April 27, 1796 Peace of Paris cession of Nice and Savoy from Piedmont to France
November 1796 Transpadana Constitution of the Republic (New York)
January 9, 1797 Constitution of the Republic Cispadana (Bologna, Ferrara, Modena, Reggio E.)
May 12, 1797 Deposition last Venetian doge, Ludovico Manin
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; The subdivision of Italy in 1796 before the creation of the Cisalpine Republic |
" The launch of the Italian Renaissance is closely connected with the great French Revolution. In fact, the repercussions of the events of 89 and those who followed them strengthened in our country conditions conducive to the consolidation of national movement that had begun to emerge in the eighteenth century, accelerating the transformation of a still largely rhetorical and literary tradition into a coherent political ideology and stimulating the aggregation of groups working specifically for the change and the ' modernization in the sense of historical reality existing progressive and willing to risk their lives for this purpose "(F. Della Peruta.)
Also in the Bergamo area is with the arrival of French revolutionary principles and then with the advent of the 'Napoleonic facing the premises, both at the ideological level and on the political-institutional subsequent struggles for independence and national unification .
24 and 25 December 1796 : The French come into Bergamo with the approval of the mayor Ottolini, occupy the Fair and Castle, the garrison is withdrawn from the Venetian fortress. The mayor calls the Venetian army, who are not opposed to leave the city.
March 12, 1797: The bell rings, the Venetian rule ended. Was officially proclaimed the Republic Bergamo.
March 13, 1797: The French command Ottolini recommend to the mayor leaving office and the city would be arrested if they refuse. The Otto left for Brescia.
March 14, 1797: The Republic of Bergamo seeks' annexation Cispadana republic. In the villages and streets of the city on a donkey to carry the requisite noble filoveneziani wigs. In the evening will be burnt together with Venetian flags.
March 17, 1797: In the Old Town Square is being promoted the 'tree of liberty , white, red and green topped with a Phrygian cap .
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Cover of the original Declaration of Human Rights |
The Revolution Bergamo , inspired by the principles of the French Revolution ( 1) was a real watershed event in the modern age and the contemporary.
Within hours, between 11 and 12 March 1797 , is irreversibly consumed in three and a half centuries of history that had tied Bergamo to Venice were changed laws and administrative structures and tax, upset the political order, social groups, customs and cultural daily.
The winged lion was chiseled from the gates and the town hall, the heraldic symbols taken from ancient palaces.
(1) The constitution (approved March 24), which is the fundamental law of the State, written by Bergamo Jacobins, drew on the values \u200b\u200bexpressed by the Universal Declaration of the Rights (1789), with which the French recognized the freedom of speech and religion el ' equality of men before the law, inviting all people to a universal brotherhood.
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The tree of liberty, a symbol of the rebirth of France |
Bergamo is the first of Veneto of land to rebel against Venice and the first constitution in autonomous republic (2) the March 13, 1797, when, on March 12, was seven hundred, including noble and that they signed their accession the expulsion of Count Otto, representing the city in the Veneto (3) .
(2) Bergamo The republic consists of 24 was chosen (8 of which are members of the defunct town, reflecting the relative continuity with the past), of which 14 are noble. The new civilian organization provided for the division of the province into cantons, the convocation of the people for the election of deputies from the municipality intended to represent the mother (the Bergamo), the individual cantons, the municipalities of their appointment, composition, duties and term of office of those elected bodies, the appointment dell'amministrator General of Finance.
This reorganization proposes the French administrative structure. The Municipality also redefined the 'military organization.
"The municipality organized the provisional government of the city and the newly formed republic Bergamo in six committees, each consisting of four members: the police, finance, health, general security, the militia of Commerce. The bureaucratic structure of the new town consisted of a secretary (one of two clerks of the defunct town), three assistants (one of whom is also the outgoing chancellor and the other Assistant Clerk), an accountant and a cashier, as well as a secretary of the Board of Health , also re-elected. The administrative machine was born, therefore, tried and tested by previous experiences. On March 14, were "fired" the judges of the court praetorian (praetorian vicar, judge the right and duty to judge and curse) and the two clerks, and praetorian prefect. A week Later the government of the city was divided into two bodies: a municipality known as "active", consisting of eight members, and a municipality known as "passive" or council of state, made up of the remaining sixteen members. Again you can see the desire to return to the traditional division into two bodies consigliari typical of the defunct regime. On 1 April, the committee structure was more precise: the active committees became five, general defense, police, the militia, finance and trade and di'struzione and public emergency services, each consisting of two municipalities, two alternates, three secretaries and two ushers. To complete the structure was a chief secretary, secretary sessions, a secretary to the dissemination of posters and two helpers for the petitions. On April 5, was approved the division of the province of Bergamo in fifteen cantons through a rule which should have been fully implemented from next April 17. After April 25 committees were reduced to four, due to the amalgamation of those of general defense and police. Members of other committees formed passive municipalities: the health supplies, roads, water, and the militia, to rent, the debtors, the abundance of the mountain, the damage data. The division committees and the powers entrusted to each of them appear to be similar to that structure in colleges assert that we have seen Bergamo especially from the second sixteenth century "(from SIUSA - City of Bergamo).
