Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Raven Riley In Military Outfit

Teatro Riccardi

During eighteenth century, following the move (1740) from wood to masonry of commercial installations in Prato della Fiera di Sant'Alessandro , we are witnessing the consolidation of the development of those various forms of entertainment (from mime and comic performances, the puppets to the circus, from exhibitions to performances of exotic animals and acrobats of charlatans, from tournaments to comedies and operas), that time there gravitated to coincide with the fair in August, a period characterized by a high influx (approximately 16,000 people at the end of the eighteenth century) and an intense social life, as well as a full calendar of events held at temporary wooden structures mounted within the enclosure of the fair and surrounding areas.

Baroni Square in time for Fair

To accommodate the most important initiatives was built in 1770 among Muraine and Sentierone and addressing this, the Theatre Bolognesi, a sort of circus-theater temporarily erected each year.
E 'right on this area which, in the years 1786-1799 , will be built the Teatro Riccardi (the same theater, a century later, take the name of Teatro Donizetti ) thanks initiative of Bortolo Riccardi valid manufacturer and trader of silk Carobbio of Angels, which won a concession by the City (owner) and the Ospedale Maggiore (tenant) land to build a permanent theater.

and between 1770 and 1780 that makes the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Fair build a national theater features less ephemeral theater "temporary." Bortolo Riccardi is the first to achieve this purpose. Presents the project, which is approved, according to the criteria imposed by the Hospital Maggiore, which claims the creation of a theater in wood, not stone.
pretext soil moisture, Riccardi ago But do most of the masonry (1) .

Fair Teatro Riccardi and in the context of the city center

position Teatro Riccardi (in Piazza Cavour, indicated with an arrow), perfectly aligned with the Factory of the eighteenth century Stone Fair (print inizio'800). (Public Library A. Mai, Bergamo)

The center of Bergamo in 1885. At the center of the photograph (C. Bizioli), opposite the "Factory of the Fair", the tallest building is the theater Riccardi (Collection Lucchetti)

With Bortolo Riccardi, the city of Bergamo thus equips its first permanent theater , a specially erected building for theater and independent, thanks to which is to strengthen that link in a definitive manner in which fair-Theatre 's operas was - among many - the main attraction.

Teatro Riccardi in 1880, with the porch overlooking the street S. Bartholomew and Sentierone. Photo Taramelli (Collection Lucchetti)

Following the initiative of the Riccardi born of chance (even for economic reasons, the ownership of the boxes, etc.). Very lively controversy and the "factory of the theater "was suspended. The appetite for music at the Fair but it was felt that among controversies, arguments, delays and financial constraints, in a theater is still unfinished, with roofs of wood and canvas, well before the official ( as the New Theatre in Fair Lawn, or the New Theatre, or Theatre Fair), and shows began to be taken already, in 1784 , the work is represented in music Medon, king of Epirus of Guseppe Sarti.

After six years, completed the masonry building, the August 24, 1791, under the name Teatro Riccardi theater is officially inaugurated ( with the work Dido Abandoned "serious drama" with a libretto by Metastasio), working regularly in three separate seasons, one in Spring, Summer and another one in during the fair.

At the time of its inauguration, Riccardi had a front very different from what we see today, plastered, and preceded by a small porch . L ' auditorium, designed by Francesco Lucchini , had elliptical boxes with Italian (originally with three tiers surmounted by a loggia, with the reconstruction after the fire of 1797 , when it will be completely rebuilt in brick, will add another lodge), measures around the perimeter of m. 58 x m. 35, la platea lunga m. 21,40, il boccascena largo m. 15,30.  
Le decorazioni erano di Marcellino Segrè .
Per la distribuzione ed armonia - afferma un testimone dell'epoca - può essere considerato fra i migliori d'Italia .
"Negli anni immediatamente successivi quelli dell'inaugurazione le cose si svolgono al Riccardi con una certa tranquillità. Le stagioni si susseguono con bastante regolarità, i cantanti chiamati per l'opera sono di grido, the public acceptance (not just local: many foreigners, especially for the exhibition season) no doubt "(E. Comuzio)

But in the night between 11 and 12 January 1797 , among turmoil of the transition from the Venetian domination French domination, a raging fire it destroys the roof and all the wood parts.
The fire, possibly caused by a malicious act (2) is placed in relationship with the fire in the Citadel Theatre (which will then be replaced by Cerri Theatre), which took place at the behest of Vicepodestà (Representative of the Serenissima Bergamo) in the night between 7 and 8 January 1797.

