falls to the Cisalpine Republic the intervention of the Austro-Russian
June 14, 1800 Battle of Marengo. The French defeated the Austrians.
January 26, 1802 End of rally in Lyon. Birth of the Italian Republic
April 4, 1804 Napoleon became Emperor of France in March 1805
; the Italian Republic becomes Kingdom of Italy
October 16, 1813 defeat of Napoleon at Leipzig
April 6, 1814 Abdication of Napoleon
April 20, 1814 ; Uproar popular in Milan; end of the Kingdom of Italy June 18, 1815
defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo
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With the Treaty of Campoformio, after about three months from its establishment, the Republic of Bergamo was part of the Cisalpine Republic as a Department of Serio. |
With the enactment in July 1797 of the establishment of First Republic Cisalpine ends the experience of self-government citizen (Republic of Bergamo) and Bergamo , as the capital of the department of Serio, is to depend on the central power in Milan. After the brief occupation
Austro-Russian (May 1799-June 1800), the territory became part of orobico second Cisalpine ( 1800-1802) and the Italian Republic ( 1802-1805) and finally Kingdom of Italy (1805 -1814 ).
The department sees Serio defined its borders in 1801 with the acquisition of Vallecamonica , which will be part of the province of Bergamo up the unit, compared to other major adjustment period Venetian was in 1798 annexation to the south of Gera d'Adda and Calciana . In
first Cisalpine are many men who, already politically active in the Democratic Republic of the month, they go to play important roles at both the departmental and municipal levels both at government level ( Marco Alessandri and Jerome Adelasia become part of directory).
This confirms the assertion in the first period of a ruling class different than the Venetian , both from the ideological point of view, is, in part, the social background.
The proclamation of the Italian Republic and then the Kingdom of Italy allows the creation of a highly centralized state apparatus, which implements an increasing compression of local forces. The prefect
assumes all responsibility for the conduct of the territory becoming the first government department nominated by the government and then are permanently deleted.
Return of the municipalities of the first class (those who, like Bergamo, have a population of over 10,000 inhabitants) is situated a mayor, who will gradually take shape, like the prefect, as a true civil servant .
Abandon the ambitions of popular sovereignty ( disappears from the tree of liberty squares in 1805 by decree sovereign), the scheme seeks partners different from those of the three "revolutionary" and asks the cooperation of notable vocation with more moderate and conservative, from among its landowners, the rich bourgeoisie of trades and professions, intellectuals , the senior army degrees, which allows public offices, honors and titles, with the aim to broaden the basis of consensus and reduce resistance to new state structure.
L ' more explicit and continuous opposition to the government in the territory Bergamo is one represented by the clergy and is even more significant in its implications if one considers the strong influence that prelates and pastors have a population so deeply rooted in religious principles. This opposition
, in contrast to the attitude of the staff Dolfin bishop who supports the French policy is open and declared in term "Jacobin" when suppression of convents and monasteries with on forfeiture of assets, the closing of the seminar, the requisition of silver, the prohibitions of processions and other external manifestations of worship offend the religious sentiment of most , but continues for years to come, when Napoleon seeks reconciliation with the Church as an indispensable means for the political and social stability.
So the government plans to defend the secular state and the rationalization of religious life and pastoral care (in this context is approved to reduce the number of parishes, which descend in Bergamo from 15 to 7), the local clergy respond with low cooperation and mistrust, but also 's hardline opposition political work through the illegal activities of the congregations of St. Louis or Mariane .
Bergamo, former convent of Saint Agatha in front of the courtyard. The monastery was built by Teather in the first half of the seventeenth century, was a prison from 1797 to 1977 (beginning of the twentieth century. Dominic Lucchetti Photo Archive). See: The prison system in Bergamo in the Napoleonic , Barbara Carissoni |
The front section of the same building, also in a design of the Viennese (ibid. ) |
During the Napoleonic era, the criteria and control rationalization underlying the legislative and administrative measures also affect the territorial policy and determine changes in the organization the city. The establishment of the department of
Serio, in early August of 1797, as well as ending the brief experience of the Republic of Bergamo, determined the end of the autonomous organization of the municipality of Bergamo that from that moment it was ordered by the general rules: is introduced the criterion of uniformity administrative classes based on their demographic, the department is divided into districts , (supra-municipal entities whose number varies over time), in cantons (for a certain period) and municipality or municipalities (1) . Bergamo is the capital of the district.
It is significant that one of the first acts of the revolutionary new municipality of Bergamo in April 1797 is really aimed at a redefinition of political and administrative boundaries of the territory : so-called "saints bodies, those suburban districts Venetian period in which they had been part of the town of Bergamo ( Valtesse, Redon, Torre Boldone Lalla, Grumello plan, Colognola, Curnasco ) in 1805 are declared autonomous municipalities (autonomous municipalities from Bergamo). So change the city's relationship with the surrounding area now appears to be Bergamo formed by the common census Bergamo city, chestnut and Valle d'Astino Boccaleone , in an apparent effort by the Municipality of redressing the political relations between city-contadovalli its phase of maximum tension, due to the rebellion Bergamo Republic (the so-called 'counter').
