summer and autumn of 1979 the people of Sardis was living a great animation: There was talk of a revolutionary. The creation of a consumer cooperative.
It formed a committee that organized in Cinema Nora, an assembly of people cheering when he was elected what would be the first management team. The first Board was composed of Tuveri Giuliano - President, Mastiff Peppino - Vice President - Vincent Tuveri cashier Scintu Fausto - Secretary, Altea Renzo, Atzori Joseph Emilio Caddell, Cade Mariuccina, Marras Giampaolo, Massenti Italian, Luigi Usai, counselors. The board of auditors by Melis Luigi Pinto Luigi Mameli and Rino and actual Montixi Santino and Caddell Tarsilla alternates. The panel of arbitrators from Lasi, Dino Alberto Usai Antonio and Piano.
immediately start all operational procedures and Tuesday, January 29, 1980 at the offices of the notary Maurizio Years council concluded the charter of the "Cooperative purchasing SARDARESI ASSOCIATED Ltd. The share capital was represented by shares of 60,000 pounds each, the moral was very great and precious, the confidence of shareholders. The working day
limited the participation of many members who wanted to participate in the official establishment of their cooperative.
We were still in 29. In addition to members of the Board and to the full members attended the signing Caddell Elio, Casti Romeo, Vincenzo Cossu, Mandis Lino, Maria Angela Marras, Monti Erminio, Monte Giovanni, Monti Santino, Onnis Flaminio, Onnis Salvatorangelo, Piano Antonio, Podda Welcome , Mario Porcu, Joseph Clear, Mario Seddon, Tuveri Massimo, Giulio Usai.
We bought the shelves, a cash register, a refrigerator and a second-hand freser into disuse and, if I remember correctly, Saturday, June 20, we start the sale.
Throughout 1980 we opened only on Saturdays with no permanent employees, sales amounted to 160,626.670 pounds achieved a profit of 3,483,225. Fixed assets amounted to 7,472.123 pounds, depreciation amounted to 1,150,815 lire. The purchase price was calculated a value of 10 percent that would prove insufficient to pay all actual costs.
The following year sales rose to pounds 362.982589 with a profit of pounds 42,551, depreciation and amortization 1,771,633 pounds and with a discount for staff amounted to 24,774,918 lire. Personally
beyond the commitments derived from the presidency fulfill those accounts that are not yet using computers, was done manually using and many many Saturdays and Sundays my wife. By adjusting the inflation
needs and, subsequently, with the accession to the consortium of cooperatives in which he held for two years as president of the supervisory board we were able to overcome difficulties.
After his second term, with the cooperative in full health, I thought my job at the moment met. I would have wanted to deal directly with management of the cooperative only after retirement. Only the spirit of service accepted a third term progressively restricting my commitment.
Under the chairmanship of the co-Serri Aldo went on his way and December 12, 1992 locals were opened in Via Campania. It was a wonderful party and
emozionante per tutti. Quando rivedo quel filmato non posso non pensare a cosa c'era dietro quella inaugurazione che doveva essere oltre che un traguardo un nuovo punto di partenza, qualcosa che fosse utile a tutta la gente e non solo a pochi. C'era il senso della vittoria, di cui più di una volta avevo dubitato, ma che ora vedevo negli sguardi della gente in festa. A diciotto anni di distanza da quella inaugurazione, come tanta gente, spesso mi chiedo cosa c'entrano ancora le motivazioni che ci spinsero a creare la cooperativa con la sua attuale gestione?
Tutti gli anni i bilanci, quasi sempre formalmente positivi sul piano contabile, sono stati acriticamente approvati con la presenza di poche persone, quasi sempre le stesse e sempre in minor numero ma riflettono il progressivo allontanamento dei soci, che sono il vero capitale della cooperativa e che non è stato mai preso in debita considerazione dagli amministratori sempre gli stessi. Fin dall'inizio ho cercato inutilmente di porre il problema all'attenzione degli amministratori. L'ho fatto nelle assemblee annuali per l'approvazione dei bilanci , L'ho feci nell'estate del 2005, a 25 anni dalla fondazione, con due articoli nel periodico NOVAS, l'ho scritto sul blog NOVAS DI SARDARA nel maggio 2010, per i 30 anni della fondazione.