The "Riccardi" and the square in front in the first half of the nineteenth century (Biblioteca Civica A. Mai, Bergamo)

Bergamo could not be without a theater.
Riccardi After the fire and the demolition of the Citadel Theatre is the city of Bergamo without theaters. While in High Town is being built in fast times Cerri Theatre (a wooden building set up in the Palazzo della Ragione, built by the municipality francese, attivo fino al 1807), per l'imminente stagione di Fiera in Città bassa del 1797 (data dell'incendio) si pensa di sopperire alla mancanza di un Teatro Stabile con un "teatro provvisionale" (di legno e con palchi uniformi nella logica dell' "egalitè") da edificarsi nella zona dell'Ospedale.

In questo teatro nella stagione di Fiera del 1797 vengono eseguite due opere (i "drammi giocosi" L'astuta in amore , di Valentino Fioravanti e Il matrimonio segreto , di Domenico Cimarosa), più due balli . Ma la zona prescelta per la costruzione del teatro non risulta idonea as being too marshy, and at the end of 1797 was demolished sending "To hell with the evil deed born" as Fork wrote in his article of 24 November on the "Newspaper of the Free Men."

For at least two years during the exhibition season is used to shows (which does not always have a happy outcome) represented in the wooden booths. Despite the serious financial problems in the meantime Bortolo Riccardi can be reborn from the ashes of their theater.

Pen Theatre Riccardi (Near the old barrier is the duty of Grace, then become Porta Nuova) (Bergamo, Biblioteca Civica)

Now that the French had brought a breath of freedom, a time when the city \u200b\u200bwas completely devoid of theaters, the new theater, now Riccardi fully rebuilt in brick and again by the architect Gianfranco Lucchini , more resources splendid and imposing than before, with the second loggia decorated with paintings of chiaroscuro Bonomini, pittore fra i più originali del periodo fra Sette e Ottocento, che purtroppo si persero in occasione dei lavori di restauro del 1870.

 1890 circa. Bergamo, il Teatro Riccardi prima della trasformazione in Teatro Donizetti (fonte: Luciana Guerrini)

Il Teatro Riccardi venne riaperto al pubblico il 30 giugno 1800 con uno spettacolo di prosa (mentre Napoleone dominava la scena europea) , ed inaugurato il 26 agosto 1800 durante la stagione della Fiera.
Bergamo bassa riacquista così il suo teatro che darà grande impulso alla vita teatrale cittadina.

 Il Teatro Riccardi fotografato dal retro, con la fiancata lato ovest (Raccolta Pelandi)

Nacque la Seconda Repubblica Cisalpina e le truppe francesi presidiarono Bergamo. Al Teatro Riccardi si diedero rappresentazioni di diverso tipo, fra cui balletti ed altri spettacoli in onore dei nuovi dominatori (3) .
The theater is very popular and appreciated.
culture Bergamo Prominent figure in the first half of 'the nineteenth century, Giovanni Simone Mayr (Bergamo settled in around the beginning of the century), will represent the Riccardi works: in 1801 , The Misunderstanding and then The Elisa Geneva and Scotland.

Soon ( 1802) blazed the litigation (or less on the obligation to pay royalties for the seasons out of the exhibition) with the noble to which the Riccardi had to sell the antlers (1790) in order to complete the theater, an issue that led to the secession of the rib aristocratic Riccardi, who later sfocierà in the building, in Upper Town, the Teatro Sociale ( 4) , and in the ensuing race opera (alternate active periods, but even between 1810 and 1814), which for years fueled the competition between the two rival factions, reflecting what the antagonism existing between the City and Villages .