In 1809 there is a further consolidation of the common (today we would call the Great Bergamo), the result of the hierarchical principle of administrative centralization , while in 1816 , with the Austrian firmly
in power, autonomy returns (in 1818 , a more prudent management of the area, convinced the Austrian to regroup the district to the city, and Bergamo in 1853 will match the current constituency , without Colognola, Grumello, New Curnasco, Redon and Valtesse) .
They also obvious effect on the structure of the city the various measures in the social, charitable, religious, cultural, educational, health (measures in health, determine, among other things, the construction of campisanti outside the town), and of course planning.
The gradual reduction of religious orders with its seizure of goods, which is carried out with vigorous action by the French government from 1797 to 1810-1811 when it comes to abolition of all institutions , leads to the reallocation and reuse of convents and ecclesiastical , which, in the reorganization of the centers of power, are converted to barracks, customs offices, prisons (see reset to use the huge prison building complex the former convent of S. Agata, headed by Leopoldo Pollack ) , workhouses, hospitals , hospices (while the planned new mental hospital at the Convent of Astino will not be realized).
The principle of concentration of charities in Congregation of charity (1807) involves the unification of the House Conventino Institute for orphans, while the so-called ban on begging (it was forbidden to beggars to beg in the streets) determines the establishment of the house to care delle Grazie (il convento dei francescani di S. Maria delle Grazie viene trasformato nel 1811 in Albergo per i poveri ) e dell’ ospedale della Maddalena per incurabili ed inabili al lavoro.
La legislazione scolastica, che prevede tra l’altro l’apertura di scuole pubbliche presso ogni sede parrocchiale (1801), porta con la riforma del nuovo liceo dipartimentale all’ acquisto dell’ex convento di Rosate (1803) e alla fondazione dell’ Istituto musicale (1805).
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Teatro Sociale (sezione) |
Ai margini di questa, nello storico borgo di S. Tomaso , l’ Accademia , voluta dal conte Giacomo Carrara, assume più nobile forma su disegno di Simone Elia, concludendosi nel 1810.
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Accademia Carrara |
Si provvede inoltre all’edificazione della strada di circonvallazione fuori delle Muraine , e in Città alta alla sostituzione dei ponti lignei di accesso alle porte con quelli in muratura e alla loro definitiva apertura , nonchè alla velocizzazione del viale alberato da porta San Giacomo a porta Sant’Agostino , dove vengono realizzati spazi verdi pubblici.
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Panorama delle Mura, 1833. In the background, S. James and the neoclassical Palazzo Albani Medolago |
instead be read in view celebration of the power projects that follow are for the 'Embellishment Osio door (which now represents the new main route to Milan), the transformation of ' obelisk Prato, which is dedicated to Napoleon (while the expected triumphal arch will not be realized), and various monuments of architecture ephemeral that during the period were erected in the city.
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L'Arco di Trionfo dedicato a Napoleone (non realizzato) |
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Mappa Catastale Napoleonica della Città di Bergamo (A.S. Milano) |
In questi medesimi anni si avviano le operazioni per la prima catastazione condotta con criteri moderni sul territorio bergamasco, operazione che interessa tutta quella parte dell’attuale provincia che era sottoposta a Venezia, mentre per i ventiquattro comuni ex milanesi le rilevazioni erano già state made at the time of land known as Teresa.
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Napoleonic cadastral map of the city of Bergamo (Milan HS) - Special |
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cadastral maps of the Napoleonic Bergamo (Milan HS) - Special |
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Napoleonic cadastral map of the city of Bergamo (Milan HS) - Particolare |
Per altro proprio al modello teresiano viene ispirato il progetto di catasto napoleonico , imposto per porre fine alla confusione del sistema contributivo e per avere una rappresentazione fiscale della città e del territorio basata su dati attendibili ed uniformi (3) .
Nel dipartimento del Serio i lavori iniziano nel 1808 sotto la direzione dell’ingegner Giuseppe Manzini e si concludono nel 1813 . In tale occasione viene composta, con l’unione delle singole tavolette, la prima mappa di Bergamo in scala 1:2000 ; il documento, fonte di straordinaria importance for our understanding of urban structure, is preserved in the State of Milan (Bergamo a plant engineer Joseph Manzini -
Etching - is kept at the City Library A. Mai).