Come è noto a tutti gli stipendi, i salari e le pensioni dei cittadini hanno avuto in questi anni una crescita inferiore ai prezzi dei beni di prima necessità quali sono quelli trattati nella cooperativa. Ciò stante ponendo a base 100 i valori indicati nel bilancio del 1993, le spese per il personale sono passate da lire 199.514.259 ( pari a 103.040,51 degli attuali euro) ad euro 231.641,85 dell'anno 2009 attestandosi quindi a quota 224,81 %. Parimenti le vendite passando da lire 2.580.607,184 (in euro 1.332.772,38) del 1993 agli euro 1679.003,40 dell'anno 20099 si attestano a quota 125,98%.
Un incremento delle vendite in parallelo a quello del costo del personale e senza nessun costo aggiuntivo, avrebbe determinato il loro ammontare in euro 2.996,159,90 anziché 1.679.003,40 di cui costituisce solo il 56,04 %, diluendo le spese di gestione che sono state di euro 354.776,89 in euro 2.996.159,90 anziché in euro 1.679.003,40 il cost of the merchandise that was paid by the shareholders could be contained in € 126.79 € 113.43.
Five years ago in the July issue of the journal Novas I tried in vain to put the matter to the attention of the administrators. In that article I wrote among other things. "For many, too many years the members have been and are the most important asset of the cooperative continue to leave. Why? It was for administrators address the problem and try to contain them in time. We can not wait until all the cattle have escaped to close the gate. Beyond the debt, which as can be seen from the budgets although there are, the cooperative can continue to live and thrive only with the participation of all and main task of the board is to seek participation in rediscovering this unifying ideals of 31 years ago and working in harmony with their principles. Administrators to allow me to remember a concept I always present and that helped me in charge in times of difficulty. When things are going well is all about, when they go wrong is the fault of the directors.
In the new statute is not provided for the auditors. Also I think this is useful to have a board of directors as wide, representative and involves possible to recover, although it is still possible, the cooperative's most valuable asset: the confidence of shareholders. Giuliano
It formed a committee that organized in Cinema Nora, an assembly of people cheering when he was elected what would be the first management team. The first Board was composed of Tuveri Giuliano - President, Mastiff Peppino - Vice President - Vincent Tuveri cashier Scintu Fausto - Secretary, Altea Renzo, Atzori Joseph Emilio Caddell, Cade Mariuccina, Marras Giampaolo, Massenti Italian, Luigi Usai, counselors. The board of auditors by Melis Luigi Pinto Luigi Mameli and Rino and actual Montixi Santino and Caddell Tarsilla alternates. The panel of arbitrators from Lasi, Dino Alberto Usai Antonio and Piano.
immediately start all operational procedures and Tuesday, January 29, 1980 at the offices of the notary Maurizio Years council concluded the charter of the "Cooperative purchasing SARDARESI ASSOCIATED Ltd. The share capital was represented by shares of 60,000 pounds each, the moral was very great and precious, the confidence of shareholders. The working day
limited the participation of many members who wanted to participate in the official establishment of their cooperative.
We were still in 29. In addition to members of the Board and to the full members attended the signing Caddell Elio, Casti Romeo, Vincenzo Cossu, Mandis Lino, Maria Angela Marras, Monti Erminio, Monte Giovanni, Monti Santino, Onnis Flaminio, Onnis Salvatorangelo, Piano Antonio, Podda Welcome , Mario Porcu, Joseph Clear, Mario Seddon, Tuveri Massimo, Giulio Usai.
We bought the shelves, a cash register, a refrigerator and a second-hand freser into disuse and, if I remember correctly, Saturday, June 20, we start the sale.
Throughout 1980 we opened only on Saturdays with no permanent employees, sales amounted to 160,626.670 pounds achieved a profit of 3,483,225. Fixed assets amounted to 7,472.123 pounds, depreciation amounted to 1,150,815 lire. The purchase price was calculated a value of 10 percent that would prove insufficient to pay all actual costs.
