Thursday, February 17, 2011

Anderson Samantha Freeones

Lineup of Saint Lucia (old) in the Department of Serio Bergamo

  Photography Cristian Riva

Ready for your trip ...? Sit back while keeping in mind that if you want to enjoy the best adventure, photos can be "open" completely with a couple of clicks.
good trip!


DEPARTURE: Round Saint Lucia (Hospital area)
ARRIVAL: Via Tre Armi
LENGTH: 340 m.
TIME: 15'-20 '

È una di quelle vie gradinate maggiormente interessate dallo sviluppo urbanistico dell’ultimo secolo e, anche per questo, la si può considerare senz’altro come la più “cittadina” delle antiche scalette che conducevano ai campi fuori le Mura. 
La strada prende avvio nell’elegante piazzetta di Santa Lucia, dove una fontanella offre ristoro prima di partire.

La Scaletta di Santa Lucia si diparte a fianco della splendida Villa Tentorio , posta a margine della grande Rotonda, a mezza strada fra la Galleria Conca d'Oro e la piscina Italcementi.

the entrance of the climb, as well as for all the ladders of the city, a comprehensive marker shows you, with key details, the exact point where the ladder starts.

present initially no steps, the climb performance welcomes the traveler with pretty sweet, now wowing the look with the features of each "ladder" that respects: the cobbled carefully maintained , in the lovely stone walls, a constant presence of green, the silence and stillness and, in summer, the pleasant part of nature.

Path slight slope in the short stretch, stretches out a theory of 200 steps to the east flanked by walls that if winter let as much light and heat, summer days offer enough shade and a pleasant coolness.

Behind the gates and high walls, lovely homes and gardens pleasant, quiet and ogle cheer the move.

there, above the eyes look at a handful of valuable residences, and continuing the path between the tall walls, accentuating the impression of a journey back in time: they were, these steep lines that unraveled in the vicinity of the oldest villages.

The perception of a past of intense evocative force its way at every step: behind every wall, every door, every window, the mind feels , like a deja vu, the echoes of moments of real life, which holds with joy and gratitude.

Only after about 15 'pleasant cammino, il tratto s’impenna con un residuo di cinquanta gradini, costringendo il passo a rallentare. Sembra quasi che i contorni di pietra si restringono ad offrire un confortante senso di protezione e d'incoraggiamento: l'arrivo è ormai a portata di mano!

E' bello, lungo il cammino, soffermarsi sul gioco cangiante delle pietre, sui segni, sui colori e su una miriade di particolari racchiusi fra gli antichi muri, che inevitabilmente catturano lo sguardo e invitano a inaspettati - quanto graditi e talvolta necessari - attimi di meditazione.

At the end of this short but intense journey, coming off the top of Three Arms, face the top of High St. Alexander street, meet the "little village ", originally named for its complete autonomy from the rest of the city. In the heart of

little village is the baroque church of the Madonna del Giglio , which owes its name to the alleged miracle occurred in 1659 the small Felicetta Coltrin, partial infirmity for over three years and miraculously healed after fervent prayers to Our Lady. Tradition has it che persino i gigli ormai appassiti deposti dinnanzi alla sacra immagine, improvvisamente rifiorissero.

La pregevole chiesetta è impreziosita dall’altare in marmo arabescato, costruito dai fratelli Manni di Gazzaniga nel 1714, dalle tele di Marco Olmo e dagli affreschi della volta e del lunettone di C. Tencalla, anch’essi di inizio 1700.

Laddove termina la salita della Scaletta di Santa Lucia , s'incontra " Il Paesetto " (nell'immagine in un dipinto di Claudio Facheris): svoltando a destra s'imbocca via Tre Armi, dove si potrà prendere Lineup of the way to Heaven, another gem steps leading into the lower part of town

Val definitely worth the effort - just beyond the little village - continue along the Via Sant ' Alessandro High, to take the long ramp leading to the scenic Port S. James, finally giving the eye the coveted award for the "hard work" accomplished: the wide opening on the landscape below, with a view of the eye on the immense plain.

A few steps and enjoy the beautiful view of the majestic Porta San Giacomo, surrounded by precious curtain of eighteenth-century mansions that adorn the beautiful tree-lined walls.

Finally Porta San Giacomo (1575), entirely covered with pinkish-white marble of Zandobbio, designed by the "proto engineer" Paul Berlendis and unique work of art of any large city walls (1561-1590), by the captain-general of the Venetian troops, Sforza Pallavicini.
La Porta, very dramatic even at night, taking the name of a church demolished in 1561.


If you want to consider continuation of the journey, it is suggested by the return Ladder of Paradise can be reached via three weapons passing uphill for about three hundred meters, adding the gardens laid out under the high bastion, one of the bastions of Santa Grata and St. John. Need to provide a lasting about an hour, is pleased to make this round trip.

instead to reach the funicular, you can get off along the adjacent Climb the ladder , located at the foot of Ramp Porta San Giacomo.

Ringraziamenti: Grazie di tutto cuore al mio amico Cristian Riva   ( cristian) che, ancora una volta, grazie al suo amore per la natura e alla sua abilità di fotografo, ci  ha regalato le preziose immagini di questo bellissimo Reportage .  
Le fotografie della Scaletta di Santa Lucia sono visibili anche su Facebook , all'indirizzo di Cristian. :)

But the surprise does not end there: do not miss then Ladder of Paradise ... in short


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