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Detail from map of the town of Bergamo year 1853 (Cadastre Lombardo-Veneto). AS Bg, cart. 28. |
With the Napoleonic era, also inaugurated the genre of the modern landscape Lombard, of which the initiator is the painter from Bergamo consierato Marco Gozzi (1759-1839), who received first by the French Government and then by austriaco, l’incarico di fornire annualmente all’amministrazione quadri di paesaggi che rilevassero topograficamente alcuni spazi di vedute e paesaggi del territorio lombardo:
"In un’epoca in cui le esigenze di decoro cittadino, insieme ad una più organica azione riformatrice tipica del Settecento, contribuirono alla realizzazione di un nuovo ordinamento territoriale, strutturato secondo una più ordinata geografia dipartimentale, non va affatto trascurato l’intento di questi anni, di uniformare il territorio sotto qualsiasi aspetto. In linea con un’ottica tutta urbano-centrica si procedette ad attuare non soltanto operazioni di accertamento catastale (per imporre una perequazione the more rational and uniform tax), but even reconnaissance of the surrounding urban and suburban, with the clear aim of moving towards the establishment of a register of general architectural, archaeological and environmental conditions of greater popular resonance [. ..]. Although landscape painting during the first half of the delay to be properly considered within the academic world, as it usually relegated to subordinate, it is important to emphasize that the spread printed patterns engravers circulating in the art market and books in the world had to confront, for the most part, to the knowledge of the urban heritage and artistic . And although there were not even in painting sensitivity and practical sense for the introduction, in academic teaching, rudiments of the artistic landscape - as evidenced by the news of an unofficial office of Peter Ronzoni as professor of landscape painting at the Accademia Carrara for the Bergamo Marco Gozzi cited the annual scholarship -, the movement of prototypes engravers, with or without the mediation of publishing, gave an important impetus to the spread and the perception of an 'imago urbis bergomensis that in the nineteenth century ended in a normalization of the spaces considered proper topical .
Fondazione Bergamo nella Storia
(1) Suddiviso in cantoni urbani sulla base dei borghi e delle vicinie nella distrettuazione del 1797, é comune a sé nel marzo 1798 e capoluogo del distretto XVIII omonimo nel settembre successivo. Nell'aprile del 1799 le truppe austro russe occuparono la città restaurando, per circa un anno, in buona misura i precedenti organismi municipal. Among other things, were restored to the council and the council increased the child and Venetian magistrates court previously suppressed (Vicar's headquarters, and Podesta, now called the royal magistrate). After the brief occupation of the Austro Russian troops, during which they were restored judiciary and organs of the Venetian period, Bergamo came in the summer of 1800 again, and finally occupied by the French. In May 1801, the district capital of the same name as in June 1804 and June 1805. In 1805 there were 24,459 inhabitants. In 1809 it had 24,446. The capital of the district in June 1804, it was the namesake of the Canton district of the Bergamo in June 1805. In January 1810 Sorisole aggregated, Ponteranica con Rosciano, Valtesse, Redona, Torre Boldone, Ranica, Gorle, Scanzo con Rosciate, Villa di Serio, Pedrengo, Seriate, Azzano, Orio, Colognola, Lallio con Grumello, Treviolo, Albegno, Curnasco, Scano, Ossanesga, Paladina, Breno, Curno, Mozzo, Almé, Villa d'Almé, Bruntino, Stezzano.
(da SIUSA - Comune di Bergamo)
(2) L'arrivo di Venezia nel 1428 e la definizione di Bergamo quale terra di confine con il Ducato di Milano comportano nel XVI secolo la costruzione di poderose mura difensive: un sistema composto da una doppia cinta che divide in moduli la città e condiziona i collegamenti interni di persone e merci dall'edificazione agli inizi del Novecento.
(3) Il catasto nasce come strumento di accertamento e perequazione fiscale. Prima di allora non esisteva alcun tipo di rappresentazione grafìca dei beni immobili e la tassazione era basata sulle denunce dirette dei proprietari. Con il catasto, in Provincia di Bergamo, per alcune zone già a partire dalla prima metà del
Settecento con il Catasto Teresiano , viene introdotto un criterio razionale di individuazione geometrico-particellare del bene e una meticolosa procedura di determinazione della rendita per il calcolo dell'imposta prediale.
Per il periodo storico successivo: Bergamo dal regno Lombardo-Veneto (1814) in the riots of '48
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PAUL OSCAR Stock Bergamasco "The geographic information systems for the enhancement of the historic registers" (l 'computerization of land registers includes historical referencing and detailed illustrations of the visual cones present in the work of E. Fornoni manuscript, History of Bergamo, kept in the Curia, which was taken out of the photo exhibition of Bergamo) |
-State Archives of Bergamo archives for the decade Napoleonic
-State Archives of Bergamo: Napoleon and the Restoration
-State Archives of Bergamo
-Historical Maps - State Archives
-An information system for managing data of the census register of historic Bergamo: Cadastre Lombardo-Veneto (1853) and New Land Cadastre (1901) . Paul Oscar
-el Serio Comments on Department of Gioanna Maironi da Ponte
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