the serious economic and political situation, the continuous regime of war, the burden of taxation and above the introduction in 1802 of coscrizione obbligatoria , suscitano il malcontento popolare e costringono tanti uomini alla clandestinità e al Brigantaggio .
Non si può parlare di briganti senza pensare a lui: l'inafferabile " PACI' PACIANA ".
Le gravi congiunture politiche ed economiche del 1799-1800 e del 1809-1811, il continuo regime di guerra , il peso della tassazione sempre più opprimente vanno not rest mainly on the lower classes, resulting in deterioration of their living standards and an increase of pauperism.
Digging further the gap between government and lower classes also helps a lot in the introduction of 1802 conscription (1) (each department must provide a quota each year, and in proportion to the population relation to the needs of war), that the "requirements" means being away from home for four years in peacetime and in times of war indefinitely. And the war, with its cost in human terms as well as economic, in those years is dramatic reality: between 1797 and 1814, the 200,000 men who fought in the militia Italic, 125,000 die in battle or war-related causes.
So all ' obligation of military service - news made it even more unpopular by the practice of substitution, which allows the upper classes to pay for a replacement - you respond massively even the Serio department with hiding and the desertion.
The resistance is strong and continues to recruit, promote outbreaks of rebellion and leads an opposition movement to the generalized passive connivance of parish priests, local administrators, parents, threatened by the authorities in vain.
Di fronte alle dure misure repressive, tanti giovani, costretti alla macchia per ragioni di sussistenza, vanno ad aggravare l’endemico brigantaggio locale, che, alimentato anche dal contrabbando del sale e del tabacco , risulta sempre operante nel territorio e particolarmente nelle valli .
Il perturbamento dell’ordine pubblico nel Serio (ordine già difficilmente controllabile in un dipartimento di confine e per di più prevalentemente montuoso come quello orobico) è tale da determinare nel 1805 l’attivazione di un tribunale speciale e la nomina di un commissario d’alta polizia.
Orde di briganti (2) are reported in Valcamonica in Scalve in Val Caleppio .
In 1806 in Val Brembana every day one murderess named Pacchiana takes in those people without fear that it could reduce the Gendarmerie forces, as evidenced by a document from the archives. The Pacchiana appointed, which, thanks to the protection of the local population, held in check for months patrols mobilized to stop it, is none other than the Pacì Paciana protagonist is still a lot of puppet shows, where it is usually presented as the bandit good, protector of the weak, in constant struggle against the police, armed with an expression of oppressive government.
Pacchiana born between Grumello Vincenzo de 'Zanchi and Poscante, Bonora in the district in the municipality of Zogno , 18 December 1773 .
So all ' obligation of military service - news made it even more unpopular by the practice of substitution, which allows the upper classes to pay for a replacement - you respond massively even the Serio department with hiding and the desertion.
The resistance is strong and continues to recruit, promote outbreaks of rebellion and leads an opposition movement to the generalized passive connivance of parish priests, local administrators, parents, threatened by the authorities in vain.
Di fronte alle dure misure repressive, tanti giovani, costretti alla macchia per ragioni di sussistenza, vanno ad aggravare l’endemico brigantaggio locale, che, alimentato anche dal contrabbando del sale e del tabacco , risulta sempre operante nel territorio e particolarmente nelle valli .
Il perturbamento dell’ordine pubblico nel Serio (ordine già difficilmente controllabile in un dipartimento di confine e per di più prevalentemente montuoso come quello orobico) è tale da determinare nel 1805 l’attivazione di un tribunale speciale e la nomina di un commissario d’alta polizia.
Orde di briganti (2) are reported in Valcamonica in Scalve in Val Caleppio .
In 1806 in Val Brembana every day one murderess named Pacchiana takes in those people without fear that it could reduce the Gendarmerie forces, as evidenced by a document from the archives. The Pacchiana appointed, which, thanks to the protection of the local population, held in check for months patrols mobilized to stop it, is none other than the Pacì Paciana protagonist is still a lot of puppet shows, where it is usually presented as the bandit good, protector of the weak, in constant struggle against the police, armed with an expression of oppressive government.
Pacchiana born between Grumello Vincenzo de 'Zanchi and Poscante, Bonora in the district in the municipality of Zogno , 18 December 1773 .
his figure, history, legend, tradition and truth continue to intertwine, and everyone still remembers her figure to your liking and exclusive Who hero, who notorious criminal.
R epresentation the symbol of justice for the villagers, who they called him ol Padru Val d'Brembana .
For the official historians actually Pacì Paciana was only a brave and daring bandit.
episodes linked to the vicissitudes of Pacì Paciana have been handed second versions not always consistent with each other: for example, the episode of the size of 100 gold pieces on the head of PACI, sometimes turns out to be earlier than the famous dive into the Brembo, and sometimes back.
