Si avvicinano le elezioni per il rinnovo del Consiglio comunale. In questi ultimi mesi sono emersi ulteriori elementi che attestano con chiarezza, se ancora ce ne fosse bisogno, il fallimento amministrativo del centro destra locale. La chiusura dell'albergo termale e la disastrosa gestione legata alla potenziale riapertura rappresentano infatti the emblem of the failure and neglect that unfortunately the country will pay dearly. All nodes are now coming home to roost and confirm the need to continue the battle focused on the restoration of legality and transparency that the Democratic Party led with courage in recent years.
E 'a few days because the report signed by the head of the engineering that makes light of the progress made in the spa complex. A bleak picture in which certifies the fact of presence of illegal construction in public property, substantial work performed without authorization and without remuneration. According to the documentation also the new management would be in breach of its contractual obligations by opening the way for a new dispute the outcome unpredictable. And then who will pay the artisans and companies that performed the works? Who pays for care? Can a responsible administration say nothing of all that when companies refer to a political and administrative control of the work and the mayor has the powers to the spa? Why no action was taken in due course when the severe PD showed these anomalies? And yet, what it will cost to conduct this disastrous Sardaresi?
Faced with such pressing questions that could be devastating for the municipal coffers, the irresponsible majority in the municipal budget forecast ha votato in consiglio comunale per la contrazione di un mutuo di 360.000 da destinare ad una piscina comunale. Il tutto senza studio di fattibilità, senza che la stessa compaia nella programmazione triennale delle opere pubbliche ma con la chiara volontà di vendere fumo in previsione della imminente campagna elettorale. La prossima amministrazione si ritroverà pertanto con le casse desolatamente vuote a cui si aggiungeranno dei sostanziosi tagli di risorse dal governo nazionale e da quello regionale. Un eredità pesantissima che determinerà l'esigenza di sacrifici e grande senso di responsabilità .
Occorrerà inoltre ricostruire il tessuto sociale e culturale del paese gravemente deteriorato da un autoritarismo e da un arroganza che si è affected the normal civic and democratic creating deep divisions. You will have to start from the choices to be taken with the active participation of citizens, giving value to the City Council has now been completely debased and turned into a mere instrument of ratification of decisions taken in the closed city council. Above all we must activate all the instruments of democratic participation and popular suitable for citizen involvement in important decisions for the community. Will no longer happen that you modify the use of the building areas without a democratic debate and no clear information of citizens. How should not be possible to decide in a matter of selling high-quality area to build a hotel. The
more than likely reduce the number of councilors, which from the current 16 over the mayor (11 to 5 for the majority and minority) mayor over the forthcoming 12 (8 to 4 for the majority and minority) with a Executive 3 components from the current 6 will require the PD and future allies serious reflection, that manages to combine the need for proper representation with a significant reduction of the available spaces. Nodes that have interfaces with the need to build a united and cohesive group based on the full collegiate choices. The PD even aware of the difficulties confronting it considers it appropriate to open a phase new to the country. It is a brave choice, the result of serious reflection resulted from a recovered unit, which looks to the future with the intention to overcome the mistakes of the past. The identification of women and men to administer our town should be done in order to initiate this new phase and with criteria that will certainly also shared with prospective allies in the hope of finding the right solution to protect the general's country. With these assumptions will continue to dialogue with the one and only goal of building a true center-right alternative to bankruptcy, it has a chance to work in the medium term for the good of Sardis and Sardaresi.
E 'a few days because the report signed by the head of the engineering that makes light of the progress made in the spa complex. A bleak picture in which certifies the fact of presence of illegal construction in public property, substantial work performed without authorization and without remuneration. According to the documentation also the new management would be in breach of its contractual obligations by opening the way for a new dispute the outcome unpredictable. And then who will pay the artisans and companies that performed the works? Who pays for care? Can a responsible administration say nothing of all that when companies refer to a political and administrative control of the work and the mayor has the powers to the spa? Why no action was taken in due course when the severe PD showed these anomalies? And yet, what it will cost to conduct this disastrous Sardaresi?
Faced with such pressing questions that could be devastating for the municipal coffers, the irresponsible majority in the municipal budget forecast ha votato in consiglio comunale per la contrazione di un mutuo di 360.000 da destinare ad una piscina comunale. Il tutto senza studio di fattibilità, senza che la stessa compaia nella programmazione triennale delle opere pubbliche ma con la chiara volontà di vendere fumo in previsione della imminente campagna elettorale. La prossima amministrazione si ritroverà pertanto con le casse desolatamente vuote a cui si aggiungeranno dei sostanziosi tagli di risorse dal governo nazionale e da quello regionale. Un eredità pesantissima che determinerà l'esigenza di sacrifici e grande senso di responsabilità .
Occorrerà inoltre ricostruire il tessuto sociale e culturale del paese gravemente deteriorato da un autoritarismo e da un arroganza che si è affected the normal civic and democratic creating deep divisions. You will have to start from the choices to be taken with the active participation of citizens, giving value to the City Council has now been completely debased and turned into a mere instrument of ratification of decisions taken in the closed city council. Above all we must activate all the instruments of democratic participation and popular suitable for citizen involvement in important decisions for the community. Will no longer happen that you modify the use of the building areas without a democratic debate and no clear information of citizens. How should not be possible to decide in a matter of selling high-quality area to build a hotel. The
more than likely reduce the number of councilors, which from the current 16 over the mayor (11 to 5 for the majority and minority) mayor over the forthcoming 12 (8 to 4 for the majority and minority) with a Executive 3 components from the current 6 will require the PD and future allies serious reflection, that manages to combine the need for proper representation with a significant reduction of the available spaces. Nodes that have interfaces with the need to build a united and cohesive group based on the full collegiate choices. The PD even aware of the difficulties confronting it considers it appropriate to open a phase new to the country. It is a brave choice, the result of serious reflection resulted from a recovered unit, which looks to the future with the intention to overcome the mistakes of the past. The identification of women and men to administer our town should be done in order to initiate this new phase and with criteria that will certainly also shared with prospective allies in the hope of finding the right solution to protect the general's country. With these assumptions will continue to dialogue with the one and only goal of building a true center-right alternative to bankruptcy, it has a chance to work in the medium term for the good of Sardis and Sardaresi.
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