The following year sales rose to pounds 362.982589 with a profit of pounds 42,551, depreciation and amortization 1,771,633 pounds and with a discount for staff amounted to 24,774,918 lire. Personally
beyond the commitments derived from the presidency fulfill those accounts that are not yet using computers, was done manually using and many many Saturdays and Sundays my wife. By adjusting the inflation
needs and, subsequently, with the accession to the consortium of cooperatives in which he held for two years as president of the supervisory board we were able to overcome difficulties.
After his second term, with the cooperative in full health, I thought my job at the moment met. I would have wanted to deal directly with management of the cooperative only after retirement. Only the spirit of service accepted a third term progressively restricting my commitment.
Under the chairmanship of the co-Serri Aldo went on his way and December 12, 1992 locals were opened in Via Campania. It was a wonderful party and
emozionante per tutti. Quando rivedo quel filmato non posso non pensare a cosa c'era dietro quella inaugurazione che doveva essere oltre che un traguardo un nuovo punto di partenza, qualcosa che fosse utile a tutta la gente e non solo a pochi. C'era il senso della vittoria, di cui più di una volta avevo dubitato, ma che ora vedevo negli sguardi della gente in festa. A diciotto anni di distanza da quella inaugurazione, come tanta gente, spesso mi chiedo cosa c'entrano ancora le motivazioni che ci spinsero a creare la cooperativa con la sua attuale gestione?
Tutti gli anni i bilanci, quasi sempre formalmente positivi sul piano contabile, sono stati acriticamente approvati con la presenza di poche persone, quasi sempre le stesse e sempre in minor numero ma riflettono il progressivo allontanamento dei soci, che sono il vero capitale della cooperativa e che non è stato mai preso in debita considerazione dagli amministratori sempre gli stessi. Fin dall'inizio ho cercato inutilmente di porre il problema all'attenzione degli amministratori. L'ho fatto nelle assemblee annuali per l'approvazione dei bilanci , L'ho feci nell'estate del 2005, a 25 anni dalla fondazione, con due articoli nel periodico NOVAS, l'ho scritto sul blog NOVAS DI SARDARA nel maggio 2010, per i 30 anni della fondazione.
Come è noto a tutti gli stipendi, i salari e le pensioni dei cittadini hanno avuto in questi anni una crescita inferiore ai prezzi dei beni di prima necessità quali sono quelli trattati nella cooperativa. Ciò stante ponendo a base 100 i valori indicati nel bilancio del 1993, le spese per il personale sono passate da lire 199.514.259 ( pari a 103.040,51 degli attuali euro) ad euro 231.641,85 dell'anno 2009 attestandosi quindi a quota 224,81 %. Parimenti le vendite passando da lire 2.580.607,184 (in euro 1.332.772,38) del 1993 agli euro 1679.003,40 dell'anno 20099 si attestano a quota 125,98%.
Un incremento delle vendite in parallelo a quello del costo del personale e senza nessun costo aggiuntivo, avrebbe determinato il loro ammontare in euro 2.996,159,90 anziché 1.679.003,40 di cui costituisce solo il 56,04 %, diluendo le spese di gestione che sono state di euro 354.776,89 in euro 2.996.159,90 anziché in euro 1.679.003,40 il cost of the merchandise that was paid by the shareholders could be contained in € 126.79 € 113.43.
Five years ago in the July issue of the journal Novas I tried in vain to put the matter to the attention of the administrators. In that article I wrote among other things. "For many, too many years the members have been and are the most important asset of the cooperative continue to leave. Why? It was for administrators address the problem and try to contain them in time. We can not wait until all the cattle have escaped to close the gate. Beyond the debt, which as can be seen from the budgets although there are, the cooperative can continue to live and thrive only with the participation of all and main task of the board is to seek participation in rediscovering this unifying ideals of 31 years ago and working in harmony with their principles. Administrators to allow me to remember a concept I always present and that helped me in charge in times of difficulty. When things are going well is all about, when they go wrong is the fault of the directors.
In the new statute is not provided for the auditors. Also I think this is useful to have a board of directors as wide, representative and involves possible to recover, although it is still possible, the cooperative's most valuable asset: the confidence of shareholders. Giuliano
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