
For the umpteenth time, the sophisticated and astute analysts of our time, gathered in their Sports Bar - or the hairdresser - they put us solemnly warn you about what HG Wells called The Shape of Things to Come . Their conclusion is unanimous: our world, with all that we love more, is in danger. It has everything to do with the clash of civilizations, in short, or do you call that stuff.
But when did we decide to listen to their voice? That we are more stubborn?
catchy but the expression, no? Clash of Civilizations. It
al prof. Samuel P. Huntington il merito di aver coniato questo favoloso strumento di marketing – pardon, slogan - per il quale Àp0ti confessa di avere un debole. Anzi, non esitiamo a dire che Scontro delle Civiltà resta tra i nostri slogan preferiti in ASSHOLUTO, secondo (forse) solo a Coca-Cola Di Più!
Lo stesso Samuel P Huntingon che nel 1975, rimpiangendo i tempi in cui il presidente Truman era riuscito a governare il paese “con l'aiuto di pochi avvocati e finanzieri di Wall Street”, deplorava il miserevole stato della sua epoca, in cui i cittadini – il cui ruolo doveva tradizionalmente essere quello di passivi e marginalizzati spettatori – pretendevano adesso di impicciarsi della Cosa Pubblica e addirittura dictate their terms (think of the insult!) Huntington denounced him in this Orwellian tragedy in a book entitled The Crisis of Democracy , and published by the Trilateral Commission. [1]
But wanders here, forgive us.
The fact that you're developing today, before our very eyes, another chapter of this "clash of civilizations", some authors tried profondeure have no doubt: we just look at recent events in Tunisia, Syria & Egypt - they remind us.
In particular, some of these thinkers (and we like to fondly imagine those suffering from uncontrollable tremors, well Note to anyone who has ever had a herd of rabbits) we feel out of breath "when power is overthrown by a revolution 'popular' violence, violence is then used by the revolutionaries themselves to eliminate the fringe less violent, and a kind of natural selection power leads to the worst and bloodiest group [...]. The prophecies of the great Oriana seem to be becoming true. " [2]
Of course it is! "Violence-violence-is", as your alliteration not adore this? So it is with a heavy heart that we are forced to contradict a microscopic point: in fact, the "kind of natural selection [which] leads the group in power worse and more bloody "is dictated by a single factor: Who has the largest budget, and, from time immemorial, this role has always belonged to the CIA. N'est-ce pas ?
Anyway - of course - Oriana (Fallaci, right? We have guessed?) Was prophetic indeed! Look, I'll tell you more: Àp0ti will not rest until the Holy Father will not be finally decided it holy, 'is blissful woman here! And if your site is planning a partial hunger strike to do so (I know, renounce cheesecake, or something like that), we join forces, brothers! You can count on our selflessness.
Religiosamente ci càpita di leggere e rileggere le ormai consunte pagine della nostra copia de La Rabbia e L'Orgoglio (ventottesima edizione, 2004) [3], quel libro della Profetessa Oriana che esordisce con: “Mi chiedi di parlare, stavolta”; un preambolo rivolto – evidentemente – a un ipotetico interlocutore che, insomma, se l'era proprio andata a cercare... e che temiamo si sia in séguito preso ripetutamente a schiaffi nel pentimento di aver fatto a Oriana una simile, incauta richiesta, e nella disperazione di non riuscire più a ripristinare il silenzio. Quel La Rabbia e L'Orgoglio , con i suoi messaggi d'amore quali “se i fottuti figli di Allah destroy me one of those treasures, only one, I'd become murderous "(pg.35) or quell'adorabile step where you turn to Tony Blair (pgg.150-1), in broken English to a total iessaidù or - to be more generous - in fact structures literal transplants Italic style Babelfish. Just between us, certain that someone could have avoided the "great Oriana" peracottari from this figure, explaining that if Mr. Blair had never approached her divine pamphlet, it would be the English, and that it was perhaps better leave the translation to those who do these things to trade.