Meanwhile, the political conditions change. French troops leave in 1814 Bergamo (hunted dalla reazione dell'Austria, della Prussia e della Russia) ed al loro posto s'insediano quelle austriache. 
Comincia dunque il dominio dell'Austria , che durerà quarantacinque anni.
Gli "Spettacoli in Fiera" si susseguono  stagione dopo season.
Fair Bergamo Teatro Riccardi and living in a close relation in binomial enclosed theater-economy. The quality of the performances must rise to the "best Fair Italy" and the cost for setting up the events over time becomes too burdensome for employers. Just to maintain a satisfactory level of performances from 1821 the Community provides a " dowry" for the construction of the theater. Since 1826 a "dowry " is provided also in favor of Theatre Company's (opened in 1808) during the City.
Bergamo has two permanent theaters, built in stone . The rivalry is very strong and heartfelt, and can also be seen in a long legal battle brought by Riccardi to be recognized the right to open the Teatro Sociale also simultaneously with the upper town. But the competition is better on the quality of the performances.

In 1830 administration Teatro Riccardi goes from Bortolo Riccardi, the founder, impresario Bartolomeo Merelli (who had studied with Donizetti's music and for his dictatorial methods was nicknamed the Napoleon of managers ), which organizes theater seasons of great attraction. Thanks to him Vincenzo Bellini is host of "Riccardi" in 1830 with The foreign and in 1831 with Norma , taking care of their own in the staging (the recitation of Bergamo Norma is a triumphant vindication of this work, the year before, making his debut at La Scala, was greeted coldly, also on the interpretation of the famous soprano Giuditta Pasta).
And yet if the merit of Merelli works of Gaetano Donizetti are represented in large numbers in Bergamo, from 1837 , working to affirm the fortunes of the composer from Bergamo, a recognized right of the greatest nineteenth century.

In 1840 Bergamo pays for the first time a public demonstration (will be the last, his lifetime) to Donizetti, this theater for the performance of his work The exile of Rome, played by singers scream as Domenico Donzelli, Eugenia Tadolini and Ignazio Marini.
In Bergamo the Master will return for good in 1847 (the "Riccardi" had just represented Maria di Rohan his ) to die the following year.

The musical taste of the time is very demanding, born in different cities philharmonic society (centers of musical culture), creating the first local band and, although the need for permanent theaters in the city of Bergamo is now being fully complied with, the widespread activities of amateur actors and theater companies also encourages the building of other small theaters, we recall the theater of Rosate and the Teatro di San Cassiano (demolished in 1940) in Upper Town, as well as the Theatre Phoenix in Lower Town.

E 'the era of the great interpreters is to say, "Riccardi" great singers, in addition to the aforementioned, as Judith Crisis, Giuseppina Strepponi (then wife of Giuseppe Verdi), Domenico Reina, Erminia Frezzolini, Carlo Guasco Napoleon Moriani, and large Bergamo Giovan Battista Rubini, Domenico Donzelli rival the already mentioned, James and John David, father and son, also yields (the second was nicknamed: the Paganini of the song), Angelica Ortolani, soprano, and others. In the lobby of the theater - the modern system - you can see from the other busts those of Rubini and Ortolani.

  Il Teatro Riccardi nel secolo scorso. Sulla destra si può notare "Porta Nuova"

Un evento del periodo considerato è il debutto di Giuseppe Verdi , presente in teatro, con l' Ernani ( 1844 ). L'esito della rappresentazione, curata dallo stesso Verdi (oggi diremmo che ne fu il regista) è positivo, in un teatro affollato da molti esponenti del mondo artistico del tempo.
Verdi torna al "Riccardi" per curare la messinscena del Rigoletto ( 1854 ), per la sua "prima" in Lombardia, ma l'esecuzione è mediocre, con disperazione del Maestro. Il quale si rivarrà in seguito con gli esiti trionfali delle tante sue opere rappresentate al Teatro Riccardi.