La sua leggenda vuole comunque che si fosse dato al brigantaggio per un’ingiustizia subita.
Si racconta che divenne un brigante quando, non ancora trentenne, per difendersi da due imbroglioni che lo avevano derubato, regolo' l'affronto con una sonora scarica di legnate ai due manigoldi e incredibilmente per questo subì la sua prima denuncia. Per non farsi incarcerare da quel potere che schiacciava sempre i piu' deboli, si dette alla latitanza nei boschi meno accessibili della valle brembana che lui conosceva benissimo perche' pare esercitasse, per poter tirare a campare, oltre al mestiere di taglialegna anche quello del contrabbandiere di "tabacco".
Da qui inizia la sua storia di giustiziere della valle brembana , perchè ovunque ci fossero ingiustizie, soprusi o da ridistribuire equamente ricchezze, interveniva lui, il Pacì, che a suon di schioppettate si faceva rispettare e soprattutto temere da usurai e da quelli che lui riteneva prepotenti e opportunisti.
Intanto il suo mito cresceva a dismisura e la sua fama di imprendibile diveniva leggendaria; le sue gesta erano considerate eroiche da pastori, contadini, viandanti, insomma da tutto il popolo che non amava i gendarmi, i quali non capivano e non parlavano la loro lingua, il bergamasco.
Da qui inizia la sua storia di giustiziere della valle brembana , perchè ovunque ci fossero ingiustizie, soprusi o da ridistribuire equamente ricchezze, interveniva lui, il Pacì, che a suon di schioppettate si faceva rispettare e soprattutto temere da usurai e da quelli che lui riteneva prepotenti e opportunisti.
Intanto il suo mito cresceva a dismisura e la sua fama di imprendibile diveniva leggendaria; le sue gesta erano considerate eroiche da pastori, contadini, viandanti, insomma da tutto il popolo che non amava i gendarmi, i quali non capivano e non parlavano la loro lingua, il bergamasco.
La coscrizione obbligatoria aveva peggiorato il malumore dei valligiani: questo vento di ribellione giungeva sino alla città di Bergamo nella quale pure non mancavano gli estimatori del Pacì, tant'è che ricorrente era la frase: "un Pacì Paciana per ogni paese".
Le autorità competenti (si stava attuando il Regno d'Italia), intenti a soffocare questo simbolo di libertà, emanarono dei bandi di cattura con tanto di Size: 100 gold pieces if I live, 60 gold pieces if dead.
Countless ambushing the guards to capture him and memorable firefight in Endenna, Zogno fraction, with a couple of deaths among the forces of 'order.
From those conflicts Pacì always came out unscathed, thanks to a special craft bulletproof vest that - they say - wore under his cloak, so as to make it invincible.
Impact resistant body type rather than the Pacì was high, his curly black hair twisted as they used then, black beard, olive skin color. He always liked to disguise himself to escape cattura, sia nei lineamenti che nei travestimenti (da contadino vecchio, da prete e persino da donna) parlava il bergamasco con influenza veneta per via della passata dominazione della Serenissima ed era immancabilmente armato di coltelli , pistole e fucile a schioppo .
Countless ambushing the guards to capture him and memorable firefight in Endenna, Zogno fraction, with a couple of deaths among the forces of 'order.
From those conflicts Pacì always came out unscathed, thanks to a special craft bulletproof vest that - they say - wore under his cloak, so as to make it invincible.
Impact resistant body type rather than the Pacì was high, his curly black hair twisted as they used then, black beard, olive skin color. He always liked to disguise himself to escape cattura, sia nei lineamenti che nei travestimenti (da contadino vecchio, da prete e persino da donna) parlava il bergamasco con influenza veneta per via della passata dominazione della Serenissima ed era immancabilmente armato di coltelli , pistole e fucile a schioppo .
I ponti di Sedrina |
Per catturare il Pacì Paciana e cancellare quindi il mito, le truppe francesi organizzarono, grazie a una soffiata, un imboscata nei pressi dei ponti di Sedrina.
E ' passed the episode of his dive to escape arrest : the chief of police ordered him to surrender, adding: - Even the old fox you take. - The Pacì said: - The fat cats, but not of this hair! - with courage and jumped into the waters of Brembo.
I think 'and then take refuge on top of Lake Como by a robber that Carcino (Carciofolì said) that he believed friend, who only pocket the bounty on his head hung down, the killed with a shot as he slept, the cut 'the head and then hand it over' to the French to play down the front of the Pacì population, exhibited the under the guillotine to Fara City High. It was August 6, 1806 and died in 33 years Pacì Paciana .
ended here the history of this legendary character of the Valley-Brembana who also managed for the record - to marry one of his village, Angela Sonzogni. Perhaps only she could tell if the Pacì Paciana had become such a notorious bandit because of events or a romantic thief "gentleman" who loved only the right and above all freedom.