How Not to mention the passage, since we're on the subject, where the Prophetess reminds us that September 11 "the TV showed me that the Palestinians overjoyed praising the slaughter. Berciano win-win "(p. 15)?
Poor Oriana, which no one ever told the fool who did Reuters and Associated Press (the pushers of this so-called "Scoop"), when you discovered the truth about how those images of a dozen or so of "jubilant Palestinians "were very accessible, and as there was no relationship between attack and joy - far from being spontaneous - for those people. [4]
And, while we, poor Oriana, which no one told the story never Sivan Kurzberg, Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari, the Israelis who were arrested shortly after the September 11 attack because of their suspicious behavior - including behavior stood out the resumption of collapse of the World Trade Center between complacent sneers, and the joyous celebration with dancing and clapping in Liberty State Park, between noises like, "Now even the Americans know what it feels like." [5]
But those who warn us of what was the great prophetic warn, Oriana us: we this "clash of civilizations" we are losing - and loudly - at home, as is confirmed by any of the skinhead Inglese Defence League. It is very cold comfort to know that "our" make regular incursions into the countries of the 'other civilizations, bombing weddings, by bloodshed of civilians, mutilating children, torturing innocent unfortunate, very little consolation to us if we citizens, angrily proud to be Christians (non-practicing, for charity as you would like to sleep well on Sunday morning?), up to us to see that Eurabia is approaching here at home - perhaps in the form of a mosque that sits right there, where a foretaste of the erection of a supermercatone Sigma, or supermarkets.
O tempora! O mores!
There are many gems waiting the kind readers who want to get close to the acidity talkative of that masterpiece of the great Oriana - prophetess, but if it forces us to choose just one - and only one - the quality of that divine pamphlet, then confessed to having a soft spot for the capacity it has the author is not able to ask questions, even the most elementary. And this, dear friends, is a skill with which one is not born: get there only after decades of autogenic training in what the aforementioned George Orwell called doublethink - or doublethink (although we would like to suggest a variant: unthink ).
An example? The Prophetess recognize the hand of the CIA in training, arming, funding and training Islamic extremists in the trendy 80: "[...] the Americans who lost their marbles in fear of the Soviet Union, were arming the Afghan-heroic-people. They trained with the bearded and bearded (God forgive them, not me) named a bearded Osama Bin Laden. "(P.81)
And, of course, could not be aware of ' interview with the Nouvel Observateur, Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1998, in which our hero proudly told of how he was, back when he was secretary of state in the administration of Jimmy Carter, to create out of nothing Mujahideen terrorists to lure the Soviet Union in Afghanistan trap, and create The USSR also for its beautiful Vietnam. [6] Yet
Prophetess, with admirable self-censorship of mind, can not ask for a moment like someone throws gasoline on the fire for years, can never be burned. Nothing, not even a little question: on the contrary, it seems, the vulnerability of U.S. born ethnic "[...] its essence, his generosity, his respect for citizens and guests. "
And if you can be satisfied with this explanation, which seems designed to wet the Northern League with excitement, then good for you come
But our admiration even to those who witness such a prestigious gathering, has shaken in recent days for the collar, screaming addosso che questi moti rivoluzionari in nord Africa e Medio Oriente finiranno inevitabilmente per portare al potere i soliti estremisti islamici.
Anche ad essi arrivi il nostro applauso per la loro capacità di astenersi dal porsi elementari domande.
Vedono manifestazioni con cartelli rigorosamente in inglese, studiati ad hoc per lisciarsi le simpatie di noi, pubblico occidentale; vedono l'assenza di barbuti e vedono come questi comizi abbiano accuratamente evitato di farsi riprendere nell'atto di bruciare le solite, obbligatorie bandiere statunitensi e israeliane [7], sdoganandosi completamente con noi, “democrazie” dell'Ovest (“Vedete? Sono proprio come noi, 'sti egiziani!”); vedono tutto questo, e riescono a non farsi domande.
Vedono che la “chiamata alla rivoluzione” in Siria è architettata da siriani che vivono all'estero, come prova il fatto che la maggior parte dei messaggi sull'apposita pagina Facebook provengono da fuori del paese . [8]
E neanche una domandina.