(3) M. Gelfi, Between the end of the modern era and the beginning of the contemporary age: the Republic of Bergamo, in "Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts of Bergamo, 1996-1997, vol. LX.
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Tree of freedom in a print of 1789 |
The revolt be organized and operated by members of the local nobility , mostly young people, who, backed by a group of intellectuals and men of the middle class, they decide to move independently, albeit under the indispensable coverage of the French army. On March 12 revolutionaries require less Members of the Council to sign the vote for freedom and the union to Cispadana; in the night between 12 and 13 in a room of Palazzo Roncalli is officially proclaimed the Republic and named the new Municipality Angelo Ottolini and the following morning, the last representative Venetian in Bergamo, is shifted away from the city without bloodshed.
are opening subscriptions to the oath of allegiance: swear eternal hatred for the tyranny of oligarchy and loyalty to the people of Bergamo . The bishop Dolfin states with its vote, the legitimacy of the new government.
The March 16 landed are the symbols of the former regime (the lion of Venice disappears chisel) and March 17 is raised in the Old Town Square first tree of liberty (4) , pine taken from an aristocratic rebels from the garden of the accounts Benaglio in St. Matthew: the destruction of old emblemi e l'imposizione dei nuovi risignificano politicamente la città .
(4) Usato come simbolo di libertà durante la Rivoluzione francese, simbolo pagano adottato come segno di rinascita, di vita nuova e di felicità, l'albero della libertà era un lungo palo ricavato da un grande albero; alla sua sommità veniva posto un berretto frigio (a cono floscio) con la punta ricadente in avanti, di origine anatolica (Asia Minore) utilizzato dagli schiavi liberati dell'antica Roma (ancient Phrygian ).
The ' tree of liberty "is being promoted with the people in the party, to the sound of the bell and with some public pantry of bread, wine and money. Symbol of the Revolution, the pole was decorated with tricolor ribbons and people gathered around it to celebrate the end of the previous regime.
to leave a vivid testimony convulsive events that accompany and follow the proclamation of the Republic of Bergamo, Piazza Vecchia is the bell-ringer, Michele Bigoni who, from the bell to assist in the event annotated notebooks we passed a party in the square, where lights, music, food and wine will mark the beginning of a new political and social situation , dominated freedom and civil rights.
Witness many of the incidents documented by Michael, the friend is Vincenzo Bonomini , whose plans, accompanying texts Bigoni, let us further valuable evidence art and history.
Uno dei disegni di Vincenzo Bonomini , illustrati nei quaderni di Michele Bigoni: Allegoria di una monarchia che si accompagna alla Guerra e alla Morte |
Affine a Michele per tanti aspetti psicologici e professionali, Vincenzo Bonomini sarà, in quei memorabili giorni, sistematicamente chiamato a sovrapporre nuovi emblemi politici a quelli da lui stesso dipinti pochi anni prima.
Gli emblemi politici designed by Vincenzo Bonomini |
A lberi freedom were erected in many village squares and province. Wherever badges were demolished, statues and symbols of Venice. The Bergamo, through 'the party', expressed their joy for a long time and desired social change, the subsequent reform of the political structure, the level of involvement that the various social classes were in rebellion against the regime to determine the Venetian, which lasted nearly 400 years in Bergamo.
In the months following the proclamation of the Republic of Bergamo, is implemented in a real revolutionary propaganda campaign (civic celebrations, lunches patriotic catechisms, pamphlets of political pedagogy, satirical prints, the latter half communication easy to understand even for the illiterate masses): the explicit aim is to entrench the new reality and its ideological resulted in a population that has largely taken note of the change of government, when there was violently opposed, especially in the province (5) .