Ma nel nostro teatro non si rappresentano solo opere in musica. Sono presenti i balletti (in uno si esibisce, nel 1840, la celeberrima danzatrice Fanny Cerrito), le pantomime , le commedie , e spettacoli vari .
Tra gli attori di prosa si avvicendano sulle tavole del "Riccardi" i maggiori interpreti italiani del tempo, come Giuseppe Salvini, Francesco Augusto Bon, Luigi Romagnoli, all founders of great families of actors, and then Mascherpa Romualdo, Giuseppe Moncalvo, Maddalena Pelzet, Adelaide Ristori, Gustavo Modena. There are also various kinds of entertainments like vaudeville (operetta progenitors) and scientific marvels as Agioscopio Miriafanorama and systems, light projections anticipate that in a sense, in 1846, cinema .
Since 1835 the theater has a new curtain painted by Carlo Rota, and the competition audience is there. The inputs are paid in pounds Austria, the most expensive are the Stages of Pepiano (ie the first row), the First and Second Order, and cheaper are of course the two lodges (the last is higher, is called hours as gallery. And as now, the entrances to the two lodges are on the side of the theater). To facilitate the spectators from from Upper Town and Lower Town in order to draw them (the "Village", according to the old definition) are practiced in their price reductions.

Young Greens. The musician is in the theater in 1844 for his first opera staged at Richard, '"Ernani." (Lithograph by Focosi).

Meanwhile, the ' intolerance against the domination of Austria increases more and more, between the provinces of Upper Italy, Bergamo is one of the more determined to speak out against the Empire Eagle biceps. In 1847 there is the "Ricci" a memorable performance of the The Lombards at the first Crusade of Verdi, with an endless ovation moved to the famous chorus "O Lord, from my home " symbolic expression of all people who aspire to freedom.
The revolt broke out in the real March 1848 : Bergamo also has its five days and while many people are coming to give a hand against the Milanese sollevatisi Radetzky, in other cities at the same time, promote and implement the ' uprising against the Austrian garrison, commanded by Archduke Sigismund, who was forced to yield.
Per motivi di " politiche turbolenze " e poi per un'epidemia di colera il "Riccardi" resta chiuso durante le stagioni di Fiera del 1848 e del 1849 , e per un certo periodo è adibito a ospedale militare. Le illusioni di libertà intanto cadono ad una ad una; e dopo una campagna vittoriosa le forze patriottiche si sfaldano e gli Austriaci riprendono il sopravvento.

Si succedono anni senza storia, se si eccettua l'incendio che una notte del 1850 distrugge parte del palcoscenico, e i lavori di miglioria apportati nel 1856 . Poi, finalmente, nel 1859 Bergamo si libera una volta per tutte dal governo stranger. Italy and a sovereign becomes a reality.
On 12 August of that year was held at the "Riccardi" a concert in Bergamo for the coming of King Vittorio Emanuele II ; other events subsequent to charity see the patriotism ally in time of carnival, and for some years , moreover, are held in the theater masked balls, establishing a tradition that will be up to our century.

Runs for the city for a 'fresh air, a feeling of progress and welfare, as well as on the newfound freedom. While Mayor Giovan Battista Camozzi , fratello di Gabriele amico di Giuseppe Garibaldi, e patriota lui stesso, la città viene illuminata a gas e poi entrano in funzione le prime tramvie civiche . Anche al teatro, nel 1868 , arriva l'illuminazione a gas, che sostituisce quella ad olio, grazie ad una grande lumiera di centoventidue fiamme per la sala, più un'altra più piccola per l'atrio. Si restaura anche l'interno con nuove decorazioni; e nel 1877 si rifanno l'armatura e la copertura del tetto, si rinnova la pavimentazione della platea e si sostituiscono i sedili di platea (quelli esistenti, a parte la loro vecchiezza, sono talmente scomodi da "rompere le reni").  
Despite this, the period is not very bright for the "Riccardi" in the mid 800 Bergamo fair system in crisis. Also due to the decline of the Fair and therefore revenue, in 1855 the City Council vote the abolition of the contribution to the two theaters in the city. With the crisis of the Fair also has a crisis management theaters Bergamo. Riccardi in the absence of subsidies will void the municipal level shows and the attendance drops. But now time is running out and another has to deal with its future (Bergamo has a population of 37,733 inhabitants in 1857 and has just built a railroad that connects Milan). One begins to debate a possible change of the center of Bergamo and with barrier have one theater that synthesis of the two cities . By the end of the century there will be a turning point.

Teatro Riccardi in 1895. For some time we talk about a renewal of the "awkward" porch is particularly targeted (Bergamo, Biblioteca Civica)

A first sign of rescue is when the theater management is entrusted to a builder enterprising, Louis Sweets, attracted by the world of entertainment and theater impresario of a temporary wooden stands in Piazza dei Baroni, as well as manufacturer of two theaters in the same place in life rather short, the ' Ernesto Rossi e il Givoli .