Vedono Hillary Clinton lanciare il segnale – come un arbitro che fischia il calcio d'inizio – in quel discorso a Doha di cui già si è parlato in queste pagine [9], e vedono queste rivoluzioni, magicamente e inspiegabilmente, scattare nemmeno una settimana dopo. E ancora, neanche l'ombra di un dubbio.
E sì che già due anni fa c'era chi si domandava if the CIA and the Mossad was planning to remove Mubarak by hook or by crook. [10]
Ah no, it's witty intellectuals looked on in horror, wondering how it is never possible to believe in something, because Mubarak has always been an ally of USA & Israel, Not on your life, etc, etc ...
will be as you say, Dear Lord, and then there crying your heart to be forced to remind you that the signs that Mubarak was becoming a bit 'naughty and uncontrollable for the two nations had already seen back in 2005.
No, you're not talking about its intention - it goes like North Korea - to appoint his son as successor.
Remember when Egypt signed an agreement with the Palestinian Authority for a gas pipeline that would transport gas from the coast of Gaza to El Arish, excluding Israel? [11]
Remember too that the media then amazed interrogating the mysterious and unusual silence about Israel?
Well, just two days later, the media stopped to question, as there was the attack in Sharm el-Sheikh, that only our Western news all'immarcescibile not hesitate to give al-Qaida.
The media in Egypt instead, it seems more likely, in that case, connect the dots, seemed to have no doubts, and there are those who swear that for a time the site was readable Reuters la seguente citazione (successivamente rimossa): “ Alcune fonti di sicurezza hanno affermato che almeno una delle auto che sono saltate in aria sabato aveva una targa speciale, che indicava la sua provenienza dal confine con Israele, a Taba, nella penisola del Sinai ”. [12]
Cosa volete a questo punto, cari signori? Una dettagliata lista di tutti gli episodi, dal luglio 2005 fino ad oggi, in cui il buon Mubarak ha deluso i suoi padroni, per poi ricevere puntualmete il meritato castigo? Culminando nella “rivoluzione” di questi giorni?
No, vi abbiamo dato anche troppi spunti; mettetevi in movimento Voi, adesso.
E datevi anche una mossa, OK?
Pardon, che volete farci: leggendo Your favorite prophet, we have been contaminated by his loving tone. Let us therefore conclude with a quote: "Stop. What I have to say I told you. The anger and pride I have ordered. A clear conscience and age have allowed me.
Enough. Full stop. "
Pace, Francesca Rinaldo
[1] Available here:
http://www.scribd.com/doc/8317647/The-Crisis-of-Democracy-Michel-Crozier- Samuel Huntington, Joji Watanuki-
[2] Codest deep pearls are available coast
[3] A pdf copy can be downloaded here. There you have the courage? Come on, I challenge you:
[4] See the exposé that appeared in Der Spiegel, September 21, 2001, available here:
http://translate .googleusercontent.com / translate_c? hl = en & sl = de & u = http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0, 1518,158625,00. rurl & html & usg = translate.google.com = ALkJrhiqhZCXfYs-3ZP6xkC_6iPos7pE8w
[5] Paulo Lima: Five men detained as Suspected Conspirators, NJ News, September 12, 2001, published at:
http://web.archive.org/web/20011108025936/http:/ www.bergen.com/news/2bombvan200109125.htm
[6] "Pourquoi et comment j'ai finance Ben Laden en Afghanistan" ; the article, in French, is available here:
http://michelcollon.info/034-Pourquoi-et-comment- j-039-ai.html? lang = fr
[7] Liz Sly: Arab Amid protests, U.S. Influence has waned , The Washington Post, February 4, 2011, available at:
http://www.washingtonpost .com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/02/03/AR2011020306882.html? hpid = TopNews
[8] Calls for weekend protests in Syria , February 4, 2011, published here: http:/
/ english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/02/201122171649677912.html
[9] A sermon for the region, available here:
[10] Talooman: Cairo bomb: CI & Mossad Trying to topple Mubarak? February 25, 2009, available at:
[11] BG, PA in gas deal without Israel , July 21, 2005, article published on:
[12] See:
http: / / tinyurl.com/4p83fyg
catchy but the expression, no? Clash of Civilizations. It
al prof. Samuel P. Huntington il merito di aver coniato questo favoloso strumento di marketing – pardon, slogan - per il quale Àp0ti confessa di avere un debole. Anzi, non esitiamo a dire che Scontro delle Civiltà resta tra i nostri slogan preferiti in ASSHOLUTO, secondo (forse) solo a Coca-Cola Di Più!