(5) aftermath of the revolt, in fact, in Valli is organizing a counter- culminating in a gunfight at Longuelo between Republicans and pro-citizens -Venetian-villagers : from all the valleys Valleriani, with the effigy of St. Marco in the hat and with the crucifix on his chest, full of vitality and fury - as recalled by a reporter of the time - had fallen threatening to the gates of the city and only the heavy intervention of the French troops had reduced them to submission (letters of the period describe farmers Martinengo with the effigy of San Marco, rather than with the cockade and report praising the cries of the rioters in Venice).
The counter closed 20 April 1797, but it is emblematic of dissisio existing between rural and urban to the Republic of Bergamo determined dall'irreligiosità of the revolution, but also profound differences culture, traditions, interests, feelings.
A new ruling class formed by the bourgeoisie (6) kinds artisans and a part of the nobility (7) seized power and for the first time, the country people, while if marginally, participated in the revolt. Even the clergy (8) was hit by the wave of novelty that the Revolution brought with him from Bergamo in just a few months the men were publicly forced to wear the 'tricolor cockade', symbolizing the new Republic, and to give Municipalities in the middle of the silver in churches, monasteries and oratori.
I religiosi furono inoltre costretti a cantare il Te Deum per celebrare la pace durante le funzioni religiose.
(6) La borghesia mercantile bergamasca, sempre più dedita al contrabbando e oppressa dall'aumento delle tasse imposte da Venezia su molti prodotti (lana, seta, pane, vino), fu una delle più accanite sostenitrici della Rivoluzione bergamasca. Attraverso i confini territoriali (Passo San Marco ) ci fu una vera e propria circolazione di nuove idee (ad es. la vendita dei libri provenienti dalla Francia operata dagli editori bergamaschi massoni come l'Ambrosioni e l'Antoine ), che inutilmente Venezia che cercò di ostacolare.
Questi ultimi, appartenenti alle logge dei Liberi Muratori, furono particolarmente sensibili al tema della progressiva alfabetizzazione culturale delle masse e pubblicarono a tale scopo (oltre a giornali della nuova Repubblica bergamasca) l'almanacco popolare, che ebbe un ruolo di primo piano nell'educazione delle classi meno agiate. Gli almanacchi comprendevano short articles on different topics (stories, practical advice ...), was well-suited to a wide spread.
(7) The nobles were divided between pro-revolution and pro-Venetian. The noble "enlightened" who rallied to the Republic belonged to families who had acquired the title between the end of 600 and 700. For them the rule of Venice was an impediment to the development of economic interests tied to the silk sector.
pro-Venetian nobles were generally short (in the days of turmoil looked from expressing their opinions). They were mostly large landowners who had no interest in diversifying its business through the introduction of mulberry trees and silk processing.
Revolution Bergamo took a moderate approach that, unlike the French, not terrorized the pro-Venetian nobility. The revolution was in fact at least in a city virtually without bloodshed. 8 municipalities were part of the new accounts, a marquis and 5 other nobles.
(8) These were some of the reasons that divided the clergy into two parts: firstly the Dolfin Bishop and the clergy of the city fiercest supporters Republic, on the other the lower clergy who never saw a good eye on the nascent municipalities and disseminated to the papacy counter the ideas of the valleys of pro-Venetian nobles. Many were the efforts of Bishop Dolfin because all the clergy were to adopt the new Republic of Bergamo.
15/03/1797 In his proclamation of the pastors of churches to join the Republic and to explain to the people, because " ... all power comes from God ... so who obeys the Secular powers, to obey God, and anyone who resists, resists to God ... .
And yet, in another letter, invited the priests and all the clergy to be more patriotic and not to foment discontent and disorder. E 'in this time of great change that came into the 'cultural circles ', groups of people, made up of representatives of the bourgeoisie and nobility of the 'enlightened', which is found in coffee shops to discuss the revolutionary values, simultaneously, was released on first local newspaper, "The Patriot Bergamo " (9) , who declared himself available to all citizens.
(9) Tuesday, May 23, 1797 (4 April of the Republic of Lombard) released the first newspaper in Bergamo, four pages, size 25 cm by 20. Title: "The Patriot Bergamo " printed by the printer Rossi, director of the ex-abbot Alborghetti Joseph, a Republican from the very first time. The first "editorial says:" Citizens , we arrived at the time happy to see ensured our independence, to reap the fruits of our revolution . "output twice a week (Tuesday, Friday). sold by the same printer, the printing Antoine and two libraries. Performs the first half. I nobles were the target of barbs. Li was invited to give the ancient rights.