  Una rivista militare davanti al Teatro Givoli (o Politeama Givoli), in una fotografia del 6 giugno 1897. Il Givoli smise di funzionare nel 1893 (fonte : Luciana Guerrini)

I figli del Luigi Dolci seguiranno poi le orme del padre, specialmente Antonio, capomastro pure lui, che erigerà più tardi il Politeama Novelli (durato dal 1899 al 1904) e dirigerà i lavori per la costruzione della Casa del Popolo , in which the proceeds will Theatre Rubini (1907-1987).

Since 1879 management "Riccardi is hired by a woman Giovannina Lucca, widow of a major music publisher Ricordi direct rival, which has among other things in the theater, in the first national the work Steil North the German composer Meyerbeer . In 1895 passes to a theater company citizens (who become owners under a quota system called carats) and you do it for the first time appeared a work by Wagner advocate a new conception of melodrama, which also causes violent controversy in Bergamo. Together with the work and the prose are hosted at Riccardi shows and demonstrations of various types, including " variety" (with artists of exceptional value, like the quick change Fregoli ), the " music academies, the sporting events (wrestling, fencing, to name a few) and the circus (making the headlines Wild West Show of Buffalo Bill, already famous buffalo hunter).
Among the merits of that Giovannina Lucca is the elevation at the scene of "Riccardi" in 1885, the work unfinished and posthumously Donizetti's Il Duca d'Alba , completed the missing parts from the master Bergamo Matteo Salvi.

The inauguration of the monument to Gaetano Donizetti (September 26, 1897), built next to the theater by the sculptor Francesco Jerace (Collection Lucchetti)

'E' in the name of Donizetti that there is a turning point in the life of our theater. happens in 1897, on the occasion of the centenary of the birth the composer "(E: Comuzio) and during the solemn funeral, culminating nell'inaugurazione of the monument by the sculptor Francesco Jerace (which you can see still dominate the "Swan lake", which flanks the east side of the building), the Teatro Riccardi took the name that brings Gaetano Donizetti Theatre still has and was completely renovated.

(1) For build a permanent theater, Riccardi had to circumvent the rules of the institution and the city owns the land of Fair - the Hospital - which requires the characteristics of impermanence. By decision and ruthlessness, the Riccardi, the pretext moisture of the soil, planted the foundations of stone and began to erect the brick piers. However, the factory was suspended because the initiative had provoked an uproar of controversy .
(2) While the French troops of Napoleon (revenue in Bergamo in 1796) were preparing (1797) to conclude the campaign of Italy and seal the end of the Republic of Venice, Alessandro Ottolini (last Captain of the Venetian Republic, the head of the armed forces of the city), probably for reasons of public policy made destroy , January 7, 1795, il Teatro della Cittadella (che fu sostituita dal Teatro Cerri, inaugurato nel 1798 e rimase attivo fino al 1807, allestendo opere serie e comiche. Con i suoi 74 palchetti disposti su tre file sormontate da una loggia, il teatro, in legno, sopravvisse fino al 1818), che funzionava in Bergamo alta, proprio entro il perimetro della residenza governativa. Quattro giorni dopo scompariva anche il Riccardi , ma - Bergamo era divisa fra i seguaci dei francesi e quelli dei veneziani -  non si seppe mai chi, realmente, ne fu responsabile.
(3) Stendhal , presente Bergamo as a second lieutenant of cavalry in Napoleon's army, writes home that our city has two theaters: in a very nice village, which is situated in the Bergamo plain, and the other in the town square wooden (ie Upper Town: it's Cerri ).
(4) Between 1806 and 1809 another theater was built on a project L. Pollack, in Bergamo: fine architecture of this theater, built on the initiative of a group of nobles, is above all a sign of 'well-established destination High in the city residence of the gentry.
For the events on - inter alia - the quarrel between the two theaters, see The quarrels between the Teatro Riccardi and the Teatro Sociale, the two faces of Bergamo.
From: Teatro Donizetti , as well: Paolo Fabbri, Two Cities (from Teatro Sociale di Bergamo. Life and Works , Louis Pilon). Pdf.



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