Lo stesso Samuel P Huntingon che nel 1975, rimpiangendo i tempi in cui il presidente Truman era riuscito a governare il paese “con l'aiuto di pochi avvocati e finanzieri di Wall Street”, deplorava il miserevole stato della sua epoca, in cui i cittadini – il cui ruolo doveva tradizionalmente essere quello di passivi e marginalizzati spettatori – pretendevano adesso di impicciarsi della Cosa Pubblica e addirittura dictate their terms (think of the insult!) Huntington denounced him in this Orwellian tragedy in a book entitled The Crisis of Democracy , and published by the Trilateral Commission. [1]
But wanders here, forgive us.
The fact that you're developing today, before our very eyes, another chapter of this "clash of civilizations", some authors tried profondeure have no doubt: we just look at recent events in Tunisia, Syria & Egypt - they remind us.
In particular, some of these thinkers (and we like to fondly imagine those suffering from uncontrollable tremors, well Note to anyone who has ever had a herd of rabbits) we feel out of breath "when power is overthrown by a revolution 'popular' violence, violence is then used by the revolutionaries themselves to eliminate the fringe less violent, and a kind of natural selection power leads to the worst and bloodiest group [...]. The prophecies of the great Oriana seem to be becoming true. " [2]
Of course it is! "Violence-violence-is", as your alliteration not adore this? So it is with a heavy heart that we are forced to contradict a microscopic point: in fact, the "kind of natural selection [which] leads the group in power worse and more bloody "is dictated by a single factor: Who has the largest budget, and, from time immemorial, this role has always belonged to the CIA. N'est-ce pas ?
Anyway - of course - Oriana (Fallaci, right? We have guessed?) Was prophetic indeed! Look, I'll tell you more: Àp0ti will not rest until the Holy Father will not be finally decided it holy, 'is blissful woman here! And if your site is planning a partial hunger strike to do so (I know, renounce cheesecake, or something like that), we join forces, brothers! You can count on our selflessness.
Religiosamente ci càpita di leggere e rileggere le ormai consunte pagine della nostra copia de La Rabbia e L'Orgoglio (ventottesima edizione, 2004) [3], quel libro della Profetessa Oriana che esordisce con: “Mi chiedi di parlare, stavolta”; un preambolo rivolto – evidentemente – a un ipotetico interlocutore che, insomma, se l'era proprio andata a cercare... e che temiamo si sia in séguito preso ripetutamente a schiaffi nel pentimento di aver fatto a Oriana una simile, incauta richiesta, e nella disperazione di non riuscire più a ripristinare il silenzio. Quel La Rabbia e L'Orgoglio , con i suoi messaggi d'amore quali “se i fottuti figli di Allah destroy me one of those treasures, only one, I'd become murderous "(pg.35) or quell'adorabile step where you turn to Tony Blair (pgg.150-1), in broken English to a total iessaidù or - to be more generous - in fact structures literal transplants Italic style Babelfish. Just between us, certain that someone could have avoided the "great Oriana" peracottari from this figure, explaining that if Mr. Blair had never approached her divine pamphlet, it would be the English, and that it was perhaps better leave the translation to those who do these things to trade.
How Not to mention the passage, since we're on the subject, where the Prophetess reminds us that September 11 "the TV showed me that the Palestinians overjoyed praising the slaughter. Berciano win-win "(p. 15)?
