students, who were hitherto indifferent in the midst of our enthusiasm, or maybe even die-hard opponents of an undertaking that they not that they deemed reckless, but even mad shook their primitive stubborn apathy and ostentatious, they found themselves, almost unconsciously, to sit with us and follow us in Marsala and beyond .
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Leaving Fourth |
From a letter of Francesco Cucchi his brother Luigi, Cucchi preserved in the archives at the Historical Museum, si legge:
"Siam circa 1200 [...] partiti da Genova il 6 corrente [maggio] alle 11 del mattino dopo essere stati dalle 11 del giorno 5 fino alle 4 del mattino in mare su delle piccole barchette ad aspettare che i due vapori che avevamo a nostra disposizione potessero sortire dal porto. Dalle quattro del mattino alle undici fummo impegnati nel caricare armi, munizioni e viveri. Da Genova ci siam diretti sempre lungo la costa, verso il golfo della Spezia ove giungevamo verso le 4 e mezza pomeridiane del 6" .
Ma chi sono i bergamaschi che partono con Garibaldi ? Innanzitutto sono certamente dei giovanissimi (il 60% aveva meno di 22 anni) driven by an ideal and recall that a character so mythical and mythologized as Garibaldi can have on young people, in addition to this, many of the 180 Bergamo claim to greater age from (For example, the case of Guido Sylva).
to emphasize a certain dualism between city and state, we must also emphasize as much as 62% comes from the capital.
Finally, the data show that the majority of the partisans is of humble origins, mainly craft workers and artisans , while completely missing the presence of rural world: the latter, if we exclude rare cases, across Italy will be the great missing Garibaldi's campaign.
Age of Garibaldi Bergamo :
18% were between 13 and 18 years;
42% were between 19 and 22 years;
27% had between 23 and 30 years, the
13% had more than 31 years.
birthplace of Garibaldi Bergamo
62% was born in Bergamo city
31% were born in the province;
7% were immigrants.
social position of Garibaldi Bergamo
39% were workers and craftsmen;
18% were intellectuals, artists and employees;
16% were students;
5% were soldiers
12% were unknown;
10% were landowners, merchants and industrialists.
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Announcement of the Law of 14 April 1860, proclaiming the unification of Italy under King Vittorio Emanuele II Savoy |
However, soon after, becoming apparent difficulties related both to remain in business, and social problems existing in the island. Scrive ancora Francesco Cucchi:
"Regna qualche malumore per le cariche ed impieghi connessi troppo spesso al favoritismo e all’intrigo. Questa è una piaga che in Sicilia sarà difficilissimo il guarire" .
D’altra parte, già nell’agosto 1860, scoppiano i primi moti contadini, strumentalizzati dai Borboni al fine di rimettere in discussione l’esito della guerra, ma certamente frutto di una s ituazione sociale realmente difficile.
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