In the same year came " The newspaper of the Free Men." printing in Borgo San Leonardo, printing press and was directed by Locatelli James Fork. The first "editorial" promising, "Bel far courtesan imitating the cowardice of some writers newspaper (...) I will dare to write what I know and I will dare to know what I'll write . "proclaimed the newspaper available to all citizens . He argued that to change attitudes not simply warnings. The newspaper, having started with a commitment filorivoluzionario was particularly tolerant of pro-Venetian nobles.
"Il Foglio Magazine of the Department of Serio " (from April 6 to June 22, 1798). Newspaper combative and "sincere", perhaps this lasted little. The suspension was announced in the following words " D examples of Italian Monitore (suspended). You see how to curb press freedom in the Cisalpine Republic. The Department of Film Magazine Serio has always crept on the sacred soil of freedom and told the whole truth. Not to offend but to educate: men, however degraded, devoted to slavery, it costs too much to shake the torch of reason. Some people, eager for revenge have come to the slandering and compiler this he tralascerà print up to the best of times, until the complete development of Liberty, Equality Constitutional and Forza . Full Republican period the General Plan for Education (10) also produced a reform in the school, arguing that public education was the cornerstone of all democracies. Hence the need to establish, with the lessons of charity, elementary schools and evening classes for more holidays low.
This combination of elements of political, social and cultural rights, unthinkable until a few years earlier, allowed the musician Gaetano Donizetti Bergamo , the son of modest workers in the textile sector, to be admitted to the music lessons taught by JS Mayer , choirmaster.
(10) In 1798, right in the Republican period, including the General Plan Education, prepared by a committee of seven, including Lorenzo Mascheroni, was inspired by the 'elementary education to the Austrian model, which had made the school compulsory and free.
There were large differences between the major and minor schools, including male ones and female ones, among those cities and the countryside.
- The school children were financed exclusively by the small local finances and did not allow access to the grammar school and high school.
- teaching in girls' schools was reduced compared with those of men.
- During the year during which the work was challenging in the fields, rural schools were deserted by students.
- The school children were financed exclusively by the small local finances and did not allow access to the grammar school and high school.
- teaching in girls' schools was reduced compared with those of men.
- During the year during which the work was challenging in the fields, rural schools were deserted by students.
Hence the need supported by religious institutions, with lessons charitable (Gaetano Donizetti , son of simple weaving, was able to study only because of them) and the Industrial Society Bergamo for the secular, to establish elementary schools and festive evening.
The preparation of teachers was insufficient. Their salary was poor: they were forced to find other sources of income. The classrooms were often at the limits of living, with furniture and teaching aids and inadequate overcrowded classrooms.
With the Republic was proclaimed free exercise of the arts and crafts is abolish certain duties and settled new taxes for working with silk, which was based on the entire local economy .
But the political and economic conjunctures, the continuous regime of war, the burden of taxation and the introduction in 1802 of conscription meant that the various groups of young people were to act, alone or in combination , against the government. The form of rebellion that ensued was the brigandage and we can not speak without thinking of robbers all'inafferrabile Pacchiana Vincent, said Pacì Paciana , that the legends have almost turned into a new Robin Hood. In fact Pacì Paciana to the official historians had only a brave and daring bandit.
Foundation Bergamo in History, " The Power and the changing scene in Bergamo , Matteo Rabagliati.
- City of Brandon (Florida Heritage)
- City of Brandon (Florida Heritage)
- By the onset of the Historical and National Identity: Paul Martinuicci, Historical and Cultural onset in Bergamo and Brescia , see: "The Secret societies, the revolutionary conspiracy and the birth of republics ", with particular reference to the following paragraphs: " The conspiracy in Bergamo, "" The accident of theaters, as well as "The Republic Bergamo. | | ||||||||||||
Messina, for a visual creation of a register of local architectural heritage. Survey sull'imago urbis bergomensis prints of the first half of the nineteenth century, in "Museum & History", n. 5, year 2006 | |
curious ...
Brolis-Bruno, Tullio Pizzigalli (coordinators), Refresher Course in 2000. Title: The Republic Bergamo 1797 [More]
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