Poor Oriana, which no one ever told the fool who did Reuters and Associated Press (the pushers of this so-called "Scoop"), when you discovered the truth about how those images of a dozen or so of "jubilant Palestinians "were very accessible, and as there was no relationship between attack and joy - far from being spontaneous - for those people. [4]
And, while we, poor Oriana, which no one told the story never Sivan Kurzberg, Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari, the Israelis who were arrested shortly after the September 11 attack because of their suspicious behavior - including behavior stood out the resumption of collapse of the World Trade Center between complacent sneers, and the joyous celebration with dancing and clapping in Liberty State Park, between noises like, "Now even the Americans know what it feels like." [5]
But those who warn us of what was the great prophetic warn, Oriana us: we this "clash of civilizations" we are losing - and loudly - at home, as is confirmed by any of the skinhead Inglese Defence League. It is very cold comfort to know that "our" make regular incursions into the countries of the 'other civilizations, bombing weddings, by bloodshed of civilians, mutilating children, torturing innocent unfortunate, very little consolation to us if we citizens, angrily proud to be Christians (non-practicing, for charity as you would like to sleep well on Sunday morning?), up to us to see that Eurabia is approaching here at home - perhaps in the form of a mosque that sits right there, where a foretaste of the erection of a supermercatone Sigma, or supermarkets.
O tempora! O mores!
There are many gems waiting the kind readers who want to get close to the acidity talkative of that masterpiece of the great Oriana - prophetess, but if it forces us to choose just one - and only one - the quality of that divine pamphlet, then confessed to having a soft spot for the capacity it has the author is not able to ask questions, even the most elementary. And this, dear friends, is a skill with which one is not born: get there only after decades of autogenic training in what the aforementioned George Orwell called doublethink - or doublethink (although we would like to suggest a variant: unthink ).
An example? The Prophetess recognize the hand of the CIA in training, arming, funding and training Islamic extremists in the trendy 80: "[...] the Americans who lost their marbles in fear of the Soviet Union, were arming the Afghan-heroic-people. They trained with the bearded and bearded (God forgive them, not me) named a bearded Osama Bin Laden. "(P.81)
And, of course, could not be aware of ' interview with the Nouvel Observateur, Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1998, in which our hero proudly told of how he was, back when he was secretary of state in the administration of Jimmy Carter, to create out of nothing Mujahideen terrorists to lure the Soviet Union in Afghanistan trap, and create The USSR also for its beautiful Vietnam. [6] Yet
Prophetess, with admirable self-censorship of mind, can not ask for a moment like someone throws gasoline on the fire for years, can never be burned. Nothing, not even a little question: on the contrary, it seems, the vulnerability of U.S. born ethnic "[...] its essence, his generosity, his respect for citizens and guests. "
And if you can be satisfied with this explanation, which seems designed to wet the Northern League with excitement, then good for you come
But our admiration even to those who witness such a prestigious gathering, has shaken in recent days for the collar, screaming addosso che questi moti rivoluzionari in nord Africa e Medio Oriente finiranno inevitabilmente per portare al potere i soliti estremisti islamici.
Anche ad essi arrivi il nostro applauso per la loro capacità di astenersi dal porsi elementari domande.
Vedono manifestazioni con cartelli rigorosamente in inglese, studiati ad hoc per lisciarsi le simpatie di noi, pubblico occidentale; vedono l'assenza di barbuti e vedono come questi comizi abbiano accuratamente evitato di farsi riprendere nell'atto di bruciare le solite, obbligatorie bandiere statunitensi e israeliane [7], sdoganandosi completamente con noi, “democrazie” dell'Ovest (“Vedete? Sono proprio come noi, 'sti egiziani!”); vedono tutto questo, e riescono a non farsi domande.
Vedono che la “chiamata alla rivoluzione” in Siria è architettata da siriani che vivono all'estero, come prova il fatto che la maggior parte dei messaggi sull'apposita pagina Facebook provengono da fuori del paese . [8]
E neanche una domandina.
