Thursday, February 17, 2011

What Is The Best Type Of Swimmers For Big Boobs?

Egyptians know imitate our democracy?

Già una settimana prima delle dimissioni di Hosni Mubarak, Lauren Laverne non aveva dubbi che gli egiziani sarebbero usciti vittoriosi da queste due settimane di tumulto: giovedì scorso, in diretta nazionale UK (Channel 4), si domandava se questi nord africani fossero in grado di costruirsi una splendida democrazia secondo il modello offerto dalla Gran Bretagna.

Mubarak sarà ancora al potere, ma lo spirito della democrazia persists throughout North Africa and the Middle East. Egypt and Tunisia are in turmoil, even the Yemen is teetering.
So, here is our guide on the goals you expect in the aftermath of the revolution.
Then, Egyptians: what you should expect from democracy? Well you see, democracy means that you may be governed by a multi-millionaire prime minister who has not won the elections, who leads a bunch of government - which no one had given the vote - not even a poster, and he wants us to believe that his moody leadership will give us a bright future.
you like, eh?
(photo: David Cameron)

And what about the economy in your new, bright democracy? Mmm, what about managing it by puppet of the ultra-privileged Bilderberg Group and the banks, whose bizarre skin is so transparent as it is his desire to dismantle the public sector and squeeze every last penny profit from the pockets of taxpayers, already overwhelmed by taxes? Fantastic!
(photo: George Osborne)

Along with the newfound democracy, comes the freedom and what better way to protect your sparkling freedom, if not a lazy dog \u200b\u200beurocratico deputy prime minister, who makes promises at random and that he sits idly watching the government showing the middle finger to freedom?
(photo: Nick Clegg)

And, to surround your new leaders, how about a cabinet made up of alienated, ugly and retarded, which are both at their comfortable in their private clubs, as they are rotting in the pockets of the powerful corporations and uncontrollable?
(pictured, above the toilet)

Finally, last but not least, democracy means that the opposition will have a clear voice that will challenge the government, will keep an eye and put it into question. More than a man, a dynamo!
Force tiger!
(photo: Ed Miliband)

So good luck, good luck Egypt have taken the first step towards a prosperous future. We will see the other side.

The video can be viewed here:


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