Well if Anguilla is the queen of the typical dishes of Hvar then the wild asparagus, Asparagus acutifolius is certainly the king of the table lesinesi and indisputable emperor of the Rural Gargano.
It is in this period that the Emperor back to be seen to dictate the pace and nice that we take in the coming months, accustomed by the smells of the Mediterranean and urge you to follow friends to Lesinabloggata. Going to pick this wonderful medicinal properties and organoleptic shoot great, besides giving satisfaction in the kitchen, from a sense of peace and real contact with nature that in nessun altro periodo si trova.
E' davvero la pace dei sensi, specialmente nel mese di Aprile quando tutte le piante sono in fiore e i profumi riscaldati dal sole inebriano l'aria di vero Mediterraneo....poi se ci aggiungiamo degli amici e una buona grigliata...altro che pasquetta negli outlet o centri divertimento.
Comunque torniamo a noi... E' vero sono di parte! L'Asparago Lesinese è il migliore del mondo, e sfido qualsiasi parte del globo e qualsiasi persona a trovarne uno che minimamente si avvicina al nostro, e non sto parlando degli asparagi di contrata Limitoni o quelli dello Stinco o Ripalta, sto parlando proprio di quelli del boscoisola, QUIDD DU ZAPPIN O D DRAVAGGHION! Uno uguale a quello in foto, che si è prestato ieri morning posing proudly with his chest out as if to say "here I am I'm back" you will not find that in our Boscoisola.
At this point I want to give you some advice.
There are two types of asparagus in our territory, and the Asparagus acutifolius Asparagus officinalis, but it is rare to see in boscoisola but more frequent in the woods or fields Longara cultivation. The first is considered better than the other because "wild" and has a much higher amount of asparagine in the second with a much stronger taste. Usually people do not know where to look and goes to stray a bit, well, the trick is to know the plant and after the first awards will go much faster in the search. The asparagus plant is a rosemary-like leaves, but with much more subtle and poignant (and then scratch that itch attention) If you try clicking on the images to enlarge the photos, we see that the plant is the shoot, which comes to about dall'asparago few centimeters (the plant with the leaves of the asparagus to plug right in photo)
The plant itself is the result of the shoot legnificazione (asparagus itself) which in turn comes from the rhizome below (a kind of elongated potato-shaped root) The rhizome can accommodate more asparagus at the same time, more branches.
Normally this plant Evergreen is never more than one meter tall, but if it grows close to or dominated by some other plant, it tends to get out until you reach the light. The more light and more often becomes the asparagus, but still subject to various games of plant survival.
And 'one of the pioneer plants of our forests, that is one of the first born after fires or areas where nature takes its course, so it's not hard to find or in clearings where there is little vegetation, so if you are the first weapons I suggest you attend those places first, so as to avoid (at all) the danger Viper, which comes out of these periods with the strong sun to warm up and get out of everything from hibernation winter. A discourse
off the topic dedicated to this snake: If you do not find it before the murder, are still animals bred for Nature and are an integral part. To defend themselves from the snake just stay calm and not to issue strong vibrations. We make sure that you have a way out and everything will go smoothly
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