Vedono Hillary Clinton lanciare il segnale – come un arbitro che fischia il calcio d'inizio – in quel discorso a Doha di cui già si è parlato in queste pagine [9], e vedono queste rivoluzioni, magicamente e inspiegabilmente, scattare nemmeno una settimana dopo. E ancora, neanche l'ombra di un dubbio.
E sì che già due anni fa c'era chi si domandava if the CIA and the Mossad was planning to remove Mubarak by hook or by crook. [10]
Ah no, it's witty intellectuals looked on in horror, wondering how it is never possible to believe in something, because Mubarak has always been an ally of USA & Israel, Not on your life, etc, etc ...
will be as you say, Dear Lord, and then there crying your heart to be forced to remind you that the signs that Mubarak was becoming a bit 'naughty and uncontrollable for the two nations had already seen back in 2005.
No, you're not talking about its intention - it goes like North Korea - to appoint his son as successor.
Remember when Egypt signed an agreement with the Palestinian Authority for a gas pipeline that would transport gas from the coast of Gaza to El Arish, excluding Israel? [11]
Remember too that the media then amazed interrogating the mysterious and unusual silence about Israel?
Well, just two days later, the media stopped to question, as there was the attack in Sharm el-Sheikh, that only our Western news all'immarcescibile not hesitate to give al-Qaida.
The media in Egypt instead, it seems more likely, in that case, connect the dots, seemed to have no doubts, and there are those who swear that for a time the site was readable Reuters la seguente citazione (successivamente rimossa): “ Alcune fonti di sicurezza hanno affermato che almeno una delle auto che sono saltate in aria sabato aveva una targa speciale, che indicava la sua provenienza dal confine con Israele, a Taba, nella penisola del Sinai ”. [12]
Cosa volete a questo punto, cari signori? Una dettagliata lista di tutti gli episodi, dal luglio 2005 fino ad oggi, in cui il buon Mubarak ha deluso i suoi padroni, per poi ricevere puntualmete il meritato castigo? Culminando nella “rivoluzione” di questi giorni?
No, vi abbiamo dato anche troppi spunti; mettetevi in movimento Voi, adesso.
E datevi anche una mossa, OK?
Pardon, che volete farci: leggendo Your favorite prophet, we have been contaminated by his loving tone. Let us therefore conclude with a quote: "Stop. What I have to say I told you. The anger and pride I have ordered. A clear conscience and age have allowed me.
Enough. Full stop. "
Pace, Francesca Rinaldo
[1] Available here:
http://www.scribd.com/doc/8317647/The-Crisis-of-Democracy-Michel-Crozier- Samuel Huntington, Joji Watanuki-
[2] Codest deep pearls are available coast
[3] A pdf copy can be downloaded here. There you have the courage? Come on, I challenge you:
[4] See the exposé that appeared in Der Spiegel, September 21, 2001, available here:
http://translate .googleusercontent.com / translate_c? hl = en & sl = de & u = http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0, 1518,158625,00. rurl & html & usg = translate.google.com = ALkJrhiqhZCXfYs-3ZP6xkC_6iPos7pE8w
[5] Paulo Lima: Five men detained as Suspected Conspirators, NJ News, September 12, 2001, published at:
http://web.archive.org/web/20011108025936/http:/ www.bergen.com/news/2bombvan200109125.htm
[6] "Pourquoi et comment j'ai finance Ben Laden en Afghanistan" ; the article, in French, is available here:
http://michelcollon.info/034-Pourquoi-et-comment- j-039-ai.html? lang = fr
[7] Liz Sly: Arab Amid protests, U.S. Influence has waned , The Washington Post, February 4, 2011, available at:
http://www.washingtonpost .com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/02/03/AR2011020306882.html? hpid = TopNews
[8] Calls for weekend protests in Syria , February 4, 2011, published here: http:/
/ english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/02/201122171649677912.html
[9] A sermon for the region, available here:
[10] Talooman: Cairo bomb: CI & Mossad Trying to topple Mubarak? February 25, 2009, available at:
[11] BG, PA in gas deal without Israel , July 21, 2005, article published on:
[12] See:
http: / / tinyurl.com/4p83fyg
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