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Carciofolì The puppet, in the world Carcino Carciofoli |
ended here the history of this legendary character of the Valley-Brembana who also managed for the record - to marry one of his village, Angela Sonzogni. Perhaps only she could tell if the Pacì Paciana had become such a notorious bandit because of events or a romantic thief "gentleman" who loved only the right and above all freedom.
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Left Gioppino young, right Pacì Paciana |
The the eggenda Paci Paciana was handed down by the stories and the popular theater, especially that of puppets, which seized it, making a hero avenger the wrongs and injustices of the fittest.
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Pacì Paciana |
With Giopì - loyal and trusted friend - and other bandits, Pacì became one of the characters in the puppet theater more loved and, even today, represented, to the delight of children and more.
Dialogue Pacì Giopì and who has not recognized, based on a play by Luigi Milesi said Bigio :
- Pacì: ... you're not afraid to pass around here where there is this famous bandit Vincenzo Pachiana disliked by all, sought by justice?
- Giopì: Tea! FET is atento like you to speak ill of the CIAP Ciapanna (sic), eh! if no te c pesado houses' n de l'orghenì, eh!
- Pacì: but how? But you know him?
- Giopì: Ö! Gosh! mè amis!
- Giopì: Eh, what de Ciapa Ciapanna gh'en vöres ü every village! because '... the CIAP indove is something to be robes and 'l na door' is something I ndo! et captain, dear me el halo?
(From Elbaginelli and Ghidoli, October 5, 1974 in World People in New York).
(1) During the Republic Bergamo conscription was established (Decree of April 14, 1797). Men between 18 and 50 years were to serve in the National Guard for 1 pound to 15 sous a day. It was the possibility of substitution at its own expense by others, the possibility that they could take only the wealthier social classes, the only ones able to pay for a replacement. The conscription
disappeared with the fall of the Republic of Bergamo, to return in 1802. The new conscription imposed absence from home for four long years in peacetime and for an indefinite state of war. (2) The connection between desertion and banditry is even more explicit in the years of major political and military tension, such as 1809 and 1813 .
In May 1809 , during the onset popular anti-French exploding in Vallecamonica announcement of the price of salt, the deserters are common cause with the rebels and attacked some villages of the valley and the mountains for refuge.
In 1813 , di fronte alla requisizione straordinaria decisa dal viceré Eugenio, il ribellismo dilaga, si organizza in consistenti e pericolose bande armate e giunge a minacciare città e contado.
Così una cronaca coeva: "I disertori, refrattarj e morosi che in gran numero si trovavano sparsi nel nostro territorio, e specialmente nelle valli, col cappello in una mano e con l’archibugio nell’altra domandavano la carità. Dapprima si avea per essi della compassione, perché non potevano ricovrarsi nelle case loro né in quella d’altrui, essendo sotto gravissime pene vietato anche ai padri stessi di alloggiarli e di somministrar them food and money, and why he was persecuted to death at the mercy of all the arrest and killing, if not immediately surrendered, promised rewards for every deserter arrested or killed. But afterwards they put on their violence in the apprehension not only territory but also the city itself ".
History Foundation in Bergamo
Ancient Historical Characters Brembana Valley in the province of Bergamo
(1) During the Republic Bergamo conscription was established (Decree of April 14, 1797). Men between 18 and 50 years were to serve in the National Guard for 1 pound to 15 sous a day. It was the possibility of substitution at its own expense by others, the possibility that they could take only the wealthier social classes, the only ones able to pay for a replacement. The conscription
disappeared with the fall of the Republic of Bergamo, to return in 1802. The new conscription imposed absence from home for four long years in peacetime and for an indefinite state of war. (2) The connection between desertion and banditry is even more explicit in the years of major political and military tension, such as 1809 and 1813 .
In May 1809 , during the onset popular anti-French exploding in Vallecamonica announcement of the price of salt, the deserters are common cause with the rebels and attacked some villages of the valley and the mountains for refuge.
In 1813 , di fronte alla requisizione straordinaria decisa dal viceré Eugenio, il ribellismo dilaga, si organizza in consistenti e pericolose bande armate e giunge a minacciare città e contado.
Così una cronaca coeva: "I disertori, refrattarj e morosi che in gran numero si trovavano sparsi nel nostro territorio, e specialmente nelle valli, col cappello in una mano e con l’archibugio nell’altra domandavano la carità. Dapprima si avea per essi della compassione, perché non potevano ricovrarsi nelle case loro né in quella d’altrui, essendo sotto gravissime pene vietato anche ai padri stessi di alloggiarli e di somministrar them food and money, and why he was persecuted to death at the mercy of all the arrest and killing, if not immediately surrendered, promised rewards for every deserter arrested or killed. But afterwards they put on their violence in the apprehension not only territory but also the city itself ".
History Foundation in Bergamo
Ancient Historical Characters Brembana Valley in the province of Bergamo
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